flow dd6aabf9ab
feat: add ChooseProviderDialog
Allows you to prompt the user for choosing a (mod) provider. This should
be fairly independent of the mod updater logic, so it can be used for
other ends later down the road :^)

Signed-off-by: flow <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
2022-07-17 11:33:41 -03:00

57 lines
1021 B

#pragma once
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <QDialog>
namespace Ui {
class ChooseProviderDialog;
namespace ModPlatform {
enum class Provider;
class Mod;
class NetJob;
class ModUpdateDialog;
class ChooseProviderDialog : public QDialog {
struct Response {
bool skip_all = false;
bool confirm_all = false;
bool try_others = false;
ModPlatform::Provider chosen;
explicit ChooseProviderDialog(QWidget* parent, bool single_choice = false, bool allow_skipping = true);
auto getResponse() const -> Response { return m_response; }
void setDescription(QString desc);
private slots:
void skipOne();
void skipAll();
void confirmOne();
void confirmAll();
void addProviders();
void disableInput();
auto getSelectedProvider() const -> ModPlatform::Provider;
Ui::ChooseProviderDialog* ui;
QButtonGroup m_providers;
Response m_response;