Firstly, this abstract away behavior in the mod download models that can also be applied to other types of resources into a superclass, allowing other resource types to be implemented without so much code duplication. For that, this also generalizes the APIs used (currently, ModrinthAPI and FlameAPI) to be able to make requests to other types of resources. It also does a general cleanup of both of those. In particular, this makes use of std::optional instead of invalid values for errors and, well, optional values :p This is a squash of some commits that were becoming too interlaced together to be cleanly separated. Signed-off-by: flow <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
407 lines
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407 lines
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#include "ModUpdateDialog.h"
#include "ChooseProviderDialog.h"
#include "CustomMessageBox.h"
#include "ProgressDialog.h"
#include "ScrollMessageBox.h"
#include "ui_ReviewMessageBox.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include "Markdown.h"
#include "tasks/ConcurrentTask.h"
#include "minecraft/MinecraftInstance.h"
#include "minecraft/PackProfile.h"
#include "modplatform/EnsureMetadataTask.h"
#include "modplatform/flame/FlameCheckUpdate.h"
#include "modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthCheckUpdate.h"
#include <QTextBrowser>
#include <QTreeWidgetItem>
#include <optional>
static ModPlatform::ProviderCapabilities ProviderCaps;
static std::list<Version> mcVersions(BaseInstance* inst)
return { static_cast<MinecraftInstance*>(inst)->getPackProfile()->getComponent("net.minecraft")->getVersion() };
static std::optional<ResourceAPI::ModLoaderTypes> mcLoaders(BaseInstance* inst)
return { static_cast<MinecraftInstance*>(inst)->getPackProfile()->getModLoaders() };
ModUpdateDialog::ModUpdateDialog(QWidget* parent,
BaseInstance* instance,
const std::shared_ptr<ModFolderModel> mods,
QList<Mod*>& search_for)
: ReviewMessageBox(parent, tr("Confirm mods to update"), "")
, m_parent(parent)
, m_mod_model(mods)
, m_candidates(search_for)
, m_second_try_metadata(new ConcurrentTask())
, m_instance(instance)
ReviewMessageBox::setGeometry(0, 0, 800, 600);
ui->explainLabel->setText(tr("You're about to update the following mods:"));
ui->onlyCheckedLabel->setText(tr("Only mods with a check will be updated!"));
void ModUpdateDialog::checkCandidates()
// Ensure mods have valid metadata
auto went_well = ensureMetadata();
if (!went_well) {
m_aborted = true;
// Report failed metadata generation
if (!m_failed_metadata.empty()) {
QString text;
for (const auto& failed : m_failed_metadata) {
const auto& mod = std::get<0>(failed);
const auto& reason = std::get<1>(failed);
text += tr("Mod name: %1<br>File name: %2<br>Reason: %3<br><br>").arg(mod->name(), mod->fileinfo().fileName(), reason);
ScrollMessageBox message_dialog(m_parent, tr("Metadata generation failed"),
tr("Could not generate metadata for the following mods:<br>"
"Do you wish to proceed without those mods?"),
if (message_dialog.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) {
m_aborted = true;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "reject", Qt::QueuedConnection);
auto versions = mcVersions(m_instance);
auto loaders = mcLoaders(m_instance);
SequentialTask check_task(m_parent, tr("Checking for updates"));
if (!m_modrinth_to_update.empty()) {
m_modrinth_check_task = new ModrinthCheckUpdate(m_modrinth_to_update, versions, loaders, m_mod_model);
connect(m_modrinth_check_task, &CheckUpdateTask::checkFailed, this,
[this](Mod* mod, QString reason, QUrl recover_url) { m_failed_check_update.append({mod, reason, recover_url}); });
if (!m_flame_to_update.empty()) {
m_flame_check_task = new FlameCheckUpdate(m_flame_to_update, versions, loaders, m_mod_model);
connect(m_flame_check_task, &CheckUpdateTask::checkFailed, this,
[this](Mod* mod, QString reason, QUrl recover_url) { m_failed_check_update.append({mod, reason, recover_url}); });
connect(&check_task, &Task::failed, this,
[&](QString reason) { CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Error"), reason, QMessageBox::Critical)->exec(); });
connect(&check_task, &Task::succeeded, this, [&]() {
QStringList warnings = check_task.warnings();
