/* Copyright 2013 MultiMC Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "MultiMC.h" #include "OneSixUpdate.h" #include <QtNetwork> #include <QFile> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QTextStream> #include <QDataStream> #include <pathutils.h> #include <JlCompress.h> #include "logic/BaseInstance.h" #include "logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersionList.h" #include "logic/minecraft/InstanceVersion.h" #include "logic/minecraft/OneSixLibrary.h" #include "logic/OneSixInstance.h" #include "logic/forge/ForgeMirrors.h" #include "logic/net/URLConstants.h" #include "logic/assets/AssetsUtils.h" OneSixUpdate::OneSixUpdate(OneSixInstance *inst, QObject *parent) : Task(parent), m_inst(inst) { } void OneSixUpdate::executeTask() { // Make directories QDir mcDir(m_inst->minecraftRoot()); if (!mcDir.exists() && !mcDir.mkpath(".")) { emitFailed(tr("Failed to create folder for minecraft binaries.")); return; } // Get a pointer to the version object that corresponds to the instance's version. targetVersion = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MinecraftVersion>( MMC->minecraftlist()->findVersion(m_inst->intendedVersionId())); if (targetVersion == nullptr) { // don't do anything if it was invalid emitFailed(tr("The specified Minecraft version is invalid. Choose a different one.")); return; } if (m_inst->providesVersionFile() || !targetVersion->needsUpdate()) { jarlibStart(); return; } versionUpdateTask = MMC->minecraftlist()->createUpdateTask(m_inst->intendedVersionId()); if (!versionUpdateTask) { jarlibStart(); return; } connect(versionUpdateTask.get(), SIGNAL(succeeded()), SLOT(jarlibStart())); connect(versionUpdateTask.get(), SIGNAL(failed(QString)), SLOT(versionUpdateFailed(QString))); connect(versionUpdateTask.get(), SIGNAL(progress(qint64, qint64)), SIGNAL(progress(qint64, qint64))); setStatus(tr("Getting the version files from Mojang...")); versionUpdateTask->start(); } void OneSixUpdate::versionUpdateFailed(QString reason) { emitFailed(reason); } void OneSixUpdate::assetIndexStart() { setStatus(tr("Updating assets index...")); OneSixInstance *inst = (OneSixInstance *)m_inst; std::shared_ptr<InstanceVersion> version = inst->getFullVersion(); QString assetName = version->assets; QUrl indexUrl = "http://" + URLConstants::AWS_DOWNLOAD_INDEXES + assetName + ".json"; QString localPath = assetName + ".json"; auto job = new NetJob(tr("Asset index for %1").arg(inst->name())); auto metacache = MMC->metacache(); auto entry = metacache->resolveEntry("asset_indexes", localPath); job->addNetAction(CacheDownload::make(indexUrl, entry)); jarlibDownloadJob.reset(job); connect(jarlibDownloadJob.get(), SIGNAL(succeeded()), SLOT(assetIndexFinished())); connect(jarlibDownloadJob.get(), SIGNAL(failed()), SLOT(assetIndexFailed())); connect(jarlibDownloadJob.get(), SIGNAL(progress(qint64, qint64)), SIGNAL(progress(qint64, qint64))); jarlibDownloadJob->start(); } void OneSixUpdate::assetIndexFinished() { AssetsIndex index; OneSixInstance *inst = (OneSixInstance *)m_inst; std::shared_ptr<InstanceVersion> version = inst->getFullVersion(); QString assetName = version->assets; QString asset_fname = "assets/indexes/" + assetName + ".json"; if (!AssetsUtils::loadAssetsIndexJson(asset_fname, &index)) { emitFailed(tr("Failed to read the assets index!")); } QList<Md5EtagDownloadPtr> dls; for (auto object : index.objects.values()) { QString objectName = object.hash.left(2) + "/" + object.hash; QFileInfo objectFile("assets/objects/" + objectName); if ((!objectFile.isFile()) || (objectFile.size() != object.size)) { auto objectDL = MD5EtagDownload::make( QUrl("http://" + URLConstants::RESOURCE_BASE + objectName), objectFile.filePath()); objectDL->m_total_progress = object.size; dls.append(objectDL); } } if (dls.size()) { setStatus(tr("Getting the assets files from Mojang...")); auto job = new NetJob(tr("Assets for %1").arg(inst->name())); for (auto dl : dls) job->addNetAction(dl); jarlibDownloadJob.reset(job); connect(jarlibDownloadJob.get(), SIGNAL(succeeded()), SLOT(assetsFinished())); connect(jarlibDownloadJob.get(), SIGNAL(failed()), SLOT(assetsFailed())); connect(jarlibDownloadJob.get(), SIGNAL(progress(qint64, qint64)), SIGNAL(progress(qint64, qint64))); jarlibDownloadJob->start(); return; } assetsFinished(); } void OneSixUpdate::assetIndexFailed() { emitFailed(tr("Failed to download the assets index!")); } void OneSixUpdate::assetsFinished() { emitSucceeded(); } void OneSixUpdate::assetsFailed() { emitFailed(tr("Failed to download assets!")); } void