const os = require('os'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); class Settings { constructor(electron = false) { //Defaults this.port = 10069; this.serverIp = ''; this.arl; this.streamQuality = 3; this.volume = 0.69; this.electron = electron; this.minimizeToTray = true; this.closeOnExit = false; this.width = 1280; this.height = 720; this.downloadsPath = this.getDefaultDownloadPath(); this.downloadsQuality = 3; this.createAlbumFolder = true; this.createArtistFolder = true; this.downloadFilename = '%0trackNumber%. %artists% - %title%'; } //Based on electorn app.getPath static getDir() { let home = os.homedir(); if (os.platform() === 'win32') { return path.join(process.env.APPDATA, 'freezer'); } if (os.platform() === 'linux') { return path.join(home, '.config', 'freezer'); } //UNTESTED if (os.platform() == 'darwin') { return path.join(home, 'Library', 'Application Support', 'freezer'); } throw Error('Unsupported platform!'); } //Get settings.json path static getPath() { return path.join(Settings.getDir(), 'settings.json'); } //Get path to playback.json static getPlaybackInfoPath() { return path.join(Settings.getDir(), 'playback.json'); } //Get path to downloads database static getDownloadsDB() { return path.join(Settings.getDir(), 'downloads.db'); } //Get path to temporary / unfinished downlaods static getTempDownloads() { return path.join(Settings.getDir(), 'downloadsTemp'); } getDefaultDownloadPath() { return path.join(os.homedir(), 'FreezerMusic'); } //Blocking load settings load() { //Preserve electorn option let e = this.electron; //Create dir if doesn't exist try { fs.mkdirSync(Settings.getDir(), {recursive: true}); } catch (_) {} //Load settings from file try { if (fs.existsSync(Settings.getPath())) { let data = fs.readFileSync(Settings.getPath(), 'utf-8'); Object.assign(this, JSON.parse(data)); } } catch (e) { console.error(`Error loading settings: ${e}. Using defaults.`) } this.electron = e; //Defaults for backwards compatibility if (!this.downloadsPath) this.downloadsPath = this.getDefaultDownloadPath(); } //ASYNC save settings async save() { //Create dir if doesn't exist try { await fs.promises.mkdir(Settings.getDir(), {recursive: true}); } catch (_) {} await fs.promises.writeFile(Settings.getPath(), JSON.stringify(this), 'utf-8'); } } module.exports = {Settings};