In the documentation it states that child values can override the parent values. Originally this code did not support that but now it does. Also added in testing inspired by the previous tests. Signed-off-by: cullvox <cullvox@outlook.com>
446 lines
14 KiB
446 lines
14 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
* Prism Launcher - Minecraft Launcher
* Copyright (c) 2022 flowln <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "LocalResourcePackParseTask.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include <quazip/quazip.h>
#include <quazip/quazipdir.h>
#include <quazip/quazipfile.h>
#include <QCryptographicHash>
#include <QRegularExpression>
namespace ResourcePackUtils {
bool process(ResourcePack& pack, ProcessingLevel level)
switch (pack.type()) {
case ResourceType::FOLDER:
return ResourcePackUtils::processFolder(pack, level);
case ResourceType::ZIPFILE:
return ResourcePackUtils::processZIP(pack, level);
qWarning() << "Invalid type for resource pack parse task!";
return false;
bool processFolder(ResourcePack& pack, ProcessingLevel level)
Q_ASSERT(pack.type() == ResourceType::FOLDER);
auto mcmeta_invalid = [&pack]() {
qWarning() << "Resource pack at" << pack.fileinfo().filePath() << "does not have a valid pack.mcmeta";
return false; // the mcmeta is not optional
QFileInfo mcmeta_file_info(FS::PathCombine(pack.fileinfo().filePath(), "pack.mcmeta"));
if (mcmeta_file_info.exists() && mcmeta_file_info.isFile()) {
QFile mcmeta_file(mcmeta_file_info.filePath());
if (!mcmeta_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
return mcmeta_invalid(); // can't open mcmeta file
auto data = mcmeta_file.readAll();
bool mcmeta_result = ResourcePackUtils::processMCMeta(pack, std::move(data));
if (!mcmeta_result) {
return mcmeta_invalid(); // mcmeta invalid
} else {
return mcmeta_invalid(); // mcmeta file isn't a valid file
QFileInfo assets_dir_info(FS::PathCombine(pack.fileinfo().filePath(), "assets"));
if (!assets_dir_info.exists() || !assets_dir_info.isDir()) {
return false; // assets dir does not exists or isn't valid
if (level == ProcessingLevel::BasicInfoOnly) {
return true; // only need basic info already checked
auto png_invalid = [&pack]() {
qWarning() << "Resource pack at" << pack.fileinfo().filePath() << "does not have a valid pack.png";
return true; // the png is optional
QFileInfo image_file_info(FS::PathCombine(pack.fileinfo().filePath(), "pack.png"));
if (image_file_info.exists() && image_file_info.isFile()) {
QFile pack_png_file(image_file_info.filePath());
if (!pack_png_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
return png_invalid(); // can't open pack.png file
auto data = pack_png_file.readAll();
bool pack_png_result = ResourcePackUtils::processPackPNG(pack, std::move(data));
if (!pack_png_result) {
return png_invalid(); // pack.png invalid
} else {
return png_invalid(); // pack.png does not exists or is not a valid file.
return true; // all tests passed
bool processZIP(ResourcePack& pack, ProcessingLevel level)
Q_ASSERT(pack.type() == ResourceType::ZIPFILE);
QuaZip zip(pack.fileinfo().filePath());
if (!zip.open(QuaZip::mdUnzip))
return false; // can't open zip file
QuaZipFile file(&zip);
auto mcmeta_invalid = [&pack]() {
qWarning() << "Resource pack at" << pack.fileinfo().filePath() << "does not have a valid pack.mcmeta";
return false; // the mcmeta is not optional
if (zip.setCurrentFile("pack.mcmeta")) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qCritical() << "Failed to open file in zip.";
return mcmeta_invalid();
auto data = file.readAll();
bool mcmeta_result = ResourcePackUtils::processMCMeta(pack, std::move(data));
if (!mcmeta_result) {
return mcmeta_invalid(); // mcmeta invalid
} else {
return mcmeta_invalid(); // could not set pack.mcmeta as current file.
