This uses more arguments in the GET request for mod versions on the Modrinth API, filtering what versions can be returned, decreasing load on Modrinth servers and improving a little the time it takes for the versions to be available to the user. This also removes the now unneeded check on correct modloaders in ModrinthPackIndex, since it is now filtered by the Modrinth server. Lastly, this adds a couple of helper functions in ModModel.
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86 lines
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#include "ModrinthPackIndex.h"
#include "ModrinthAPI.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include "minecraft/MinecraftInstance.h"
#include "minecraft/PackProfile.h"
#include "net/NetJob.h"
static ModrinthAPI api;
void Modrinth::loadIndexedPack(ModPlatform::IndexedPack& pack, QJsonObject& obj)
pack.addonId = Json::requireString(obj, "project_id");
pack.name = Json::requireString(obj, "title");
pack.websiteUrl = Json::ensureString(obj, "page_url", "");
pack.description = Json::ensureString(obj, "description", "");
pack.logoUrl = Json::requireString(obj, "icon_url");
pack.logoName = pack.addonId.toString();
ModPlatform::ModpackAuthor modAuthor;
modAuthor.name = Json::requireString(obj, "author");
modAuthor.url = api.getAuthorURL(modAuthor.name);
void Modrinth::loadIndexedPackVersions(ModPlatform::IndexedPack& pack,
QJsonArray& arr,
const shared_qobject_ptr<QNetworkAccessManager>& network,
BaseInstance* inst)
QVector<ModPlatform::IndexedVersion> unsortedVersions;
QString mcVersion = (static_cast<MinecraftInstance*>(inst))->getPackProfile()->getComponentVersion("net.minecraft");
for (auto versionIter : arr) {
auto obj = versionIter.toObject();
ModPlatform::IndexedVersion file;
file.addonId = Json::requireString(obj, "project_id");
file.fileId = Json::requireString(obj, "id");
file.date = Json::requireString(obj, "date_published");
auto versionArray = Json::requireArray(obj, "game_versions");
if (versionArray.empty()) { continue; }
for (auto mcVer : versionArray) {
auto loaders = Json::requireArray(obj, "loaders");
for (auto loader : loaders) {
file.version = Json::requireString(obj, "name");
auto files = Json::requireArray(obj, "files");
int i = 0;
// Find correct file (needed in cases where one version may have multiple files)
// Will default to the last one if there's no primary (though I think Modrinth requires that
// at least one file is primary, idk)
// NOTE: files.count() is 1-indexed, so we need to subtract 1 to become 0-indexed
while (i < files.count() - 1){
auto parent = files[i].toObject();
auto fileName = Json::requireString(parent, "filename");
// Grab the primary file, if available
if(Json::requireBoolean(parent, "primary"))
auto parent = files[i].toObject();
if (parent.contains("url")) {
file.downloadUrl = Json::requireString(parent, "url");
file.fileName = Json::requireString(parent, "filename");
auto orderSortPredicate = [](const ModPlatform::IndexedVersion& a, const ModPlatform::IndexedVersion& b) -> bool {
// dates are in RFC 3339 format
return a.date > b.date;
std::sort(unsortedVersions.begin(), unsortedVersions.end(), orderSortPredicate);
pack.versions = unsortedVersions;
pack.versionsLoaded = true;