// Licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. See README.md for details.

#pragma once

#include <QWidget>
#include <memory>

class Task;
class QProgressBar;
class QLabel;

class ProgressWidget : public QWidget {
    explicit ProgressWidget(QWidget* parent = nullptr, bool show_label = true);

    /** Whether to hide the widget automatically if it's watching no running task. */
    void hideIfInactive(bool hide) { m_hide_if_inactive = hide; }

    /** Reset the displayed progress to 0 */
    void reset();

    /** The text that shows up in the middle of the progress bar.
     *  By default it's '%p%', with '%p' being the total progress in percentage.
    void progressFormat(QString);

   public slots:
    /** Watch the progress of a task. */
    void watch(Task* task);

    /** Watch the progress of a task, and start it if needed */
    void start(Task* task);

    /** Blocking way of waiting for a task to finish. */
    bool exec(std::shared_ptr<Task> task);

    /** Un-hide the widget if needed. */
    void show();

    /** Make the widget invisible. */
    void hide();

   private slots:
    void handleTaskFinish();
    void handleTaskStatus(const QString& status);
    void handleTaskProgress(qint64 current, qint64 total);
    void taskDestroyed();

    QLabel* m_label = nullptr;
    QProgressBar* m_bar = nullptr;
    Task* m_task = nullptr;

    bool m_hide_if_inactive = false;