This subclasses the Review mods dialog to make a "Update review" one. Also, all the necessary components built until now are put together in a coherent unity that checks and generates metadata on-the-fly and checks for mod updates, while giving and receiving feedback to the user. Signed-off-by: flow <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
220 lines
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220 lines
7.8 KiB
#include "FlameCheckUpdate.h"
#include "FlameAPI.h"
#include "FlameModIndex.h"
#include <MurmurHash2.h>
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include "ModDownloadTask.h"
static FlameAPI api;
static ModPlatform::ProviderCapabilities ProviderCaps;
bool FlameCheckUpdate::abort()
m_was_aborted = true;
if (m_net_job)
return m_net_job->abort();
return true;
ModPlatform::IndexedPack getProjectInfo(ModPlatform::IndexedVersion& ver_info)
ModPlatform::IndexedPack pack;
QEventLoop loop;
auto get_project_job = new NetJob("Flame::GetProjectJob", APPLICATION->network());
auto response = new QByteArray();
auto url = QString("https://api.curseforge.com/v1/mods/%1").arg(ver_info.addonId.toString());
auto dl = Net::Download::makeByteArray(url, response);
QObject::connect(get_project_job, &NetJob::succeeded, [response, &pack]() {
QJsonParseError parse_error{};
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*response, &parse_error);
if (parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
qWarning() << "Error while parsing JSON response from FlameCheckUpdate at " << parse_error.offset
<< " reason: " << parse_error.errorString();
qWarning() << *response;
try {
auto doc_obj = Json::requireObject(doc);
auto data_obj = Json::requireObject(doc_obj, "data");
FlameMod::loadIndexedPack(pack, data_obj);
} catch (Json::JsonException& e) {
qWarning() << e.cause();
qDebug() << doc;
QObject::connect(get_project_job, &NetJob::finished, [&loop, get_project_job] {
return pack;
/* Check for update:
* - Get latest version available
* - Compare hash of the latest version with the current hash
* - If equal, no updates, else, there's updates, so add to the list
* */
void FlameCheckUpdate::executeTask()
setStatus(tr("Preparing mods for CurseForge..."));
setProgress(0, 5);
QHash<int, Mod> mappings;
// Create all hashes
std::list<uint> murmur_hashes;
auto best_hash_type = ProviderCaps.hashType(ModPlatform::Provider::FLAME).first();
for (auto mod : m_mods) {
QByteArray jar_data;
try {
jar_data = FS::read(mod.fileinfo().absoluteFilePath());
} catch (FS::FileSystemException& e) {
qCritical() << QString("Failed to open / read JAR file of %1").arg(mod.name());
qCritical() << QString("Reason: ") << e.cause();
QByteArray jar_data_treated;
for (char c : jar_data) {
// CF-specific
if (!(c == 9 || c == 10 || c == 13 || c == 32))
auto murmur_hash = MurmurHash2(jar_data_treated, jar_data_treated.length());
mappings.insert(mod.metadata()->mod_id().toInt(), mod);
auto* response = new QByteArray();
auto job = api.matchFingerprints(murmur_hashes, response);
QEventLoop lock;
connect(job.get(), &Task::succeeded, this, [this, response, &mappings] {
QJsonParseError parse_error{};
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*response, &parse_error);
if (parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
qWarning() << "Error while parsing JSON response from FlameCheckUpdate at " << parse_error.offset
<< " reason: " << parse_error.errorString();
qWarning() << *response;
setStatus(tr("Parsing the first API response from CurseForge..."));
setProgress(2, 5);
try {
auto doc_obj = Json::requireObject(doc);
auto data_obj = Json::ensureObject(doc_obj, "data");
auto match_arr = Json::ensureArray(data_obj, "exactMatches");
for (auto match : match_arr) {
auto match_obj = Json::ensureObject(match);
ModPlatform::IndexedVersion current_ver;
try {
auto file_obj = Json::requireObject(match_obj, "file");
current_ver = FlameMod::loadIndexedPackVersion(file_obj);
} catch (Json::JsonException& e) {
qCritical() << "Error while parsing Flame indexed version";
qCritical() << e.what();
failed(tr("An error occured while parsing a CurseForge indexed version!"));
auto mod_iter = mappings.find(current_ver.addonId.toInt());
if (mod_iter == mappings.end()) {
qCritical() << "Failed to remap mod from Flame!";
qDebug() << match_obj;
auto mod = mod_iter.value();
setStatus(tr("Waiting for the API response from CurseForge for '%1'...").arg(mod.name()));
setProgress(3, 5);
auto latest_ver = api.getLatestVersion({ current_ver.addonId.toString(), m_game_versions, m_loaders });
// Check if we were aborted while getting the latest version
if (m_was_aborted) {
setStatus(tr("Parsing the API response from CurseForge for '%1'...").arg(mod.name()));
setProgress(4, 5);
if (!latest_ver.addonId.isValid()) {
emit checkFailed(
tr("No valid version found for this mod. It's probably unavailable for the current game version / mod loader."));
if (latest_ver.downloadUrl.isEmpty() && latest_ver.fileId != current_ver.fileId) {
auto pack = getProjectInfo(latest_ver);
auto recover_url = QString("%1/download/%2").arg(pack.websiteUrl, latest_ver.fileId.toString());
emit checkFailed(mod, tr("Mod has a new update available, but is opted-out on CurseForge"), recover_url);
if (!latest_ver.hash.isEmpty() && (current_ver.hash != latest_ver.hash || mod.status() == ModStatus::NotInstalled)) {
// Fake pack with the necessary info to pass to the download task :)
ModPlatform::IndexedPack pack;
pack.name = mod.name();
pack.addonId = mod.metadata()->project_id;
pack.websiteUrl = mod.homeurl();
for (auto& author : mod.authors())
pack.authors.append({ author });
pack.description = mod.description();
pack.provider = ModPlatform::Provider::FLAME;
auto download_task = new ModDownloadTask(pack, latest_ver, m_mods_folder);
m_updatable.emplace_back(mod.name(), current_ver.hash, current_ver.version, latest_ver.version,
api.getModFileChangelog(latest_ver.addonId.toInt(), latest_ver.fileId.toInt()),
ModPlatform::Provider::FLAME, download_task);
} catch (Json::JsonException& e) {
failed(e.cause() + " : " + e.what());
connect(job.get(), &Task::finished, &lock, &QEventLoop::quit);
setStatus(tr("Waiting for the first API response from CurseForge..."));
setProgress(1, 5);
m_net_job = job.get();