169 lines
7.3 KiB
169 lines
7.3 KiB
"Home": "Home",
"Browse": "Bwowse",
"Library": "Wibwawy",
"Tracks": "Twacks",
"Playlists": "Pwaywists",
"Albums": "Awbums",
"Artists": "Awtists",
"More": "Mowe",
"Settings": "Settings",
"Downloads": "Downwoads",
"Search or paste Deezer URL. Use / to quickly focus.": "Seawch ow paste Deezew URL. Use \"/\" t-to quickwy focus.",
"Play": "Pway",
"Add to library": "Add t-to wibwawy",
"Download": "Downwoad",
"fans": "fans *^*",
"tracks": "twacks",
"Quality": "Quawity >w<",
"Estimated size:": "Estimated size uwu:",
"Start downloading": "Stawt downwoading",
"Cancel": "Cancew :<",
"Stream logging is disabled!": "Stweam wogging is d-disabwed?!?",
"Enable it in settings for history to work properly.": "Enyabwe i-it in settings fow histowy t-to wowk (・`ω´・) pwopewwy.",
"History": "Histowy :>",
"Create new playlist": "Cweate nyew pwaywist",
"Sort by": "Sowt by",
"Date Added": "Date Added",
"Name (A-Z)": "Name (A-Z)",
"Artist (A-Z)": "Awtist (A-Z)",
"Album (A-Z)": "Awbum (A-Z)",
"Error loading lyrics or lyrics not found!": "Ewwow woading lywics ow (・`ω´・) lywics nyot found!!11",
"Create playlist": "Cweate pwaywist",
"Create": "Cweate",
"Add to playlist": "Add t-to pwaywist",
"Create new": "Cweate nyew",
"Remove": "Wemove",
"Play next": "Pway nyext",
"Add to queue": "Add t-to queue",
"Remove from library": "Wemuv fwom wibwawy",
"Remove from playlist": "Wemuv fwom pwaywist",
"Play track mix": "Pway twack mix",
"Go to": "Go t-to",
"Track Mix": "Twack Mix",
"Duration": "Duwation",
"Released": "Reweased",
"Disk": "Disk",
"albums": "awbums",
"Play top": "Pway t-top",
"Radio": "Wadio",
"Show all albums": "Show aww awbums",
"Show all singles": "Show aww singwes",
"Show more": "Show mowe",
"Downloaded": "Downwoaded",
"Queue": "Quewe",
"Total": "Totaw",
"Stop": "Stop >*<",
"Start": "Start :3",
"Show folder": "Show fowdew",
"Clear queue": "Cweaw quewe",
"Playing from": "Pwaying fwom",
"Info": "Info",
"Lyrics": "Lywics",
"Track number": "twack nyumbew",
"Disk number": "Disk nyumbew",
"Explicit": "Expwicit :<",
"Source": "Souwce",
"ID": "ID",
"Error logging in!": "Ewwow wogging in!!",
"Please try again later, or try another account.": "Pwease twy again Latew, ow (・`ω´・) twy anyothew account.",
"Logout": "Wogout",
"Login using browser": "wogin ;;w;; u-using bwowsew",
"Please login using your Deezer account:": "Pwease wogin u-using youw Deezew account:",
"...or paste your ARL/Token below:": "...ow paste youw ARL/Token below:",
"ARL/Token": "ARL/Token",
"Login": "wogin ;;w;;",
"By using this program, you disagree with Deezer's ToS.": "By u-using this pwogwam, you disagwee with Deezew's ToS.",
"Only in Electron version!": "Onwy in Ewectwon vewsion?!?",
"Search results for:": "Seawch wesuwts for:",
"Error loading data!": "Ewwow w-w-woading data?!?!",
"Try again later!": "Twy again watew!!11",
"Search": "Seawch",
"Streaming Quality": "S-Stweaming Quawity >w<",
"Download Quality": "Downwoad Quawity >w<",
"Downloads Directory": "Downwoads Diwectowy",
"Simultaneous downloads": "Simuwtanyeous downwoads",
"Always show download confirm dialog before downloading.": "Awways show downwoad confiwm diawog befowe downwoading. UwU",
"Show download dialog": "Show downwoad diawog",
"Create folders for artists": "Cweate fowdews fow awtists",
"Create folders for albums": "Cweate fowdews fow awbums",
"Download lyrics": "Downwoad wywics",
"Variables": "Vawiabwes",
"UI": "UI",
"Show autocomplete in search": "Show autocompwete in seawch",
"Integrations": "Integwations",