if (warnings.count()) {
CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Warnings"), warnings.join('\n'), QMessageBox::Warning)->exec();
// Check for updates
ProgressDialog progress_dialog(m_parent);
progress_dialog.setSkipButton(true, tr("Abort"));
progress_dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Checking for updates..."));
auto ret = progress_dialog.execWithTask(&check_task);
// If the dialog was skipped / some download error happened
if (ret == QDialog::DialogCode::Rejected) {
m_aborted = true;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "reject", Qt::QueuedConnection);
// Add found updates for Modrinth
if (m_modrinth_check_task) {
auto modrinth_updates = m_modrinth_check_task->getUpdatable();
for (auto& updatable : modrinth_updates) {
qDebug() << QString("Mod %1 has an update available!").arg(updatable.name);
m_tasks.insert(updatable.name, updatable.download);
// Add found updated for Flame
if (m_flame_check_task) {
auto flame_updates = m_flame_check_task->getUpdatable();
for (auto& updatable : flame_updates) {
qDebug() << QString("Mod %1 has an update available!").arg(updatable.name);
m_tasks.insert(updatable.name, updatable.download);
// Report failed update checking
if (!m_failed_check_update.empty()) {
QString text;
for (const auto& failed : m_failed_check_update) {
const auto& mod = std::get<0>(failed);
const auto& reason = std::get<1>(failed);
const auto& recover_url = std::get<2>(failed);
qDebug() << mod->name() << " failed to check for updates!";
text += tr("Mod name: %1").arg(mod->name()) + "<br>";
if (!reason.isEmpty())
text += tr("Reason: %1").arg(reason) + "<br>";
if (!recover_url.isEmpty())
//: %1 is the link to download it manually
text += tr("Possible solution: Getting the latest version manually:<br>%1<br>")
.arg(QString("<a href='%1'>%1</a>").arg(recover_url.toString()));
text += "<br>";
ScrollMessageBox message_dialog(m_parent, tr("Failed to check for updates"),
tr("Could not check or get the following mods for updates:<br>"
"Do you wish to proceed without those mods?"),
if (message_dialog.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) {
m_aborted = true;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "reject", Qt::QueuedConnection);
// If there's no mod to be updated
if (ui->modTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount() == 0) {
m_no_updates = true;
} else {
// FIXME: Find a more efficient way of doing this!
// Sort major items in alphabetical order (also sorts the children unfortunately)
ui->modTreeWidget->sortItems(0, Qt::SortOrder::AscendingOrder);
// Re-sort the children
auto* item = ui->modTreeWidget->topLevelItem(0);
for (int i = 1; item != nullptr; ++i) {
item->sortChildren(0, Qt::SortOrder::DescendingOrder);
item = ui->modTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i);
if (m_aborted || m_no_updates)
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "reject", Qt::QueuedConnection);
// Part 1: Ensure we have a valid metadata
auto ModUpdateDialog::ensureMetadata() -> bool
auto index_dir = indexDir();
SequentialTask seq(m_parent, tr("Looking for metadata"));
// A better use of data structures here could remove the need for this QHash
QHash<QString, bool> should_try_others;
QList<Mod*> modrinth_tmp;
QList<Mod*> flame_tmp;
bool confirm_rest = false;
bool try_others_rest = false;
bool skip_rest = false;
ModPlatform::ResourceProvider provider_rest = ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::MODRINTH;
auto addToTmp = [&](Mod* m, ModPlatform::ResourceProvider p) {
switch (p) {
case ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::MODRINTH:
case ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::FLAME:
for (auto candidate : m_candidates) {
if (candidate->status() != ModStatus::NoMetadata) {
if (skip_rest)
if (confirm_rest) {
addToTmp(candidate, provider_rest);
should_try_others.insert(candidate->internal_id(), try_others_rest);
ChooseProviderDialog chooser(this);
chooser.setDescription(tr("The mod '%1' does not have a metadata yet. We need to generate it in order to track relevant "
"information on how to update this mod. "
"To do this, please select a mod provider which we can use to check for updates for this mod.")
