// Win32++ Version 7.2 // Released: 5th AUgust 2011 // // David Nash // email: dnash@bigpond.net.au // url: https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32-framework // // // Copyright (c) 2005-2011 David Nash // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to // any person obtaining a copy of this software and // associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, // merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom // the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice // shall be included in all copies or substantial portions // of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED // TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR // ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE // OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // taskdialog.h // Declaration of the CTaskDialog class // A task dialog is a dialog box that can be used to display information // and receive simple input from the user. Like a message box, it is // formatted by the operating system according to parameters you set. // However, a task dialog has many more features than a message box. // NOTES: // Task Dialogs are only supported on Windows Vista and above. // Task Dialogs require XP themes enabled (use version 6 of Common Controls) // Task Dialogs are always modal. #ifndef _WIN32XX_TASKDIALOG_H_ #define _WIN32XX_TASKDIALOG_H_ #include "wincore.h" namespace Win32xx { class CTaskDialog : public CWnd { public: CTaskDialog(); virtual ~CTaskDialog() {} void AddCommandControl(int nButtonID, LPCTSTR pszCaption); void AddRadioButton(int nRadioButtonID, LPCTSTR pszCaption); void AddRadioButtonGroup(int nIDRadioButtonsFirst, int nIDRadioButtonsLast); void ClickButton(int nButtonID) const; void ClickRadioButton(int nRadioButtonID) const; LRESULT DoModal(CWnd* pParent = NULL); void ElevateButton(int nButtonID, BOOL bElevated); void EnableButton(int nButtonID, BOOL bEnabled); void EnableRadioButton(int nButtonID, BOOL bEnabled); TASKDIALOGCONFIG GetConfig() const; TASKDIALOG_FLAGS GetOptions() const; int GetSelectedButtonID() const; int GetSelectedRadioButtonID() const; BOOL GetVerificationCheckboxState() const; static BOOL IsSupported(); void NavigateTo(CTaskDialog& TaskDialog) const; void RemoveAllButtons(); void RemoveAllRadioButtons(); void Reset(); void SetCommonButtons(TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS dwCommonButtons); void SetContent(LPCTSTR pszContent); void SetDefaultButton(int nButtonID); void SetDefaultRadioButton(int nRadioButtonID); void SetDialogWidth(UINT nWidth = 0); void SetExpansionArea(LPCTSTR pszExpandedInfo, LPCTSTR pszExpandedLabel = _T(""), LPCTSTR pszCollapsedLabel = _T("")); void SetFooterIcon(HICON hFooterIcon); void SetFooterIcon(LPCTSTR lpszFooterIcon); void SetFooterText(LPCTSTR pszFooter); void SetMainIcon(HICON hMainIcon); void SetMainIcon(LPCTSTR lpszMainIcon); void SetMainInstruction(LPCTSTR pszMainInstruction); void SetOptions(TASKDIALOG_FLAGS dwFlags); void SetProgressBarMarquee(BOOL bEnabled = TRUE, int nMarqueeSpeed = 0); void SetProgressBarPosition(int nProgressPos); void SetProgressBarRange(int nMinRange, int nMaxRange); void SetProgressBarState(int nNewState = PBST_NORMAL); void SetVerificationCheckbox(BOOL bChecked); void SetVerificationCheckboxText(LPCTSTR pszVerificationText); void SetWindowTitle(LPCTSTR pszWindowTitle); static HRESULT CALLBACK StaticTaskDialogProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uNotification, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LONG_PTR dwRefData); void StoreText(std::vector<WCHAR>& vWChar, LPCTSTR pFromTChar); void UpdateElementText(TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS eElement, LPCTSTR pszNewText); protected: // Override these