const {Settings} = require('./settings'); const {Track} = require('./definitions'); const decryptor = require('nodeezcryptor'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const https = require('https'); const Datastore = require('nedb'); const ID3Writer = require('browser-id3-writer'); const Metaflac = require('metaflac-js2'); const sanitize = require("sanitize-filename"); class Downloads { constructor(settings, qucb) { this.downloads = []; this.downloading = false;; this.settings = settings; //Queue update callback this.qucb = qucb; } //Add track to queue async add(track, quality = null) { if (this.downloads.filter((e => == > 0) { //Track already in queue return; } //Sanitize quality let q = this.settings.downloadsQuality; if (quality) q = parseInt(quality.toString(), 10); //Create download let outpath = this.generateTrackPath(track, q); let d = new Download( track, outpath, q, () => {this._downloadDone();} ); this.downloads.push(d); //Update callback if (this.qucb) this.qucb(); //Save to DB await new Promise((res, rej) => { this.db.insert(d.toDB(), (e) => { res(); }); }); } generateTrackPath(track, quality) { //Generate filename let fn = this.settings.downloadFilename + (quality == 9 ? '.flac' : '.mp3'); //Disable feats for single artist let feats = ''; if (track.artists.length >= 2) feats = track.artists.slice(1).map((a) =>', '); let props = { '%title%': track.title, '%artists%': track.artistString, '%artist%': track.artists[0].name, '%feats%': feats, '%trackNumber%': (track.trackNumber ? track.trackNumber : 1).toString(), '%0trackNumber%': (track.trackNumber ? track.trackNumber : 1).toString().padStart(2, '0'), '%album%': track.album.title }; for (let k of Object.keys(props)) { fn = fn.replace(new RegExp(k, 'g'), sanitize(props[k])); } //Generate folders let p = this.settings.downloadsPath; if (this.settings.createArtistFolder) p = path.join(p, sanitize(track.artists[0].name)); if (this.settings.createAlbumFolder) p = path.join(p, sanitize(track.album.title)); return path.join(p, fn); } async start() { //Already downloading if ( || this.downloads.length == 0) return; this.downloading = true; await this._downloadDone(); } async stop() { //Not downloading if (! || !this.downloading) return; this.downloading = false; await; //Back to queue if undone if ( < 3) this.downloads.unshift(; = null; //Update callback if (this.qucb) this.qucb(); } //On download finished async _downloadDone() { //Save to DB if ( { await new Promise((res, rej) => { // this.db.update({_id:}, {state: 3}, (e) => { // res(); // }); this.db.remove({_id:}, (e) => { res(); }); }); } = null; //All downloads done if (this.downloads.length == 0 || this.downloading == false) { this.downloading = false; if (this.qucb) this.qucb(); return; } = this.downloads[0]; this.downloads = this.downloads.slice(1);; //Update callback if (this.qucb) this.qucb(); } //Load downloads info async load() { this.db = new Datastore({filename: Settings.getDownloadsDB(), autoload: true}); //Load downloads await new Promise((res, rej) => { this.db.find({}, (err, docs) => { if (err) return rej(); if (!docs) return; for (let d of docs) { if (d.state < 3) this.downloads.push(Download.fromDB(d, () => {this._downloadDone();})); //TODO: Ignore for now completed } res(); }); }); //Create temp dir if (!fs.existsSync(Settings.getTempDownloads())) { fs.promises.mkdir(Settings.getTempDownloads(), {recursive: true}); } } //Remove download async delete(index) { //Clear all if (index == -1) { this.downloads = []; await new Promise((res, rej) => { this.db.remove({state: 0}, {}, (e) => {}); res(); }) return; } //Remove single if (index >= this.downloads.length) return; await new Promise((res, rej) => { this.db.remove({_id: this.downloads[index].id}, {}, (e) => {}); res(); }); this.downloads.splice(index, 1); } } class Download { constructor(track, path, quality, onDone) { this.track = track; =; this.path = path; this.quality = quality; this.onDone = onDone; //States: //0 - none/stopped //1 - downloading //2 - post-processing //3 - done this.state = 0; this._request; //Post Processing Promise this._ppp; this.downloaded = 0; this.size = 0; } //Serialize to database json toDB() { return { _id:, path: this.path, quality: this.quality, track: this.track, state: this.state } } //Create download from DB document static fromDB(doc, onDone) { let d = new Download(doc.track, doc.path, doc.quality, onDone); d.state = doc.state; return d; } async start() { this.state = 1; //Path to temp file let tmp = path.join(Settings.getTempDownloads(), `${}.ENC`); //Get start offset let start = 0; try { let stat = await fs.promises.stat(tmp); if (stat.size) start = stat.size; } catch (e) {} this.downloaded = start; //Get download info if (!this.url) this.url = Track.getUrl(this.track.streamUrl, this.quality); this._request = https.get(this.url, {headers: {'Range': `bytes=${start}-`}}, (r) => { //On download done r.on('end', () => { if (this.downloaded != this.size) return; this._finished(tmp); }); //Progress r.on('data', (c) => { this.downloaded += c.length; }); r.on('error', (e) => { console.log(`Download error: ${e}`); //TODO: Download error handling }) //Save size this.size = parseInt(r.headers['content-length'], 10) + start; //Pipe data to file r.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(tmp, {flags: 'a'})); }); } //Stop current request async stop() { this._request.destroy(); this._request = null; this.state = 0; if (this._ppp) await this._ppp; } async _finished(tmp) { this.state = 2; //Create post processing promise let resolve; this._ppp = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; }); //Prepare output directory try { await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(this.path), {recursive: true}) } catch (e) {}; //Decrypt decryptor.decryptFile(decryptor.getKey(, tmp, `${tmp}.DEC`); fs.promises.copyFile(`${tmp}.DEC`, this.path); //Delete encrypted await fs.promises.unlink(tmp); await fs.promises.unlink(`${tmp}.DEC`); //Tags await this.tagAudio(this.path, this.track); //Finish this.state = 3; resolve(); this._ppp = null; this.onDone(); } //Download cover to buffer async downloadCover(url) { return await new Promise((res, rej) => { let out = Buffer.alloc(0); https.get(url, (r) => { r.on('data', (d) => { out = Buffer.concat([out, d]); }); r.on('end', () => { res(out); }); }); }); } //Write tags to audio file async tagAudio(path, track) { let cover; try { cover = await this.downloadCover(track.albumArt.full); } catch (e) {} if (path.toLowerCase().endsWith('.mp3')) { //Load const audioData = await fs.promises.readFile(path); const writer = new ID3Writer(audioData); writer.setFrame('TIT2', track.title); if (track.artists) writer.setFrame('TPE1', =>; if (track.album) writer.setFrame('TALB', track.album.title); if (track.trackNumber) writer.setFrame('TRCK', track.trackNumber); if (cover) writer.setFrame('APIC', { type: 3, data: cover, description: 'Cover' }); writer.addTag(); //Write await fs.promises.writeFile(path, Buffer.from(writer.arrayBuffer)); } //Tag FLAC if (path.toLowerCase().endsWith('.flac')) { const flac = new Metaflac(path); flac.removeAllTags(); flac.setTag(`TITLE=${track.title}`); if (track.album)flac.setTag(`ALBUM=${track.album.title}`); if (track.trackNumber) flac.setTag(`TRACKNUMBER=${track.trackNumber}`); if (track.artistString) flac.setTag(`ARTIST=${track.artistString}`); if (cover) flac.importPicture(cover);; } } } module.exports = {Downloads, Download};