Implement basic CardContainer

This commit is contained in:
CactiChameleon9 2022-07-29 20:49:32 +01:00
parent 349a1bf0d3
commit 40ccd28fb9
2 changed files with 28 additions and 98 deletions

View File

@ -11,10 +11,20 @@ var map_position : Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
onready var target_position : Vector2 = position onready var target_position : Vector2 = position
var moving : bool = false var moving : bool = false
var cards = [] setget ,get_cards
func get_cards():
for child in get_children():
if "Card" in
return cards
func level_change(new_level): func level_change(new_level):
# when leveing up restore health # when leveing up restore health
health = base_max_health * pow(level, 1.5) health = base_max_health * pow(level, 1.5)
level = new_level
func _physics_process(delta): func _physics_process(delta):
@ -27,11 +37,13 @@ func _physics_process(delta):
#TODO: Replace with tween magic #TODO: Replace with tween magic
position += (target_position - position)/2.5 position += (target_position - position)/2.5
func take_damage(damage): func take_damage(damage):
health -= damage health -= damage
if health <= 0: if health <= 0:
die() die()
func die(): func die():
#Animation here #Animation here
queue_free() queue_free()

View File

@ -1,106 +1,24 @@
extends Control extends Control
signal return_dice(dice_number) const card_view_scene = preload("res://UI/CardView.tscn")
signal do_movement(movement_range)
signal do_damage(damage, damage_range)
signal do_effect(effect, effect_range)
const card = preload("res://UI/Card.tscn") var character : Character = setget update_cards_shown
const card_db_string = "res://Assets/CardDB/%s.tres" var card_views = []
var selected : bool = false func update_cards_shown(new_character = null):
var hovering_card = null
var current_cards = []
var currently_holding_dice = null
func emit_return_dice(dice_number):
emit_signal("return_dice", dice_number)
func emit_do_movement(movement_range):
emit_signal("do_movement", movement_range)
func emit_do_damage(damage, damage_range):
emit_signal("do_damage", damage, damage_range)
func emit_do_effect(effect, effect_range):
emit_signal("do_effect", effect, effect_range)
func set_currently_holding_dice(dice_number : int):
currently_holding_dice = dice_number
func remove_card(card):
var card_index = current_cards.find(card)
func _physics_process(delta):
# no keyboard input if not selected # allow the update card shown function to work with and without setget
if not selected: if new_character != null:
hovering_card = null character = new_character
# if selected card is null, add a value # remove the old cards
if not hovering_card: for card_view in card_views:
hovering_card = 0 yield(card_view.card_view_remove(), "completed")
# move the selection forward or backward the list depending on input # add cards the new cards from the character
if (Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_down") or for card in
Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_right")): var new_card_view = card_view_scene.instance()
new_card_view.card = card
current_cards[hovering_card].hovering_dice = null $Margin/HBox.add_child(new_card_view)
hovering_card += 1
if hovering_card >= len(current_cards):
hovering_card = 0
if (Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_up") or
current_cards[hovering_card].hovering_dice = null
hovering_card -= 1
if hovering_card < 0:
hovering_card = len(current_cards) -1
# show the dice over the card if hovering
current_cards[hovering_card].hovering_dice = currently_holding_dice
#if the enter key is pressed, input the dice into the card
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept"):
current_cards[hovering_card].hovering_dice = null
hovering_card = 0
selected = false
func draw_card(specific_card : String = ""):
# make a new card instance and add it to the grid container
var new_card = card.instance()
# check if a specific card data exists
var card_data_check =
var card_data_exists : bool = card_data_check.file_exists(card_db_string % specific_card)
# if a specifc card choosen, make new card that type
if card_data_exists:
new_card.card_info = load(card_db_string % specific_card)
else: #no card choosen, pick default
new_card.card_info = load(card_db_string % "Default")
# connect new_card.x signal to self.x
new_card.connect("return_dice", self, "emit_return_dice")
new_card.connect("do_movement", self, "emit_do_movement")
new_card.connect("do_damage", self, "emit_do_damage")
new_card.connect("do_effect", self, "emit_do_effect")
# connect the signal remove card signal
new_card.connect("card_removed", self, "remove_card")
# add the current card to the list of card