2022-07-16 21:33:47 +01:00
extends Control
2022-07-17 14:32:42 +01:00
signal dice_selected (dice_value)
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const dice = preload("res://UI/Dice.tscn")
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var selected : bool = false
var selected_dice = null
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2022-07-16 21:33:47 +01:00
var current_dice = []
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func _physics_process(delta):
# no keyboard input if not selected
if not selected:
selected_dice = null
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# skip turn if the list is empty
if len(current_dice) == 0:
selected = false
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# if selected dice is null, add a value
if not selected_dice:
selected_dice = 0
# TODO: maybe support actual dicrectional selection
# move the selection forward or backward the list depending on input
if (Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_up") or
2022-07-17 14:25:56 +01:00
current_dice[selected_dice].selected = false
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selected_dice += 1
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if selected_dice >= len(current_dice):
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selected_dice = 0
if (Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_down") or
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current_dice[selected_dice].selected = false
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selected_dice -= 1
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if selected_dice < 0:
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selected_dice = len(current_dice) -1
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# enable the selected shader
current_dice[selected_dice].selected = true
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#if the enter key is pressed, remove the selected dice and emit the signal
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept"):
emit_signal("dice_selected", current_dice[selected_dice].dice_value)
selected_dice = null
2022-07-17 15:53:56 +01:00
selected = false
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2022-07-16 21:33:47 +01:00
func roll_dice(specific_value : int = 0):
# make a new dice instance and add it to the grid container
var new_dice = dice.instance()
# if a specifc dice choosen, make new dice that type
if specific_value in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]:
new_dice.dice_value = specific_value
# add the current dice to the list of dice