JavaPage 0 0 559 659 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tab 1 Memory Ma&ximum memory allocation: maxMemSpinBox &PermGen: permGenSpinBox &Minimum memory allocation: minMemSpinBox The amount of memory Minecraft is started with. MiB 128 1048576 128 256 The maximum amount of memory Minecraft is allowed to use. MiB 128 1048576 128 1024 The amount of memory available to store loaded Java classes. MiB 64 999999999 8 64 maxMemSpinBox Java Runtime true 0 0 16777215 100 0 0 If enabled, the launcher will not check if an instance is compatible with the selected Java version. &Skip Java compatibility checks Download Java 0 0 &Auto-detect... 0 0 &Test 0 0 JVM arguments: Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 &Java path: javaPathTextBox 0 0 Browse If enabled, the launcher will not prompt you to choose a Java version if one isn't found. Skip Java &Wizard Qt::Vertical 20 40 minMemSpinBox maxMemSpinBox permGenSpinBox javaPathTextBox javaBrowseBtn javaDownloadBtn javaDetectBtn javaTestBtn skipCompatibilityCheckbox skipJavaWizardCheckbox jvmArgsTextBox tabWidget