753 lines
26 KiB
753 lines
26 KiB
#include "LocalModParseTask.h"
#include <qdcss.h>
#include <quazip/quazip.h>
#include <quazip/quazipfile.h>
#include <toml++/toml.h>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonValue>
#include <QString>
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include "minecraft/mod/ModDetails.h"
#include "settings/INIFile.h"
namespace ModUtils {
// NEW format
// https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/wiki/FML-mod-information-file/c8d8f1929aff9979e322af79a59ce81f3e02db6a
// OLD format:
// https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/wiki/FML-mod-information-file/5bf6a2d05145ec79387acc0d45c958642fb049fc
ModDetails ReadMCModInfo(QByteArray contents)
auto getInfoFromArray = [&](QJsonArray arr) -> ModDetails {
if (!arr.at(0).isObject()) {
return {};
ModDetails details;
auto firstObj = arr.at(0).toObject();
details.mod_id = firstObj.value("modid").toString();
auto name = firstObj.value("name").toString();
// NOTE: ignore stupid example mods copies where the author didn't even bother to change the name
if (name != "Example Mod") {
details.name = name;
details.version = firstObj.value("version").toString();
auto homeurl = firstObj.value("url").toString().trimmed();
if (!homeurl.isEmpty()) {
// fix up url.
if (!homeurl.startsWith("http://") && !homeurl.startsWith("https://") && !homeurl.startsWith("ftp://")) {
details.homeurl = homeurl;
details.description = firstObj.value("description").toString();
QJsonArray authors = firstObj.value("authorList").toArray();
if (authors.size() == 0) {
// FIXME: what is the format of this? is there any?
authors = firstObj.value("authors").toArray();
if (firstObj.contains("logoFile")) {
details.icon_file = firstObj.value("logoFile").toString();
for (auto author : authors) {
return details;
QJsonParseError jsonError;
QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(contents, &jsonError);
// this is the very old format that had just the array
if (jsonDoc.isArray()) {
return getInfoFromArray(jsonDoc.array());
} else if (jsonDoc.isObject()) {
auto val = jsonDoc.object().value("modinfoversion");
if (val.isUndefined()) {
val = jsonDoc.object().value("modListVersion");
int version = Json::ensureInteger(val, -1);
// Some mods set the number with "", so it's a String instead
if (version < 0)
version = Json::ensureString(val, "").toInt();
if (version != 2) {
qWarning() << QString(R"(The value of 'modListVersion' is "%1" (expected "2")! The file may be corrupted.)").arg(version);
qWarning() << "The contents of 'mcmod.info' are as follows:";
qWarning() << contents;
auto arrVal = jsonDoc.object().value("modlist");
if (arrVal.isUndefined()) {
arrVal = jsonDoc.object().value("modList");
if (arrVal.isArray()) {
return getInfoFromArray(arrVal.toArray());
return {};
// https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation/blob/5ab4ba6cf9abc0ac4c0abd96ad187461aefd72af/docs/gettingstarted/structuring.md
ModDetails ReadMCModTOML(QByteArray contents)
ModDetails details;
toml::table tomlData;
try {
tomlData = toml::parse(contents.toStdString());
} catch (const toml::parse_error& err) {
return {};
toml::parse_result result = toml::parse(contents.toStdString());
if (!result) {
return {};
tomlData = result.table();
// array defined by [[mods]]
auto tomlModsArr = tomlData["mods"].as_array();
if (!tomlModsArr) {
qWarning() << "Corrupted mods.toml? Couldn't find [[mods]] array!";
return {};
// we only really care about the first element, since multiple mods in one file is not supported by us at the moment
auto tomlModsTable0 = tomlModsArr->get(0);
if (!tomlModsTable0) {
qWarning() << "Corrupted mods.toml? [[mods]] didn't have an element at index 0!";
return {};
auto modsTable = tomlModsTable0->as_table();
if (!modsTable) {
qWarning() << "Corrupted mods.toml? [[mods]] was not a table!";
