If a version on Modrinth has more than a single mod loader associated, it means that it's possible we might get the wrong file for download, since individual files don't really have this kind of metadata in the API response. So, in such cases, it's best to let the user take care of it instead. Signed-off-by: flow <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
145 lines
5.3 KiB
145 lines
5.3 KiB
#include "FileResolvingTask.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include "net/Upload.h"
#include "modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPackIndex.h"
Flame::FileResolvingTask::FileResolvingTask(const shared_qobject_ptr<QNetworkAccessManager>& network, Flame::Manifest& toProcess)
: m_network(network), m_toProcess(toProcess)
bool Flame::FileResolvingTask::abort()
bool aborted = true;
if (m_dljob)
aborted &= m_dljob->abort();
if (m_checkJob)
aborted &= m_checkJob->abort();
return aborted ? Task::abort() : false;
void Flame::FileResolvingTask::executeTask()
setStatus(tr("Resolving mod IDs..."));
setProgress(0, 3);
m_dljob = new NetJob("Mod id resolver", m_network);
result.reset(new QByteArray());
//build json data to send
QJsonObject object;
object["fileIds"] = QJsonArray::fromVariantList(std::accumulate(m_toProcess.files.begin(), m_toProcess.files.end(), QVariantList(), [](QVariantList& l, const File& s) {
return l;
QByteArray data = Json::toText(object);
auto dl = Net::Upload::makeByteArray(QUrl("https://api.curseforge.com/v1/mods/files"), result.get(), data);
connect(m_dljob.get(), &NetJob::finished, this, &Flame::FileResolvingTask::netJobFinished);
void Flame::FileResolvingTask::netJobFinished()
setProgress(1, 3);
int index = 0;
// job to check modrinth for blocked projects
m_checkJob = new NetJob("Modrinth check", m_network);
blockedProjects = QMap<File *,QByteArray *>();
auto doc = Json::requireDocument(*result);
auto array = Json::requireArray(doc.object()["data"]);
for (QJsonValueRef file : array) {
auto fileid = Json::requireInteger(Json::requireObject(file)["id"]);
auto& out = m_toProcess.files[fileid];
try {
} catch (const JSONValidationError& e) {
qDebug() << "Blocked mod on curseforge" << out.fileName;
auto hash = out.hash;
if(!hash.isEmpty()) {
auto url = QString("https://api.modrinth.com/v2/version_file/%1?algorithm=sha1").arg(hash);
auto output = new QByteArray();
auto dl = Net::Download::makeByteArray(QUrl(url), output);
QObject::connect(dl.get(), &Net::Download::succeeded, [&out]() {
out.resolved = true;
blockedProjects.insert(&out, output);
connect(m_checkJob.get(), &NetJob::finished, this, &Flame::FileResolvingTask::modrinthCheckFinished);
void Flame::FileResolvingTask::modrinthCheckFinished() {
setProgress(2, 3);
qDebug() << "Finished with blocked mods : " << blockedProjects.size();
for (auto it = blockedProjects.keyBegin(); it != blockedProjects.keyEnd(); it++) {
auto &out = *it;
auto bytes = blockedProjects[out];
if (!out->resolved) {
delete bytes;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*bytes);
auto obj = doc.object();
auto file = Modrinth::loadIndexedPackVersion(obj);
// If there's more than one mod loader for this version, we can't know for sure
// which file is relative to each loader, so it's best to not use any one and
// let the user download it manually.
if (file.loaders.size() <= 1) {
out->url = file.downloadUrl;
qDebug() << "Found alternative on modrinth " << out->fileName;
} else {
out->resolved = false;
delete bytes;
//copy to an output list and filter out projects found on modrinth
auto block = new QList<File *>();
auto it = blockedProjects.keys();
std::copy_if(it.begin(), it.end(), std::back_inserter(*block), [](File *f) {
return !f->resolved;
//Display not found mods early
if (!block->empty()) {
//blocked mods found, we need the slug for displaying.... we need another job :D !
auto slugJob = new NetJob("Slug Job", m_network);
auto slugs = QVector<QByteArray>(block->size());
auto index = 0;
for (auto fileInfo: *block) {
auto projectId = fileInfo->projectId;
slugs[index] = QByteArray();
auto url = QString("https://api.curseforge.com/v1/mods/%1").arg(projectId);
auto dl = Net::Download::makeByteArray(url, &slugs[index]);
connect(slugJob, &NetJob::succeeded, this, [slugs, this, slugJob, block]() {
auto index = 0;
for (const auto &slugResult: slugs) {
auto json = QJsonDocument::fromJson(slugResult);
auto base = Json::requireString(Json::requireObject(Json::requireObject(Json::requireObject(json),"data"),"links"),
auto mod = block->at(index);
auto link = QString("%1/download/%2").arg(base, QString::number(mod->fileId));
mod->websiteUrl = link;
} else {