functions as required virtual BOOL OnTDButtonClicked(int nButtonID); virtual void OnTDConstructed(); virtual void OnTDCreated(); virtual void OnTDDestroyed(); virtual void OnTDExpandButtonClicked(BOOL bExpanded); virtual void OnTDHelp(); virtual void OnTDHyperlinkClicked(LPCTSTR pszHref); virtual void OnTDNavigatePage(); virtual BOOL OnTDRadioButtonClicked(int nRadioButtonID); virtual BOOL OnTDTimer(DWORD dwTickCount); virtual void OnTDVerificationCheckboxClicked(BOOL bChecked); virtual LRESULT TaskDialogProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); virtual LRESULT TaskDialogProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); private: CTaskDialog(const CTaskDialog&); // Disable copy construction CTaskDialog& operator = (const CTaskDialog&); // Disable assignment operator std::vector<TASKDIALOG_BUTTON> m_vButtons; std::vector<TASKDIALOG_BUTTON> m_vRadioButtons; std::vector< std::vector<WCHAR> > m_vButtonsText; // A vector of WCHAR vectors std::vector< std::vector<WCHAR> > m_vRadioButtonsText; // A vector of WCHAR vectors std::vector<WCHAR> m_vWindowTitle; std::vector<WCHAR> m_vMainInstruction; std::vector<WCHAR> m_vContent; std::vector<WCHAR> m_vVerificationText; std::vector<WCHAR> m_vExpandedInformation; std::vector<WCHAR> m_vExpandedControlText; std::vector<WCHAR> m_vCollapsedControlText; std::vector<WCHAR> m_vFooter; TASKDIALOGCONFIG m_tc; int m_SelectedButtonID; int m_SelectedRadioButtonID; BOOL m_VerificationCheckboxState; }; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ namespace Win32xx { inline CTaskDialog::CTaskDialog() : m_SelectedButtonID(0), m_SelectedRadioButtonID(0), m_VerificationCheckboxState(FALSE) { ZeroMemory(&m_tc, sizeof(m_tc)); m_tc.cbSize = sizeof(m_tc); m_tc.pfCallback = CTaskDialog::StaticTaskDialogProc; } inline void CTaskDialog::AddCommandControl(int nButtonID, LPCTSTR pszCaption) // Adds a command control or push button to the Task Dialog. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); std::vector<WCHAR> vButtonText; StoreText(vButtonText, pszCaption); m_vButtonsText.push_back(vButtonText); // m_vButtonsText is a vector of vector<WCHAR>'s TASKDIALOG_BUTTON tdb; tdb.nButtonID = nButtonID; tdb.pszButtonText = &m_vButtonsText.back().front(); m_vButtons.push_back(tdb); } inline void CTaskDialog::AddRadioButton(int nRadioButtonID, LPCTSTR pszCaption) // Adds a radio button to the Task Dialog. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); std::vector<WCHAR> vRadioButtonText; StoreText(vRadioButtonText, pszCaption); m_vRadioButtonsText.push_back(vRadioButtonText); // m_vRadioButtonsText is a vector of vector<WCHAR>'s TASKDIALOG_BUTTON tdb; tdb.nButtonID = nRadioButtonID; tdb.pszButtonText = &m_vRadioButtonsText.back().front(); m_vRadioButtons.push_back(tdb); } inline void CTaskDialog::AddRadioButtonGroup(int nIDRadioButtonsFirst, int nIDRadioButtonsLast) // Adds a range of radio buttons to the Task Dialog. // Assumes the resource ID of the button and it's string match { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); assert(nIDRadioButtonsFirst > 0); assert(nIDRadioButtonsLast > nIDRadioButtonsFirst); TASKDIALOG_BUTTON tdb; for (int nID = nIDRadioButtonsFirst; nID <= nIDRadioButtonsLast; ++nID) { tdb.nButtonID = nID; tdb.pszButtonText = MAKEINTRESOURCEW(nID); m_vRadioButtons.push_back(tdb); } } inline void CTaskDialog::ClickButton(int nButtonID) const // Simulates the action of a button click in the Task Dialog. { assert(m_hWnd); SendMessage(TDM_CLICK_BUTTON, (WPARAM)nButtonID, 0); } inline void CTaskDialog::ClickRadioButton(int nRadioButtonID) const // Simulates the action of a radio button click in the TaskDialog. { assert(m_hWnd); SendMessage(TDM_CLICK_RADIO_BUTTON, (WPARAM)nRadioButtonID, 0); } inline LRESULT CTaskDialog::DoModal(CWnd* pParent /* = NULL */) // Creates and displays the Task Dialog. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); m_tc.cbSize = sizeof(m_tc); m_tc.pButtons = m_vButtons.empty()? NULL : &m_vButtons.front(); m_tc.cButtons = m_vButtons.size(); m_tc.pRadioButtons = m_vRadioButtons.empty()? NULL : &m_vRadioButtons.front(); m_tc.cRadioButtons = m_vRadioButtons.size(); m_tc.hwndParent = pParent? pParent->GetHwnd() : NULL; // Ensure this thread has the TLS index set TLSData* pTLSData = GetApp()->SetTlsIndex(); // Store the CWnd pointer in thread local storage pTLSData->pCWnd = this; // Declare a pointer to the TaskDialogIndirect function HMODULE hComCtl = ::LoadLibrary(_T("COMCTL32.DLL")); assert(hComCtl); typedef HRESULT WINAPI TASKDIALOGINDIRECT(const TASKDIALOGCONFIG*, int*, int*, BOOL*); TASKDIALOGINDIRECT* pTaskDialogIndirect = (TASKDIALOGINDIRECT*)::GetProcAddress(hComCtl, "TaskDialogIndirect"); // Call TaskDialogIndirect through our function pointer LRESULT lr = (*pTaskDialogIndirect)(&m_tc, &m_SelectedButtonID, &m_SelectedRadioButtonID, &m_VerificationCheckboxState); FreeLibrary(hComCtl); return lr; } inline void CTaskDialog::ElevateButton(int nButtonID, BOOL bElevated) // Adds a shield icon to indicate that the button's action requires elevated privilages. { assert(m_hWnd); SendMessage(TDM_SET_BUTTON_ELEVATION_REQUIRED_STATE, (WPARAM)nButtonID, (LPARAM)bElevated); } inline void CTaskDialog::EnableButton(int nButtonID, BOOL bEnabled) // Enables or disables a push button in the TaskDialog. { assert(m_hWnd); SendMessage(TDM_ENABLE_BUTTON, (WPARAM)nButtonID, (LPARAM)bEnabled); } inline void CTaskDialog::EnableRadioButton(int nRadioButtonID, BOOL bEnabled) // Enables or disables a radio button in the TaskDialog. { assert(m_hWnd); SendMessage(TDM_ENABLE_RADIO_BUTTON, (WPARAM)nRadioButtonID, (LPARAM)bEnabled); } inline TASKDIALOGCONFIG CTaskDialog::GetConfig() const // Returns the TASKDIALOGCONFIG structure for the Task Dialog. { return m_tc; } inline TASKDIALOG_FLAGS CTaskDialog::GetOptions() const // Returns the Task Dialog's options. These are a combination of: // TDF_ENABLE_HYPERLINKS // TDF_USE_HICON_MAIN // TDF_USE_HICON_FOOTER // TDF_ALLOW_DIALOG_CANCELLATION // TDF_USE_COMMAND_LINKS // TDF_USE_COMMAND_LINKS_NO_ICON // TDF_EXPAND_FOOTER_AREA // TDF_EXPANDED_BY_DEFAULT // TDF_VERIFICATION_FLAG_CHECKED // TDF_SHOW_PROGRESS_BAR // TDF_SHOW_MARQUEE_PROGRESS_BAR // TDF_CALLBACK_TIMER // TDF_POSITION_RELATIVE_TO_WINDOW // TDF_RTL_LAYOUT // TDF_NO_DEFAULT_RADIO_BUTTON // TDF_CAN_BE_MINIMIZED { return m_tc.dwFlags; } inline int CTaskDialog::GetSelectedButtonID() const // Returns the ID of the selected button. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); return m_SelectedButtonID; } inline int CTaskDialog::GetSelectedRadioButtonID() const // Returns the ID of the selected radio button. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); return m_SelectedRadioButtonID; } inline BOOL CTaskDialog::GetVerificationCheckboxState() const // Returns the state of the verification check box. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); return m_VerificationCheckboxState; } inline BOOL CTaskDialog::IsSupported() // Returns true if TaskDialogs are supported on this system. { HMODULE hModule = ::LoadLibrary(_T("COMCTL32.DLL")); assert(hModule); BOOL bResult = (BOOL)::GetProcAddress(hModule, "TaskDialogIndirect"); ::FreeLibrary(hModule); return bResult; } inline void CTaskDialog::NavigateTo(CTaskDialog& TaskDialog) const // Replaces the information displayed by the task dialog. { assert(m_hWnd); TASKDIALOGCONFIG tc = TaskDialog.GetConfig(); SendMessage(TDM_NAVIGATE_PAGE, 0, (LPARAM)&tc); } inline BOOL CTaskDialog::OnTDButtonClicked(int nButtonID) // Called when the user selects a button or