[gd_resource type="ShaderMaterial" load_steps=2 format=2] [sub_resource type="Shader" id=1] code = "shader_type canvas_item; uniform vec4 line_color : hint_color = vec4(1); uniform float line_thickness : hint_range(0, 50) = 1.0; uniform bool rainbow = false; //Activate the rainbow or select you color uniform float line_scale : hint_range(0, 20) = 1.2; // thickness of the line uniform float frequency : hint_range(0.0, 2.0) = 0.5; // frequency of the rainbow uniform float light_offset : hint_range(0.00001, 1.0) = 0.5; // this offsets all color channels; uniform float alpha : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 1.0; void fragment() { vec2 size = TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE * line_thickness; float outline = texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(-size.x, 0)).a; outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(0, size.y)).a; outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(size.x, 0)).a; outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(0, -size.y)).a; outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(-size.x, size.y)).a; outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(-size.x, size.y * 0.5)).a; outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(size.x, size.y)).a; outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(size.x, size.y * 0.5)).a; outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(-size.x, -size.y)).a; outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(-size.x, -size.y * 0.5)).a; outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(size.x, -size.y)).a; outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(size.x, -size.y * 0.5)).a; outline = min(outline, 1.0); vec4 color = texture(TEXTURE, UV); vec4 animated_line_color = vec4(light_offset + sin(2.0*3.14*frequency*TIME), light_offset + sin(2.0*3.14*frequency*TIME + radians(120.0)), light_offset + sin(2.0*3.14*frequency*TIME + radians(240.0)), alpha); if (rainbow == true){//if rainbow is activated COLOR = mix(color, animated_line_color, outline - color.a); } if (rainbow == false){//if rainbow not is activated and you pick a color COLOR = mix(color, line_color , outline - color.a); } // COLOR = mix(color, line_color, outline - color.a); }" [resource] shader = SubResource( 1 ) shader_param/line_color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) shader_param/line_thickness = 35.0 shader_param/rainbow = true shader_param/line_scale = 1.2 shader_param/frequency = 0.25 shader_param/light_offset = 0.5 shader_param/alpha = 1.0