Rachel Powers 12f0d51c0c Fix: signal/slot macro -> func pointer & network fixes
- convert qt connect calls to use function pointers instead of the signal/slot macros wherever practical (UI classes were mostly left alone, target was tasks and processes)
- give signals an explicit receivers to use the static method over the instance method wherever practical
- ensure networks tasks are using the `errorOccured` signal added in Qt5.15 over the deprecated `error` signal
- ensure all networks tasks have an sslErrors signal connected
- add seemingly missing `MinecraftAccount::authSucceeded` connection for `MSAInteractive` login flow

Signed-off-by: Rachel Powers <>
2023-04-17 18:23:18 -07:00

117 lines
3.0 KiB

#include "JProfiler.h"
#include <QDir>
#include "settings/SettingsObject.h"
#include "launch/LaunchTask.h"
#include "BaseInstance.h"
class JProfiler : public BaseProfiler
JProfiler(SettingsObjectPtr settings, InstancePtr instance, QObject *parent = 0);
private slots:
void profilerStarted();
void profilerFinished(int exit, QProcess::ExitStatus status);
void beginProfilingImpl(shared_qobject_ptr<LaunchTask> process);
int listeningPort = 0;
JProfiler::JProfiler(SettingsObjectPtr settings, InstancePtr instance,
QObject *parent)
: BaseProfiler(settings, instance, parent)
void JProfiler::profilerStarted()
emit readyToLaunch(tr("Listening on port: %1").arg(listeningPort));
void JProfiler::profilerFinished(int exit, QProcess::ExitStatus status)
if (status == QProcess::CrashExit)
emit abortLaunch(tr("Profiler aborted"));
if (m_profilerProcess)
m_profilerProcess = 0;
void JProfiler::beginProfilingImpl(shared_qobject_ptr<LaunchTask> process)
listeningPort = globalSettings->get("JProfilerPort").toInt();
QProcess *profiler = new QProcess(this);
QStringList profilerArgs =
"-d", QString::number(process->pid()),
"-p", QString::number(listeningPort)
auto basePath = globalSettings->get("JProfilerPath").toString();
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
QString profilerProgram = QDir(basePath).absoluteFilePath("bin/jpenable.exe");
QString profilerProgram = QDir(basePath).absoluteFilePath("bin/jpenable");
connect(profiler, &QProcess::started, this, &JProfiler::profilerStarted);
connect(profiler, QOverload<int, QProcess::ExitStatus>::of(&QProcess::finished), this, &JProfiler::profilerFinished);
m_profilerProcess = profiler;
void JProfilerFactory::registerSettings(SettingsObjectPtr settings)
settings->registerSetting("JProfilerPort", 42042);
globalSettings = settings;
BaseExternalTool *JProfilerFactory::createTool(InstancePtr instance, QObject *parent)
return new JProfiler(globalSettings, instance, parent);
bool JProfilerFactory::check(QString *error)
return check(globalSettings->get("JProfilerPath").toString(), error);
bool JProfilerFactory::check(const QString &path, QString *error)
if (path.isEmpty())
*error = QObject::tr("Empty path");
return false;
QDir dir(path);
if (!dir.exists())
*error = QObject::tr("Path does not exist");
return false;
if (!dir.exists("bin") || !(dir.exists("bin/jprofiler") || dir.exists("bin/jprofiler.exe")) || !dir.exists("bin/agent.jar"))
*error = QObject::tr("Invalid JProfiler install");
return false;
return true;
#include "JProfiler.moc"