auto confirmed = chooser.exec() == QDialog::DialogCode::Accepted;
auto response = chooser.getResponse();
if (response.skip_all)
skip_rest = true;
if (response.confirm_all) {
confirm_rest = true;
provider_rest = response.chosen;
try_others_rest = response.try_others;
should_try_others.insert(candidate->internal_id(), response.try_others);
if (confirmed)
addToTmp(candidate, response.chosen);
if (!modrinth_tmp.empty()) {
auto* modrinth_task = new EnsureMetadataTask(modrinth_tmp, index_dir, ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::MODRINTH);
connect(modrinth_task, &EnsureMetadataTask::metadataReady, [this](Mod* candidate) { onMetadataEnsured(candidate); });
connect(modrinth_task, &EnsureMetadataTask::metadataFailed, [this, &should_try_others](Mod* candidate) {
onMetadataFailed(candidate, should_try_others.find(candidate->internal_id()).value(), ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::MODRINTH);
if (modrinth_task->getHashingTask())
if (!flame_tmp.empty()) {
auto* flame_task = new EnsureMetadataTask(flame_tmp, index_dir, ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::FLAME);
connect(flame_task, &EnsureMetadataTask::metadataReady, [this](Mod* candidate) { onMetadataEnsured(candidate); });
connect(flame_task, &EnsureMetadataTask::metadataFailed, [this, &should_try_others](Mod* candidate) {
onMetadataFailed(candidate, should_try_others.find(candidate->internal_id()).value(), ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::FLAME);
if (flame_task->getHashingTask())
ProgressDialog checking_dialog(m_parent);
checking_dialog.setSkipButton(true, tr("Abort"));
checking_dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Generating metadata..."));
auto ret_metadata = checking_dialog.execWithTask(&seq);
return (ret_metadata != QDialog::DialogCode::Rejected);
void ModUpdateDialog::onMetadataEnsured(Mod* mod)
// When the mod is a folder, for instance
if (!mod->metadata())
switch (mod->metadata()->provider) {
case ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::MODRINTH:
case ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::FLAME:
ModPlatform::ResourceProvider next(ModPlatform::ResourceProvider p)
switch (p) {
case ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::MODRINTH:
return ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::FLAME;
case ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::FLAME:
return ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::MODRINTH;
return ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::FLAME;
void ModUpdateDialog::onMetadataFailed(Mod* mod, bool try_others, ModPlatform::ResourceProvider first_choice)
if (try_others) {
auto index_dir = indexDir();
auto* task = new EnsureMetadataTask(mod, index_dir, next(first_choice));
connect(task, &EnsureMetadataTask::metadataReady, [this](Mod* candidate) { onMetadataEnsured(candidate); });
connect(task, &EnsureMetadataTask::metadataFailed, [this](Mod* candidate) { onMetadataFailed(candidate, false); });
} else {
QString reason{ tr("Couldn't find a valid version on the selected mod provider(s)") };
m_failed_metadata.append({mod, reason});
void ModUpdateDialog::appendMod(CheckUpdateTask::UpdatableMod const& info)
auto item_top = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui->modTreeWidget);
item_top->setCheckState(0, Qt::CheckState::Checked);
item_top->setText(0, info.name);
auto provider_item = new QTreeWidgetItem(item_top);
provider_item->setText(0, tr("Provider: %1").arg(ProviderCaps.readableName(info.provider)));
auto old_version_item = new QTreeWidgetItem(item_top);
old_version_item->setText(0, tr("Old version: %1").arg(info.old_version.isEmpty() ? tr("Not installed") : info.old_version));
auto new_version_item = new QTreeWidgetItem(item_top);
new_version_item->setText(0, tr("New version: %1").arg(info.new_version));
auto changelog_item = new QTreeWidgetItem(item_top);
changelog_item->setText(0, tr("Changelog of the latest version"));
auto changelog = new QTreeWidgetItem(changelog_item);
auto changelog_area = new QTextBrowser();
QString text = info.changelog;
switch (info.provider) {
case ModPlatform::ResourceProvider::MODRINTH: {
text = markdownToHTML(info.changelog.toUtf8());
ui->modTreeWidget->setItemWidget(changelog, 0, changelog_area);
auto ModUpdateDialog::getTasks() -> const QList<ResourceDownloadTask*>
QList<ResourceDownloadTask*> list;
auto* item = ui->modTreeWidget->topLevelItem(0);
for (int i = 1; item != nullptr; ++i) {
if (item->checkState(0) == Qt::CheckState::Checked) {
item = ui->modTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i);
return list;