QuaZipDir zipDir(&zip);
if (!zipDir.exists("/assets")) {
return false; // assets dir does not exists at zip root
if (level == ProcessingLevel::BasicInfoOnly) {
return true; // only need basic info already checked
auto png_invalid = [&pack]() {
qWarning() << "Resource pack at" << pack.fileinfo().filePath() << "does not have a valid pack.png";
return true; // the png is optional
if (zip.setCurrentFile("pack.png")) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qCritical() << "Failed to open file in zip.";
return png_invalid();
auto data = file.readAll();
bool pack_png_result = ResourcePackUtils::processPackPNG(pack, std::move(data));
if (!pack_png_result) {
return png_invalid(); // pack.png invalid
} else {
return png_invalid(); // could not set pack.mcmeta as current file.
return true;
struct TextFormatter {
// left is value, right is if the value was explicitly written
QPair<QString, bool> color = { "#000000", false };
QPair<bool, bool> bold = { false, false };
QPair<bool, bool> italic = { false, false };
QPair<bool, bool> underlined = { false, false };
QPair<bool, bool> strikethrough = { false, false };
QPair<bool, bool> is_linked = { false, false };
QPair<QString, bool> link_url = { "", false };
void setColor(const QString& new_color, bool written) { color = { new_color, written}; }
void setBold(bool new_bold, bool written) { bold = { new_bold, written}; }
void setItalic(bool new_italic, bool written) { italic = { new_italic, written}; }
void setUnderlined(bool new_underlined, bool written) { underlined = { new_underlined, written}; }
void setStrikethrough(bool new_strikethrough, bool written) { strikethrough = { new_strikethrough, written}; }
void setIsLinked(bool new_is_linked, bool written) { is_linked = { new_is_linked, written}; }
void setLinkURL(const QString& new_url, bool written) { link_url = { new_url, written}; }
void overrideFrom(const TextFormatter& child)
if (child.color.second)
color.first = child.color.first;
if (child.bold.second)
bold.first = child.bold.first;
if (child.italic.second)
italic.first = child.italic.first;
if (child.underlined.second)
underlined.first = child.underlined.first;
if (child.strikethrough.second)
strikethrough.first = child.strikethrough.first;
if (child.is_linked.second)
is_linked.first = child.is_linked.first;
if (child.link_url.second)
link_url.first = child.link_url.first;
QString format(QString text)
if (text.isEmpty())
return QString();
QString result;
if (color.first != "#000000")
result.append("<font color=\"" + color.first + "\">");
if (bold.first)
if (italic.first)
if (underlined.first)
if (strikethrough.first)
if (is_linked.first)
result.append("<a href=\"" + link_url.first + "\">");
if (is_linked.first)
if (strikethrough.first)
if (underlined.first)
if (italic.first)
if (bold.first)
if (color.first != "#000000")
return result;
bool readFormat(const QJsonObject& obj)
setColor(Json::ensureString(obj, "color", "#000000"), obj.contains("color"));
setBold(Json::ensureBoolean(obj, "bold", false), obj.contains("bold"));
setItalic(Json::ensureBoolean(obj, "italic", false), obj.contains("italic"));
setUnderlined(Json::ensureBoolean(obj, "underlined", false), obj.contains("underlined"));
setStrikethrough(Json::ensureBoolean(obj, "strikethrough", false), obj.contains("strikethrough"));
auto click_event = Json::ensureObject(obj, "clickEvent");
setIsLinked(Json::ensureBoolean(click_event, "open_url", false), click_event.contains("open_url"));
setLinkURL(Json::ensureString(click_event, "value"), click_event.contains("value"));
return true;
bool processComponent(const QJsonValue& value, QString& result, const TextFormatter* parentFormat)
TextFormatter formatter;
if (parentFormat)
formatter = *parentFormat;
if (value.isString()) {
} else if (value.isBool()) {