OneSixUpdate::jarlibStart() { setStatus(tr("Getting the library files from Mojang...")); QLOG_INFO() << m_inst->name() << ": downloading libraries"; OneSixInstance *inst = (OneSixInstance *)m_inst; try { inst->reloadVersion(); } catch (MMCError &e) { emitFailed(e.cause()); return; } catch (...) { emitFailed(tr("Failed to load the version description file for reasons unknown.")); return; } // Build a list of URLs that will need to be downloaded. std::shared_ptr<InstanceVersion> version = inst->getFullVersion(); // minecraft.jar for this version { QString version_id = version->id; QString localPath = version_id + "/" + version_id + ".jar"; QString urlstr = "http://" + URLConstants::AWS_DOWNLOAD_VERSIONS + localPath; auto job = new NetJob(tr("Libraries for instance %1").arg(inst->name())); auto metacache = MMC->metacache(); auto entry = metacache->resolveEntry("versions", localPath); job->addNetAction(CacheDownload::make(QUrl(urlstr), entry)); jarHashOnEntry = entry->md5sum; jarlibDownloadJob.reset(job); } auto libs = version->getActiveNativeLibs(); libs.append(version->getActiveNormalLibs()); auto metacache = MMC->metacache(); QList<ForgeXzDownloadPtr> ForgeLibs; QList<std::shared_ptr<OneSixLibrary>> brokenLocalLibs; for (auto lib : libs) { if (lib->hint() == "local") { if (!lib->filesExist(m_inst->librariesPath())) brokenLocalLibs.append(lib); continue; } QString raw_storage = lib->storagePath(); QString raw_dl = lib->downloadUrl(); auto f = [&](QString storage, QString dl) { auto entry = metacache->resolveEntry("libraries", storage); if (entry->stale) { if (lib->hint() == "forge-pack-xz") { ForgeLibs.append(ForgeXzDownload::make(storage, entry)); } else { jarlibDownloadJob->addNetAction(CacheDownload::make(dl, entry)); } } }; if (raw_storage.contains("${arch}")) { QString cooked_storage = raw_storage; QString cooked_dl = raw_dl; f(cooked_storage.replace("${arch}", "32"), cooked_dl.replace("${arch}", "32")); cooked_storage = raw_storage; cooked_dl = raw_dl; f(cooked_storage.replace("${arch}", "64"), cooked_dl.replace("${arch}", "64")); } else { f(raw_storage, raw_dl); } } if (!brokenLocalLibs.empty()) { jarlibDownloadJob.reset(); QStringList failed; for (auto brokenLib : brokenLocalLibs) { failed.append(brokenLib->files()); } QString failed_all = failed.join("\n"); emitFailed(tr("Some libraries marked as 'local' are missing their jar " "files:\n%1\n\nYou'll have to correct this problem manually. If this is " "an externally tracked instance, make sure to run it at least once " "outside of MultiMC.").arg(failed_all)); return; } // TODO: think about how to propagate this from the original json file... or IF AT ALL QString forgeMirrorList = "http://files.minecraftforge.net/mirror-brand.list"; if (!ForgeLibs.empty()) { jarlibDownloadJob->addNetAction( ForgeMirrors::make(ForgeLibs, jarlibDownloadJob, forgeMirrorList)); } connect(jarlibDownloadJob.get(), SIGNAL(succeeded()), SLOT(jarlibFinished())); connect(jarlibDownloadJob.get(), SIGNAL(failed()), SLOT(jarlibFailed())); connect(jarlibDownloadJob.get(), SIGNAL(progress(qint64, qint64)), SIGNAL(progress(qint64, qint64))); jarlibDownloadJob->start(); } void OneSixUpdate::jarlibFinished() { OneSixInstance *inst = (OneSixInstance *)m_inst; std::shared_ptr<InstanceVersion> version = inst->getFullVersion(); // create stripped jar, if needed if (version->hasJarMods()) { // FIXME: good candidate for moving elsewhere (jar location resolving/version caching). QString version_id = version->id; QString localPath = version_id + "/" + version_id + ".jar"; QString strippedPath = version_id + "/" + version_id + "-stripped.jar"; auto metacache = MMC->metacache(); auto entry = metacache->resolveEntry("versions", localPath); auto entryStripped = metacache->resolveEntry("versions", strippedPath); QString fullJarPath = entry->getFullPath(); QString fullStrippedJarPath = entryStripped->getFullPath(); QFileInfo finfo(fullStrippedJarPath); if (entry->md5sum != jarHashOnEntry || !finfo.exists()) { stripJar(fullJarPath, fullStrippedJarPath); } } if (version->traits.contains("legacyFML")) { fmllibsStart(); } else { assetIndexStart(); } } void OneSixUpdate::jarlibFailed() { QStringList failed = jarlibDownloadJob->getFailedFiles(); QString failed_all = failed.join("\n"); emitFailed( tr("Failed to download the following files:\n%1\n\nPlease try again.").arg(failed_all)); } void OneSixUpdate::stripJar(QString origPath, QString newPath) { QFileInfo runnableJar(newPath); if (runnableJar.exists() && !QFile::remove(runnableJar.filePath())) { emitFailed("Failed to delete old