return {};
// mandatory properties - always in [[mods]]
if (auto modIdDatum = (*modsTable)["modId"].as_string()) {
details.mod_id = QString::fromStdString(modIdDatum->get());
if (auto versionDatum = (*modsTable)["version"].as_string()) {
details.version = QString::fromStdString(versionDatum->get());
if (auto displayNameDatum = (*modsTable)["displayName"].as_string()) {
details.name = QString::fromStdString(displayNameDatum->get());
if (auto descriptionDatum = (*modsTable)["description"].as_string()) {
details.description = QString::fromStdString(descriptionDatum->get());
// optional properties - can be in the root table or [[mods]]
QString authors = "";
if (auto authorsDatum = tomlData["authors"].as_string()) {
authors = QString::fromStdString(authorsDatum->get());
} else if (auto authorsDatum = (*modsTable)["authors"].as_string()) {
authors = QString::fromStdString(authorsDatum->get());
if (!authors.isEmpty()) {
QString homeurl = "";
if (auto homeurlDatum = tomlData["displayURL"].as_string()) {
homeurl = QString::fromStdString(homeurlDatum->get());
} else if (auto homeurlDatum = (*modsTable)["displayURL"].as_string()) {
homeurl = QString::fromStdString(homeurlDatum->get());
// fix up url.
if (!homeurl.isEmpty() && !homeurl.startsWith("http://") && !homeurl.startsWith("https://") && !homeurl.startsWith("ftp://")) {
details.homeurl = homeurl;
QString issueTrackerURL = "";
if (auto issueTrackerURLDatum = tomlData["issueTrackerURL"].as_string()) {
issueTrackerURL = QString::fromStdString(issueTrackerURLDatum->get());
} else if (auto issueTrackerURLDatum = (*modsTable)["issueTrackerURL"].as_string()) {
issueTrackerURL = QString::fromStdString(issueTrackerURLDatum->get());
details.issue_tracker = issueTrackerURL;
QString license = "";
if (auto licenseDatum = tomlData["license"].as_string()) {
license = QString::fromStdString(licenseDatum->get());
} else if (auto licenseDatum =(*modsTable)["license"].as_string()) {
license = QString::fromStdString(licenseDatum->get());
if (!license.isEmpty())
QString logoFile = "";
if (auto logoFileDatum = tomlData["logoFile"].as_string()) {
logoFile = QString::fromStdString(logoFileDatum->get());
} else if (auto logoFileDatum =(*modsTable)["logoFile"].as_string()) {
logoFile = QString::fromStdString(logoFileDatum->get());
details.icon_file = logoFile;
return details;
// https://fabricmc.net/wiki/documentation:fabric_mod_json
ModDetails ReadFabricModInfo(QByteArray contents)
QJsonParseError jsonError;
QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(contents, &jsonError);
auto object = jsonDoc.object();
auto schemaVersion = object.contains("schemaVersion") ? object.value("schemaVersion").toInt(0) : 0;
ModDetails details;
details.mod_id = object.value("id").toString();
details.version = object.value("version").toString();
details.name = object.contains("name") ? object.value("name").toString() : details.mod_id;
details.description = object.value("description").toString();
if (schemaVersion >= 1) {
QJsonArray authors = object.value("authors").toArray();
for (auto author : authors) {
if (author.isObject()) {
} else {
if (object.contains("contact")) {
QJsonObject contact = object.value("contact").toObject();
if (contact.contains("homepage")) {
details.homeurl = contact.value("homepage").toString();
if (contact.contains("issues")) {
details.issue_tracker = contact.value("issues").toString();
if (object.contains("license")) {
auto license = object.value("license");
if (license.isArray()) {
for (auto l : license.toArray()) {
if (l.isString()) {
} else if (l.isObject()) {
auto obj = l.toObject();
details.licenses.append(ModLicense(obj.value("name").toString(), obj.value("id").toString(),
obj.value("url").toString(), obj.value("description").toString()));
} else if (license.isString()) {
} else if (license.isObject()) {
auto obj = license.toObject();