"This allows listening history, flow and recommendations to work properly.": "This awwows wistenying histowy, flow and wecommendations t-to wowk (・`ω´・) pwopewwy.",
"Log track listens to Deezer": "Log twack wistens t-to Deezew",
"Connect your LastFM account to allow scrobbling.": "Connyect youw LastFM account t-to awwow scwobbwing.",
"Login with LastFM": "wogin ;;w;; with LastFM",
"Disconnect LastFM": "Disconnyect LastFM",
"Requires restart to apply!": "Requiwes restawt t-to appwy?!?! ;;w;;",
"Enable Discord Rich Presence, requires restart to toggle!": "Enyabwe Discowd Rich Pwesence, requiwes restawt t-to toggwe!!11",
"Discord Rich Presence": "discowd Rich Pwesence",
"Enable Discord join button for syncing tracks, requires restart to toggle!": "Enyabwe Discowd join button (・`ω´・) fow syncing twacks, requires restaw t-to toggwe!!11",
"Discord Join Button": "discowd Join Button",
"Other": "Othew",
"Minimize to tray": "Minyimize t-to tway",
"Don't minimize to tray": "Don't minyimize t-to tway",
"Close on exit": "Cwose on exit",
"Settings saved!": "Settings saved!",
"Available only in Electron version!": "avaiwabwe onwy in Ewectwon vewsion?!?",
"Crossfade (ms)": "cwossfade (ms)",
"Select primary color": "Sewect pwimawy c-cowow",
"Light theme": "Shit theme",
"Create folders for playlists": "Cweate fowdews fow pwaywists",
"About": "About owo",
"Links:": "Links:",
"Telegram Releases": "Tewegwam ÚwÚ Reweases",
"Telegram Group": "Tewegwam ÚwÚ Gwoup",
"Discord": "Discowd",
"Telegram Android Group": "Tewegwam ÚwÚ Andwoid Gwoup",
"Credits:": "Credits:",
"Agree": "Agwee",
"Dismiss": "D-Dismiss",
"Added to playlist!": "Added t-to pwaywist!",
"Added to library!": "Added t-to Libwawy!",
"Removed from library!": "Remuvd fwom wibwawy!",
"Removed from playlist!": "Remuvd fwom pwaywist!",
"Playlist deleted!": "Pwaywist deweted!",
"Delete": "Dewete",
"Are you sure you want to delete this playlist?": "Awe you suwe you w-want t-to dewete this p-p-pwaywist?",
"Force white tray icon": "Fowce white tway icon",
"Force default (white) tray icon if theme incorrectly detected. Requires restart.": "Fowce defauwt (white) tway icon if theme incowwectwy detected. ^w^ Wequiwes westawt.",
"Share": "Shawe",
"Settings quality": "Settings quawity",
"Content language": "Content wanguage",
"Content country": "Content countwy",
"Website": "Website",
"Visit website": "Visit website",
"New update available:": "Nyew update available:",
"Shuffle": "Shuffwe",
"Download album cover": "Downwaod awbum cover",
"Art Resolution": "Awt Wesowution",
"Public": "Pubwic",
"Private": "Pwivate",
"Collaborative": "Cowabowative",
"Edit playlist": "Edit pwaywist",
"Save": "Save",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Importer": "Impowtew",
"Enter URL": "Entew URL",
"Currently only Spotify is supported and limited to 100 tracks.": "C-Cuwwentwy onwy Spotify is suppowted and wimited t-to 100 twacks.",
"Import into playlist": "Impowt into pwaywist",
"Keep sidebar open": "Keep sidebaw open uwu",
"WARNING: Might require reload to work properly!": "WARNING: Might requiwe rewoad t-to wowk >,< !",
"An error occured, URL might be invalid or unsupported.": "An ewwow occuwed, URL m-might be invawid or unsuppowted.",
"Top tracks": "Top twacks",
"Show all top tracks": "Show aww t-top twacks",
"Singles": "Singwes",
"Album:": "Albuwm:",
"Artists:": "Awtists:",
"Yes": "Yes :>",
"No": "No :<",
"Download Filename": "Downwoad Filename",
"Language": "Wanguage (Don't change me >w<)",
"Background Image": "Background Image",
"Enter URL or absolute path. WARNING: Requires reload!": "Enter URL or absolute path. WARNING: Requires reload!"