Since network requests are, for the most part, asynchronous, there's a chance a request only comes through after the request sender has already been deleted. This adds a global (read static) hash table relating models for the mod downloader to their status (true = alive, false = destroyed). It is a bit of a hack, but I couldn't come up with a better way of doing this. To reproduce the issue before this commit: scroll really quickly through CF mods, to trigger network requests for their versions and description. Then, in the middle of it close the mod downloader. Sometimes this will create a crash. Signed-off-by: flow <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
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92 lines
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#pragma once
#include <QAbstractListModel>
#include "modplatform/ModIndex.h"
#include "net/NetJob.h"
class ModPage;
class Version;
namespace ModPlatform {
using LogoMap = QMap<QString, QIcon>;
using LogoCallback = std::function<void (QString)>;
class ListModel : public QAbstractListModel {
ListModel(ModPage* parent);
~ListModel() override;
inline auto rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const -> int override { return modpacks.size(); };
inline auto columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const -> int override { return 1; };
inline auto flags(const QModelIndex& index) const -> Qt::ItemFlags override { return QAbstractListModel::flags(index); };
auto debugName() const -> QString;
/* Retrieve information from the model at a given index with the given role */
auto data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const -> QVariant override;
bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) override;
inline void setActiveJob(NetJob::Ptr ptr) { jobPtr = ptr; }
inline NetJob* activeJob() { return jobPtr.get(); }
/* Ask the API for more information */
void fetchMore(const QModelIndex& parent) override;
void refresh();
void searchWithTerm(const QString& term, const int sort, const bool filter_changed);
void requestModInfo(ModPlatform::IndexedPack& current, QModelIndex index);
void requestModVersions(const ModPlatform::IndexedPack& current, QModelIndex index);
virtual void loadIndexedPack(ModPlatform::IndexedPack& m, QJsonObject& obj) = 0;
virtual void loadExtraPackInfo(ModPlatform::IndexedPack& m, QJsonObject& obj) {};
virtual void loadIndexedPackVersions(ModPlatform::IndexedPack& m, QJsonArray& arr) = 0;
void getLogo(const QString& logo, const QString& logoUrl, LogoCallback callback);
inline auto canFetchMore(const QModelIndex& parent) const -> bool override { return searchState == CanPossiblyFetchMore; };
public slots:
void searchRequestFinished(QJsonDocument& doc);
void searchRequestFailed(QString reason);
void infoRequestFinished(QJsonDocument& doc, ModPlatform::IndexedPack& pack, const QModelIndex& index);
void versionRequestSucceeded(QJsonDocument doc, QString addonId, const QModelIndex& index);
protected slots:
void logoFailed(QString logo);
void logoLoaded(QString logo, QIcon out);
void performPaginatedSearch();
virtual auto documentToArray(QJsonDocument& obj) const -> QJsonArray = 0;
virtual auto getSorts() const -> const char** = 0;
void requestLogo(QString file, QString url);
inline auto getMineVersions() const -> std::list<Version>;
ModPage* m_parent;
QList<ModPlatform::IndexedPack> modpacks;
LogoMap m_logoMap;
QMap<QString, LogoCallback> waitingCallbacks;
QStringList m_failedLogos;
QStringList m_loadingLogos;
QString currentSearchTerm;
int currentSort = 0;
int nextSearchOffset = 0;
enum SearchState { None, CanPossiblyFetchMore, ResetRequested, Finished } searchState = None;
NetJob::Ptr jobPtr;
} // namespace ModPlatform