details.licenses.append(ModLicense(obj.value("name").toString(), obj.value("id").toString(), obj.value("url").toString(),
if (object.contains("icon")) {
auto icon = object.value("icon");
if (icon.isObject()) {
auto obj = icon.toObject();
// take the largest icon
int largest = 0;
for (auto key : obj.keys()) {
auto size = key.split('x').first().toInt();
if (size > largest) {
largest = size;
if (largest > 0) {
auto key = QString::number(largest) + "x" + QString::number(largest);
details.icon_file = obj.value(key).toString();
} else { // parsing the sizes failed
// take the first
for (auto i : obj) {
details.icon_file = i.toString();
} else if (icon.isString()) {
details.icon_file = icon.toString();
return details;
// https://github.com/QuiltMC/rfcs/blob/master/specification/0002-quilt.mod.json.md
ModDetails ReadQuiltModInfo(QByteArray contents)
QJsonParseError jsonError;
QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(contents, &jsonError);
auto object = Json::requireObject(jsonDoc, "quilt.mod.json");
auto schemaVersion = Json::ensureInteger(object.value("schema_version"), 0, "Quilt schema_version");
ModDetails details;
// https://github.com/QuiltMC/rfcs/blob/be6ba280d785395fefa90a43db48e5bfc1d15eb4/specification/0002-quilt.mod.json.md
if (schemaVersion == 1) {
auto modInfo = Json::requireObject(object.value("quilt_loader"), "Quilt mod info");
details.mod_id = Json::requireString(modInfo.value("id"), "Mod ID");
details.version = Json::requireString(modInfo.value("version"), "Mod version");
auto modMetadata = Json::ensureObject(modInfo.value("metadata"));
details.name = Json::ensureString(modMetadata.value("name"), details.mod_id);
details.description = Json::ensureString(modMetadata.value("description"));
auto modContributors = Json::ensureObject(modMetadata.value("contributors"));
// We don't really care about the role of a contributor here
details.authors += modContributors.keys();
auto modContact = Json::ensureObject(modMetadata.value("contact"));
if (modContact.contains("homepage")) {
details.homeurl = Json::requireString(modContact.value("homepage"));
if (modContact.contains("issues")) {
details.issue_tracker = Json::requireString(modContact.value("issues"));
if (modMetadata.contains("license")) {
auto license = modMetadata.value("license");
if (license.isArray()) {
for (auto l : license.toArray()) {
if (l.isString()) {
} else if (l.isObject()) {
auto obj = l.toObject();
details.licenses.append(ModLicense(obj.value("name").toString(), obj.value("id").toString(),
obj.value("url").toString(), obj.value("description").toString()));
} else if (license.isString()) {
} else if (license.isObject()) {
auto obj = license.toObject();
details.licenses.append(ModLicense(obj.value("name").toString(), obj.value("id").toString(), obj.value("url").toString(),
if (modMetadata.contains("icon")) {
auto icon = modMetadata.value("icon");
if (icon.isObject()) {
auto obj = icon.toObject();
// take the largest icon
int largest = 0;
for (auto key : obj.keys()) {
auto size = key.split('x').first().toInt();
if (size > largest) {
largest = size;
if (largest > 0) {
auto key = QString::number(largest) + "x" + QString::number(largest);
details.icon_file = obj.value(key).toString();
} else { // parsing the sizes failed
// take the first
for (auto i : obj) {
details.icon_file = i.toString();
} else if (icon.isString()) {
details.icon_file = icon.toString();
return details;
ModDetails ReadForgeInfo(QByteArray contents)
ModDetails details;
// Read the data
details.name = "Minecraft Forge";
details.mod_id = "Forge";
details.homeurl = "http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/";
INIFile ini;
if (!ini.loadFile(contents))
return details;
QString major = ini.get("forge.major.number", "0").toString();
QString minor = ini.get("forge.minor.number", "0").toString();