command link. { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nButtonID); // return TRUE to prevent the task dialog from closing return FALSE; } inline void CTaskDialog::OnTDConstructed() // Called when the task dialog is constructed, before it is displayed. {} inline void CTaskDialog::OnTDCreated() // Called when the task dialog is displayed. {} inline void CTaskDialog::OnTDDestroyed() // Called when the task dialog is destroyed. { } inline void CTaskDialog::OnTDExpandButtonClicked(BOOL bExpanded) // Called when the expand button is clicked. { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bExpanded); } inline void CTaskDialog::OnTDHelp() // Called when the user presses F1 on the keyboard. {} inline void CTaskDialog::OnTDHyperlinkClicked(LPCTSTR pszHref) // Called when the user clicks on a hyperlink. { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pszHref); } inline void CTaskDialog::OnTDNavigatePage() // Called when a navigation has occurred. {} inline BOOL CTaskDialog::OnTDRadioButtonClicked(int nRadioButtonID) // Called when the user selects a radio button. { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nRadioButtonID); return TRUE; } inline BOOL CTaskDialog::OnTDTimer(DWORD dwTickCount) // Called every 200 milliseconds (aproximately) when the TDF_CALLBACK_TIMER flag is set. { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwTickCount); // return TRUE to reset the tick count return FALSE; } inline void CTaskDialog::OnTDVerificationCheckboxClicked(BOOL bChecked) // Called when the user clicks the Task Dialog verification check box. { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bChecked); } inline void CTaskDialog::RemoveAllButtons() // Removes all push buttons from the task dialog. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); m_vButtons.clear(); m_vButtonsText.clear(); } inline void CTaskDialog::RemoveAllRadioButtons() // Removes all radio buttons from the task dialog. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); m_vRadioButtons.clear(); m_vRadioButtonsText.clear(); } inline void CTaskDialog::Reset() // Returns the dialog to its default state. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); RemoveAllButtons(); RemoveAllRadioButtons(); ZeroMemory(&m_tc, sizeof(m_tc)); m_tc.cbSize = sizeof(m_tc); m_tc.pfCallback = CTaskDialog::StaticTaskDialogProc; m_SelectedButtonID = 0; m_SelectedRadioButtonID = 0; m_VerificationCheckboxState = FALSE; m_vWindowTitle.clear(); m_vMainInstruction.clear(); m_vContent.clear(); m_vVerificationText.clear(); m_vExpandedInformation.clear(); m_vExpandedControlText.clear(); m_vCollapsedControlText.clear(); m_vFooter.clear(); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetCommonButtons(TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS dwCommonButtons) // The dwCommonButtons parameter can be a combination of: // TDCBF_OK_BUTTON OK button // TDCBF_YES_BUTTON Yes button // TDCBF_NO_BUTTON No button // TDCBF_CANCEL_BUTTON Cancel button // TDCBF_RETRY_BUTTON Retry button // TDCBF_CLOSE_BUTTON Close button { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); m_tc.dwCommonButtons = dwCommonButtons; } inline void CTaskDialog::SetContent(LPCTSTR pszContent) // Sets the task dialog's primary content. { StoreText(m_vContent, pszContent); m_tc.pszContent = &m_vContent.front(); if (IsWindow()) SendMessage(TDM_SET_ELEMENT_TEXT, (WPARAM)TDE_CONTENT, (LPARAM)(LPCWSTR)T2W(pszContent)); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetDefaultButton(int nButtonID) // Sets the task dialog's default button. // Can be either a button ID or one of the common buttons { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); m_tc.nDefaultButton = nButtonID; } inline void CTaskDialog::SetDefaultRadioButton(int nRadioButtonID) // Sets the default radio button. