* Memory minimums lowered to 128M in all Java settings UIs * Changing the memory sizes on the wizard page does not automatically trigger checks if the executable doesn't have 'java' in the name * Java detection on linux now scans some common JRE locations, not just /usr/bin/java
91 lines
2.0 KiB
91 lines
2.0 KiB
#pragma once
#include "BaseWizardPage.h"
#include <BaseVersion.h>
#include <QObjectPtr.h>
#include <java/JavaChecker.h>
#include <QIcon>
class QLineEdit;
class VersionSelectWidget;
class QSpinBox;
class QPushButton;
class QVBoxLayout;
class QHBoxLayout;
class QGroupBox;
class QGridLayout;
class QLabel;
class QToolButton;
class JavaWizardPage : public BaseWizardPage
explicit JavaWizardPage(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR);
virtual ~JavaWizardPage()
bool wantsRefreshButton() override;
void refresh() override;
void initializePage() override;
bool validatePage() override;
static bool isRequired();
enum class JavaStatus
} javaStatus = JavaStatus::NotSet;
protected slots:
void memoryValueChanged(int);
void javaPathEdited(const QString &path);
void javaVersionSelected(BaseVersionPtr version);
void on_javaBrowseBtn_clicked();
void on_javaStatusBtn_clicked();
void checkFinished(JavaCheckResult result);
protected: /* methods */
void checkJavaPathOnEdit(const QString &path);
void checkJavaPath(const QString &path);
void setJavaStatus(JavaStatus status);
void setupUi();
void retranslate() override;
private: /* data */
VersionSelectWidget *m_versionWidget = nullptr;
QVBoxLayout *m_verticalLayout = nullptr;
QLineEdit * m_javaPathTextBox = nullptr;
QPushButton * m_javaBrowseBtn = nullptr;
QToolButton * m_javaStatusBtn = nullptr;
QHBoxLayout *m_horizontalLayout = nullptr;
QGroupBox *m_memoryGroupBox = nullptr;
QGridLayout *m_gridLayout_2 = nullptr;
QSpinBox *m_maxMemSpinBox = nullptr;
QLabel *m_labelMinMem = nullptr;
QLabel *m_labelMaxMem = nullptr;
QSpinBox *m_minMemSpinBox = nullptr;
QLabel *m_labelPermGen = nullptr;
QSpinBox *m_permGenSpinBox = nullptr;
QIcon goodIcon;
QIcon yellowIcon;
QIcon badIcon;
int observedMinMemory = 0;
int observedMaxMemory = 0;
int observedPermGenMemory = 0;
QString queuedCheck;
uint64_t m_availableMemory = 0ull;
shared_qobject_ptr<JavaChecker> m_checker;
JavaCheckResult m_result;