QString revision = ini.get("forge.revision.number", "0").toString();
QString build = ini.get("forge.build.number", "0").toString();
details.version = major + "." + minor + "." + revision + "." + build;
return details;
ModDetails ReadLiteModInfo(QByteArray contents)
ModDetails details;
QJsonParseError jsonError;
QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(contents, &jsonError);
auto object = jsonDoc.object();
if (object.contains("name")) {
details.mod_id = details.name = object.value("name").toString();
if (object.contains("version")) {
details.version = object.value("version").toString("");
} else {
details.version = object.value("revision").toString("");
details.mcversion = object.value("mcversion").toString();
auto author = object.value("author").toString();
if (!author.isEmpty()) {
details.description = object.value("description").toString();
details.homeurl = object.value("url").toString();
return details;
// https://git.sleeping.town/unascribed/NilLoader/src/commit/d7fc87b255fc31019ff90f80d45894927fac6efc/src/main/java/nilloader/api/NilMetadata.java#L64
ModDetails ReadNilModInfo(QByteArray contents, QString fname)
ModDetails details;
QDCSS cssData = QDCSS(contents);
auto name = cssData.get("@nilmod.name");
auto desc = cssData.get("@nilmod.description");
auto authors = cssData.get("@nilmod.authors");
if (name->has_value()) {
details.name = name->value();
if (desc->has_value()) {
details.description = desc->value();
if (authors->has_value()) {
details.version = cssData.get("@nilmod.version")->value_or("?");
details.mod_id = fname.remove(".nilmod.css");
return details;
bool process(Mod& mod, ProcessingLevel level)
switch (mod.type()) {
case ResourceType::FOLDER:
return processFolder(mod, level);
case ResourceType::ZIPFILE:
return processZIP(mod, level);
case ResourceType::LITEMOD:
return processLitemod(mod);
qWarning() << "Invalid type for mod parse task!";
return false;
bool processZIP(Mod& mod, ProcessingLevel level)
ModDetails details;
QuaZip zip(mod.fileinfo().filePath());
if (!zip.open(QuaZip::mdUnzip))
return false;
QuaZipFile file(&zip);
if (zip.setCurrentFile("META-INF/mods.toml")) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
return false;
details = ReadMCModTOML(file.readAll());
// to replace ${file.jarVersion} with the actual version, as needed
if (details.version == "${file.jarVersion}") {
if (zip.setCurrentFile("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
return false;
// quick and dirty line-by-line parser
auto manifestLines = file.readAll().split('\n');
QString manifestVersion = "";
for (auto& line : manifestLines) {
if (QString(line).startsWith("Implementation-Version: ")) {
manifestVersion = QString(line).remove("Implementation-Version: ");
// some mods use ${projectversion} in their build.gradle, causing this mess to show up in MANIFEST.MF
// also keep with forge's behavior of setting the version to "NONE" if none is found
if (manifestVersion.contains("task ':jar' property 'archiveVersion'") || manifestVersion == "") {
manifestVersion = "NONE";
details.version = manifestVersion;
return true;
} else if (zip.setCurrentFile("mcmod.info")) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
return false;
details = ReadMCModInfo(file.readAll());
return true;
} else if (zip.setCurrentFile("quilt.mod.json")) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
return false;
details = ReadQuiltModInfo(file.readAll());
return true;
} else if (zip.setCurrentFile("fabric.mod.json")) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
return false;
details = ReadFabricModInfo(file.readAll());
return true;
} else if (zip.setCurrentFile("forgeversion.properties")) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
return false;
details = ReadForgeInfo(file.readAll());
return true;
} else if (zip.setCurrentFile("META-INF/nil/mappings.json")) {
