176 lines
3.3 KiB
176 lines
3.3 KiB
// Created by marcelohdez on 10/22/22.
#include "InstanceCopyPrefs.h"
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::allTrue() const
return copySaves &&
keepPlaytime &&
copyGameOptions &&
copyResourcePacks &&
copyShaderPacks &&
copyServers &&
copyMods &&
// Returns a single RegEx string of the selected folders/files to filter out (ex: ".minecraft/saves|.minecraft/server.dat")
QString InstanceCopyPrefs::getSelectedFiltersAsRegex() const
QStringList filters;
filters << "saves";
filters << "options.txt";
filters << "resourcepacks" << "texturepacks";
filters << "shaderpacks";
filters << "servers.dat" << "servers.dat_old" << "server-resource-packs";
filters << "coremods" << "mods" << "config";
filters << "screenshots";
// If we have any filters to add, join them as a single regex string to return:
if (!filters.isEmpty()) {
const QString MC_ROOT = "[.]?minecraft/";
// Ensure first filter starts with root, then join other filters with OR regex before root (ex: ".minecraft/saves|.minecraft/mods"):
return MC_ROOT + filters.join("|" + MC_ROOT);
return {};
// ======= Getters =======
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isCopySavesEnabled() const
return copySaves;
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isKeepPlaytimeEnabled() const
return keepPlaytime;
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isCopyGameOptionsEnabled() const
return copyGameOptions;
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isCopyResourcePacksEnabled() const
return copyResourcePacks;
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isCopyShaderPacksEnabled() const
return copyShaderPacks;
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isCopyServersEnabled() const
return copyServers;
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isCopyModsEnabled() const
return copyMods;
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isCopyScreenshotsEnabled() const
return copyScreenshots;
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isLinkFilesEnabled() const
return linkFiles;
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isUseHardLinksEnabled() const
return useHardLinks;
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isLinkRecursivelyEnabled() const
return linkRecursively;
bool InstanceCopyPrefs::isDontLinkSavesEnabled() const
return dontLinkSaves;
// ======= Setters =======
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableCopySaves(bool b)
copySaves = b;
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableKeepPlaytime(bool b)
keepPlaytime = b;
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableCopyGameOptions(bool b)
copyGameOptions = b;
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableCopyResourcePacks(bool b)
copyResourcePacks = b;
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableCopyShaderPacks(bool b)
copyShaderPacks = b;
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableCopyServers(bool b)
copyServers = b;
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableCopyMods(bool b)
copyMods = b;
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableCopyScreenshots(bool b)
copyScreenshots = b;
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableLinkFiles(bool b)
linkFiles = b;
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableLinkRecursively(bool b)
linkRecursively = b;
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableUseHardLinks(bool b)
useHardLinks = b;
void InstanceCopyPrefs::enableDontLinkSaves(bool b)
dontLinkSaves = b;