This turns issues like creating two shared ptrs from a single raw ptr from popping up at runtime, instead making them a compile error. Signed-off-by: flow <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
157 lines
5.6 KiB
157 lines
5.6 KiB
#include "FileResolvingTask.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include "net/Upload.h"
#include "modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPackIndex.h"
Flame::FileResolvingTask::FileResolvingTask(const shared_qobject_ptr<QNetworkAccessManager>& network, Flame::Manifest& toProcess)
: m_network(network), m_toProcess(toProcess)
bool Flame::FileResolvingTask::abort()
bool aborted = true;
if (m_dljob)
aborted &= m_dljob->abort();
if (m_checkJob)
aborted &= m_checkJob->abort();
return aborted ? Task::abort() : false;
void Flame::FileResolvingTask::executeTask()
setStatus(tr("Resolving mod IDs..."));
setProgress(0, 3);
m_dljob.reset(new NetJob("Mod id resolver", m_network));
result.reset(new QByteArray());
//build json data to send
QJsonObject object;
object["fileIds"] = QJsonArray::fromVariantList(std::accumulate(m_toProcess.files.begin(), m_toProcess.files.end(), QVariantList(), [](QVariantList& l, const File& s) {
return l;
QByteArray data = Json::toText(object);
auto dl = Net::Upload::makeByteArray(QUrl("https://api.curseforge.com/v1/mods/files"), result.get(), data);
connect(m_dljob.get(), &NetJob::finished, this, &Flame::FileResolvingTask::netJobFinished);
void Flame::FileResolvingTask::netJobFinished()
setProgress(1, 3);
// job to check modrinth for blocked projects
m_checkJob.reset(new NetJob("Modrinth check", m_network));
blockedProjects = QMap<File *,QByteArray *>();
QJsonDocument doc;
QJsonArray array;
try {
doc = Json::requireDocument(*result);
array = Json::requireArray(doc.object()["data"]);
} catch (Json::JsonException& e) {
qCritical() << "Non-JSON data returned from the CF API";
qCritical() << e.cause();
emitFailed(tr("Invalid data returned from the API."));
for (QJsonValueRef file : array) {
auto fileid = Json::requireInteger(Json::requireObject(file)["id"]);
auto& out = m_toProcess.files[fileid];
try {
} catch (const JSONValidationError& e) {
qDebug() << "Blocked mod on curseforge" << out.fileName;
auto hash = out.hash;
if(!hash.isEmpty()) {
auto url = QString("https://api.modrinth.com/v2/version_file/%1?algorithm=sha1").arg(hash);
auto output = new QByteArray();
auto dl = Net::Download::makeByteArray(QUrl(url), output);
QObject::connect(dl.get(), &Net::Download::succeeded, [&out]() {
out.resolved = true;
blockedProjects.insert(&out, output);
connect(m_checkJob.get(), &NetJob::finished, this, &Flame::FileResolvingTask::modrinthCheckFinished);
void Flame::FileResolvingTask::modrinthCheckFinished() {
setProgress(2, 3);
qDebug() << "Finished with blocked mods : " << blockedProjects.size();
for (auto it = blockedProjects.keyBegin(); it != blockedProjects.keyEnd(); it++) {
auto &out = *it;
auto bytes = blockedProjects[out];
if (!out->resolved) {
delete bytes;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*bytes);
auto obj = doc.object();
auto file = Modrinth::loadIndexedPackVersion(obj);
// If there's more than one mod loader for this version, we can't know for sure
// which file is relative to each loader, so it's best to not use any one and
// let the user download it manually.
if (file.loaders.size() <= 1) {
out->url = file.downloadUrl;
qDebug() << "Found alternative on modrinth " << out->fileName;
} else {
out->resolved = false;
delete bytes;
//copy to an output list and filter out projects found on modrinth
auto block = new QList<File *>();
auto it = blockedProjects.keys();
std::copy_if(it.begin(), it.end(), std::back_inserter(*block), [](File *f) {
return !f->resolved;
//Display not found mods early
if (!block->empty()) {
//blocked mods found, we need the slug for displaying.... we need another job :D !
auto slugJob = new NetJob("Slug Job", m_network);
auto slugs = QVector<QByteArray>(block->size());
auto index = 0;
for (auto fileInfo: *block) {
auto projectId = fileInfo->projectId;
slugs[index] = QByteArray();
auto url = QString("https://api.curseforge.com/v1/mods/%1").arg(projectId);
auto dl = Net::Download::makeByteArray(url, &slugs[index]);
connect(slugJob, &NetJob::succeeded, this, [slugs, this, slugJob, block]() {
auto index = 0;
for (const auto &slugResult: slugs) {
auto json = QJsonDocument::fromJson(slugResult);
auto base = Json::requireString(Json::requireObject(Json::requireObject(Json::requireObject(json),"data"),"links"),
auto mod = block->at(index);
auto link = QString("%1/download/%2").arg(base, QString::number(mod->fileId));
mod->websiteUrl = link;
} else {