// nilloader uses the filename of the metadata file for the modid, so we can't know the exact filename
// thankfully, there is a good file to use as a canary so we don't look for nil meta all the time
QString foundNilMeta;
for (auto& fname : zip.getFileNameList()) {
// nilmods can shade nilloader to be able to run as a standalone agent - which includes nilloader's own meta file
if (fname.endsWith(".nilmod.css") && fname != "nilloader.nilmod.css") {
foundNilMeta = fname;
if (zip.setCurrentFile(foundNilMeta)) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
return false;
details = ReadNilModInfo(file.readAll(), foundNilMeta);
return true;
return false; // no valid mod found in archive
bool processFolder(Mod& mod, ProcessingLevel level)
ModDetails details;
QFileInfo mcmod_info(FS::PathCombine(mod.fileinfo().filePath(), "mcmod.info"));
if (mcmod_info.exists() && mcmod_info.isFile()) {
QFile mcmod(mcmod_info.filePath());
if (!mcmod.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
return false;
auto data = mcmod.readAll();
if (data.isEmpty() || data.isNull())
return false;
details = ReadMCModInfo(data);
return true;
return false; // no valid mcmod.info file found
bool processLitemod(Mod& mod, ProcessingLevel level)
ModDetails details;
QuaZip zip(mod.fileinfo().filePath());
if (!zip.open(QuaZip::mdUnzip))
return false;
QuaZipFile file(&zip);
if (zip.setCurrentFile("litemod.json")) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
return false;
details = ReadLiteModInfo(file.readAll());
return true;
return false; // no valid litemod.json found in archive
/** Checks whether a file is valid as a mod or not. */
bool validate(QFileInfo file)
Mod mod{ file };
return ModUtils::process(mod, ProcessingLevel::BasicInfoOnly) && mod.valid();
bool processIconPNG(const Mod& mod, QByteArray&& raw_data)
auto img = QImage::fromData(raw_data);
if (!img.isNull()) {
} else {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse mod logo:" << mod.iconPath() << "from" << mod.name();
return false;
return true;
bool loadIconFile(const Mod& mod) {
if (mod.iconPath().isEmpty()) {
qWarning() << "No Iconfile set, be sure to parse the mod first";
return false;
auto png_invalid = [&mod]() {
qWarning() << "Mod at" << mod.fileinfo().filePath() << "does not have a valid icon";
return false;
switch (mod.type()) {
case ResourceType::FOLDER:
QFileInfo icon_info(FS::PathCombine(mod.fileinfo().filePath(), mod.iconPath()));
if (icon_info.exists() && icon_info.isFile()) {
QFile icon(icon_info.filePath());
if (!icon.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
return false;
auto data = icon.readAll();
bool icon_result = ModUtils::processIconPNG(mod, std::move(data));
if (!icon_result) {
return png_invalid(); // icon invalid
case ResourceType::ZIPFILE:
QuaZip zip(mod.fileinfo().filePath());
if (!zip.open(QuaZip::mdUnzip))
return false;
QuaZipFile file(&zip);
if (zip.setCurrentFile(mod.iconPath())) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qCritical() << "Failed to open file in zip.";
return png_invalid();
auto data = file.readAll();
bool icon_result = ModUtils::processIconPNG(mod, std::move(data));
if (!icon_result) {
return png_invalid(); // icon png invalid
} else {
return png_invalid(); // could not set icon as current file.
case ResourceType::LITEMOD:
return false; // can lightmods even have icons?
qWarning() << "Invalid type for mod, can not load icon.";
return false;
} // namespace ModUtils
LocalModParseTask::LocalModParseTask(int token, ResourceType type, const QFileInfo& modFile)
: Task(nullptr, false), m_token(token), m_type(type), m_modFile(modFile), m_result(new Result())
bool LocalModParseTask::abort()
return true;
void LocalModParseTask::executeTask()
Mod mod{ m_modFile };
ModUtils::process(mod, ModUtils::ProcessingLevel::Full);
m_result->details = mod.details();
if (m_aborted)
emit finished();