result.append(formatter.format(value.toBool() ? "true" : "false"));
} else if (value.isDouble()) {
} else if (value.isObject()) {
auto obj = value.toObject();
if (not formatter.readFormat(obj))
return false;
// override the parent format with our new one
TextFormatter mixed;
if (parentFormat)
mixed = *parentFormat;
result.append(mixed.format(Json::ensureString(obj, "text")));
// process any 'extra' children with this format
auto extra = obj.value("extra");
if (not extra.isUndefined())
return processComponent(extra, result, &mixed);
} else if (value.isArray()) {
auto array = value.toArray();
for (const QJsonValue& current : array) {
if (not processComponent(current, result, parentFormat)) {
return false;
} else {
qWarning() << "Invalid component type!";
return false;
return true;
// https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Creating_a_resource_pack#Formatting_pack.mcmeta
// https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Raw_JSON_text_format#Plain_Text
bool processMCMeta(ResourcePack& pack, QByteArray&& raw_data)
try {
auto json_doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(raw_data);
auto pack_obj = Json::requireObject(json_doc.object(), "pack", {});
pack.setPackFormat(Json::ensureInteger(pack_obj, "pack_format", 0));
auto desc_val = pack_obj.value("description");
QString desc{};
if (not processComponent(desc_val, desc))
return false;
qInfo() << desc;
} catch (Json::JsonException& e) {
qWarning() << "JsonException: " << e.what() << e.cause();
return false;
return true;
bool processPackPNG(const ResourcePack& pack, QByteArray&& raw_data)
auto img = QImage::fromData(raw_data);
if (!img.isNull()) {
} else {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse pack.png.";
return false;
return true;
bool processPackPNG(const ResourcePack& pack)
auto png_invalid = [&pack]() {
qWarning() << "Resource pack at" << pack.fileinfo().filePath() << "does not have a valid pack.png";
return false;
switch (pack.type()) {
case ResourceType::FOLDER: {
QFileInfo image_file_info(FS::PathCombine(pack.fileinfo().filePath(), "pack.png"));
if (image_file_info.exists() && image_file_info.isFile()) {
QFile pack_png_file(image_file_info.filePath());
if (!pack_png_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
return png_invalid(); // can't open pack.png file
auto data = pack_png_file.readAll();
bool pack_png_result = ResourcePackUtils::processPackPNG(pack, std::move(data));
if (!pack_png_result) {
return png_invalid(); // pack.png invalid
} else {
return png_invalid(); // pack.png does not exists or is not a valid file.
case ResourceType::ZIPFILE: {
Q_ASSERT(pack.type() == ResourceType::ZIPFILE);
QuaZip zip(pack.fileinfo().filePath());
if (!zip.open(QuaZip::mdUnzip))
return false; // can't open zip file
QuaZipFile file(&zip);
if (zip.setCurrentFile("pack.png")) {
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qCritical() << "Failed to open file in zip.";
return png_invalid();
auto data = file.readAll();
bool pack_png_result = ResourcePackUtils::processPackPNG(pack, std::move(data));
if (!pack_png_result) {
return png_invalid(); // pack.png invalid
} else {
return png_invalid(); // could not set pack.mcmeta as current file.
qWarning() << "Invalid type for resource pack parse task!";
return false;
bool validate(QFileInfo file)
ResourcePack rp{ file };
return ResourcePackUtils::process(rp, ProcessingLevel::BasicInfoOnly) && rp.valid();
} // namespace ResourcePackUtils
LocalResourcePackParseTask::LocalResourcePackParseTask(int token, ResourcePack& rp)
: Task(nullptr, false), m_token(token), m_resource_pack(rp)
bool LocalResourcePackParseTask::abort()
m_aborted = true;
return true;
void LocalResourcePackParseTask::executeTask()
if (!ResourcePackUtils::process(m_resource_pack))
if (m_aborted)