Version patches get a lot of new flags that determine which actions are allowed Version page respects the flags Customize, revert and edit for version patches Builting patches can be customized
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175 lines
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#include "MinecraftVersion.h"
#include "MinecraftProfile.h"
#include "VersionBuildError.h"
#include "ProfileUtils.h"
#include "settings/SettingsObject.h"
bool MinecraftVersion::usesLegacyLauncher()
return m_traits.contains("legacyLaunch") || m_traits.contains("aplhaLaunch");
QString MinecraftVersion::descriptor()
return m_descriptor;
QString MinecraftVersion::name()
return m_name;
QString MinecraftVersion::typeString() const
if(m_type == "snapshot")
return QObject::tr("Snapshot");
else if (m_type == "release")
return QObject::tr("Regular release");
else if (m_type == "old_alpha")
return QObject::tr("Alpha");
else if (m_type == "old_beta")
return QObject::tr("Beta");
return QString();
bool MinecraftVersion::hasJarMods()
return false;
bool MinecraftVersion::isMinecraftVersion()
return true;
// 1. assume the local file is good. load, check. If it's good, apply.
// 2. if discrepancies are found, fall out and fail (impossible to apply incomplete version).
void MinecraftVersion::applyFileTo(MinecraftProfile *version)
QJsonDocument MinecraftVersion::toJson(bool saveOrder)
return getVersionFile()->toJson(saveOrder);
VersionFilePtr MinecraftVersion::getVersionFile()
QFileInfo versionFile(QString("versions/%1/%1.dat").arg(m_descriptor));
auto loadedVersionFile = ProfileUtils::parseBinaryJsonFile(versionFile);
loadedVersionFile->name = "Minecraft";
//FIXME: possibly not the best place for this... but w/e
return loadedVersionFile;
void MinecraftVersion::applyTo(MinecraftProfile *version)
// do we have this one cached?
if (m_versionSource == Local)
// if not builtin, do not proceed any further.
if (m_versionSource != Builtin)
throw VersionIncomplete(QObject::tr(
"Minecraft version %1 could not be applied: version files are missing.").arg(m_descriptor));
if (!m_descriptor.isNull())
version->id = m_descriptor;
if (!m_mainClass.isNull())
version->mainClass = m_mainClass;
if (!m_appletClass.isNull())
version->appletClass = m_appletClass;
if (!m_processArguments.isNull())
version->vanillaProcessArguments = m_processArguments;
version->processArguments = m_processArguments;
if (!m_type.isNull())
version->type = m_type;
if (!m_releaseTimeString.isNull())
version->m_releaseTimeString = m_releaseTimeString;
version->m_releaseTime = m_releaseTime;
if (!m_updateTimeString.isNull())
version->m_updateTimeString = m_updateTimeString;
version->m_updateTime = m_updateTime;
int MinecraftVersion::getOrder()
return order;
void MinecraftVersion::setOrder(int order)
this->order = order;
QList<JarmodPtr> MinecraftVersion::getJarMods()
return QList<JarmodPtr>();
QString MinecraftVersion::getPatchName()
return "Minecraft";
QString MinecraftVersion::getPatchVersion()
return m_descriptor;
QString MinecraftVersion::getPatchID()
return "net.minecraft";
QString MinecraftVersion::getPatchFilename()
return QString();
bool MinecraftVersion::needsUpdate()
return m_versionSource == Remote || hasUpdate();
bool MinecraftVersion::hasUpdate()
return m_versionSource == Remote || (m_versionSource == Local && upstreamUpdate);
bool MinecraftVersion::isCustom()
// if we add any other source types, this will evaluate to false for them.
return m_versionSource != Builtin && m_versionSource != Local && m_versionSource != Remote;