minecraft.jar"); return; } // TaskStep(); // STEP 1 setStatus(tr("Creating stripped jar: Opening minecraft.jar ...")); QuaZip zipOut(runnableJar.filePath()); if (!zipOut.open(QuaZip::mdCreate)) { QFile::remove(runnableJar.filePath()); emitFailed("Failed to open the minecraft.jar for stripping"); return; } // Modify the jar setStatus(tr("Creating stripped jar: Adding files...")); if (!MergeZipFiles(&zipOut, origPath)) { zipOut.close(); QFile::remove(runnableJar.filePath()); emitFailed("Failed to add " + origPath + " to the jar."); return; } } bool OneSixUpdate::MergeZipFiles(QuaZip *into, QString from) { setStatus(tr("Installing mods: Adding ") + from + " ..."); QuaZip modZip(from); modZip.open(QuaZip::mdUnzip); QuaZipFile fileInsideMod(&modZip); QuaZipFile zipOutFile(into); for (bool more = modZip.goToFirstFile(); more; more = modZip.goToNextFile()) { QString filename = modZip.getCurrentFileName(); if (filename.contains("META-INF")) { QLOG_INFO() << "Skipping META-INF " << filename << " from " << from; continue; } QLOG_INFO() << "Adding file " << filename << " from " << from; if (!fileInsideMod.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to open " << filename << " from " << from; return false; } /* QuaZipFileInfo old_info; fileInsideMod.getFileInfo(&old_info); */ QuaZipNewInfo info_out(fileInsideMod.getActualFileName()); /* info_out.externalAttr = old_info.externalAttr; */ if (!zipOutFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly, info_out)) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to open " << filename << " in the jar"; fileInsideMod.close(); return false; } if (!JlCompress::copyData(fileInsideMod, zipOutFile)) { zipOutFile.close(); fileInsideMod.close(); QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to copy data of " << filename << " into the jar"; return false; } zipOutFile.close(); fileInsideMod.close(); } return true; } void OneSixUpdate::fmllibsStart() { // Get the mod list OneSixInstance *inst = (OneSixInstance *)m_inst; std::shared_ptr<InstanceVersion> fullversion = inst->getFullVersion(); bool forge_present = false; QString version = inst->intendedVersionId(); auto &fmlLibsMapping = g_VersionFilterData.fmlLibsMapping; if (!fmlLibsMapping.contains(version)) { assetIndexStart(); return; } auto &libList = fmlLibsMapping[version]; // determine if we need some libs for FML or forge setStatus(tr("Checking for FML libraries...")); forge_present = (fullversion->versionPatch("net.minecraftforge") != nullptr); // we don't... if (!forge_present) { assetIndexStart(); return; } // now check the lib folder inside the instance for files. for (auto &lib : libList) { QFileInfo libInfo(PathCombine(inst->libDir(), lib.filename)); if (libInfo.exists()) continue; fmlLibsToProcess.append(lib); } // if everything is in place, there's nothing to do here... if (fmlLibsToProcess.isEmpty()) { assetIndexStart(); return; } // download missing libs to our place setStatus(tr("Dowloading FML libraries...")); auto dljob = new NetJob("FML libraries"); auto metacache = MMC->metacache(); for (auto &lib : fmlLibsToProcess) { auto entry = metacache->resolveEntry("fmllibs", lib.filename); QString urlString = lib.ours ? URLConstants::FMLLIBS_OUR_BASE_URL + lib.filename : URLConstants::FMLLIBS_FORGE_BASE_URL + lib.filename; dljob->addNetAction(CacheDownload::make(QUrl(urlString), entry)); } connect(dljob, SIGNAL(succeeded()), SLOT(fmllibsFinished())); connect(dljob, SIGNAL(failed()), SLOT(fmllibsFailed())); connect(dljob, SIGNAL(progress(qint64, qint64)), SIGNAL(progress(qint64, qint64))); legacyDownloadJob.reset(dljob); legacyDownloadJob->start(); } void OneSixUpdate::fmllibsFinished() { legacyDownloadJob.reset(); if (!fmlLibsToProcess.isEmpty()) { setStatus(tr("Copying FML libraries into the instance...")); OneSixInstance *inst = (OneSixInstance *)m_inst; auto metacache = MMC->metacache(); int index = 0; for (auto &lib : fmlLibsToProcess) { progress(index, fmlLibsToProcess.size()); auto entry = metacache->resolveEntry("fmllibs", lib.filename); auto path = PathCombine(inst->libDir(), lib.filename); if (!ensureFilePathExists(path)) { emitFailed(tr("Failed creating FML library folder inside the instance.")); return; } if (!QFile::copy(entry->getFullPath(), PathCombine(inst->libDir(), lib.filename))) { emitFailed(tr("Failed copying Forge/FML library: %1.").arg(lib.filename)); return; } index++; } progress(index, fmlLibsToProcess.size()); } assetIndexStart(); } void OneSixUpdate::fmllibsFailed() { emitFailed("Game update failed: it was impossible to fetch the required FML libraries."); return; }