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); m_tc.nDefaultRadioButton = nRadioButtonID; } inline void CTaskDialog::SetDialogWidth(UINT nWidth /*= 0*/) // The width of the task dialog's client area. If 0, the // task dialog manager will calculate the ideal width. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); m_tc.cxWidth = nWidth; } inline void CTaskDialog::SetExpansionArea(LPCTSTR pszExpandedInfo, LPCTSTR pszExpandedLabel /* = _T("")*/, LPCTSTR pszCollapsedLabel /* = _T("")*/) // Sets the text in the expandable area of the Task Dialog. { StoreText(m_vExpandedInformation, pszExpandedInfo); m_tc.pszExpandedInformation = &m_vExpandedInformation.front(); StoreText(m_vExpandedControlText, pszExpandedLabel); m_tc.pszExpandedControlText = &m_vExpandedControlText.front(); StoreText(m_vCollapsedControlText, pszCollapsedLabel); m_tc.pszCollapsedControlText = &m_vCollapsedControlText.front(); if (IsWindow()) SendMessage(TDM_SET_ELEMENT_TEXT, (WPARAM)TDE_EXPANDED_INFORMATION, (LPARAM)(LPCWSTR)T2W(pszExpandedInfo)); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetFooterIcon(HICON hFooterIcon) // Sets the icon that will be displayed in the Task Dialog's footer. { m_tc.hFooterIcon = hFooterIcon; if (IsWindow()) SendMessage(TDM_UPDATE_ICON, (WPARAM)TDIE_ICON_FOOTER, (LPARAM)hFooterIcon); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetFooterIcon(LPCTSTR lpszFooterIcon) // Sets the icon that will be displayed in the Task Dialog's footer. // Possible icons: // TD_ERROR_ICON A stop-sign icon appears in the task dialog. // TD_WARNING_ICON An exclamation-point icon appears in the task dialog. // TD_INFORMATION_ICON An icon consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle appears in the task dialog. // TD_SHIELD_ICON A shield icon appears in the task dialog. // or a value passed via MAKEINTRESOURCE { m_tc.pszFooterIcon = (LPCWSTR)lpszFooterIcon; if (IsWindow()) SendMessage(TDM_UPDATE_ICON, (WPARAM)TDIE_ICON_FOOTER, (LPARAM)lpszFooterIcon); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetFooterText(LPCTSTR pszFooter) // Sets the text that will be displayed in the Task Dialog's footer. { StoreText(m_vFooter, pszFooter); m_tc.pszFooter = &m_vFooter.front(); if (IsWindow()) SendMessage(TDM_SET_ELEMENT_TEXT, (WPARAM)TDE_FOOTER, (LPARAM)(LPCWSTR)T2W(pszFooter)); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetMainIcon(HICON hMainIcon) // Sets Task Dialog's main icon. { m_tc.hMainIcon = hMainIcon; if (IsWindow()) SendMessage(TDM_UPDATE_ICON, (WPARAM)TDIE_ICON_MAIN, (LPARAM)hMainIcon); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetMainIcon(LPCTSTR lpszMainIcon) // Sets Task Dialog's main icon. // Possible icons: // TD_ERROR_ICON A stop-sign icon appears in the task dialog. // TD_WARNING_ICON An exclamation-point icon appears in the task dialog. // TD_INFORMATION_ICON An icon consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle appears in the task dialog. // TD_SHIELD_ICON A shield icon appears in the task dialog. // or a value passed via MAKEINTRESOURCE // // Note: Some values of main icon will also generate a MessageBeep when the TaskDialog is created. { m_tc.pszMainIcon = (LPCWSTR)lpszMainIcon; if (IsWindow()) SendMessage(TDM_UPDATE_ICON, (WPARAM)TDIE_ICON_MAIN, (LPARAM)lpszMainIcon); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetMainInstruction(LPCTSTR pszMainInstruction) // Sets the Task Dialog's main instruction text. { StoreText(m_vMainInstruction, pszMainInstruction); m_tc.pszMainInstruction = &m_vMainInstruction.front(); if (IsWindow()) SendMessage(TDM_SET_ELEMENT_TEXT, (WPARAM)TDE_FOOTER, (LPARAM)(LPCWSTR)T2W(pszMainInstruction)); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetOptions(TASKDIALOG_FLAGS dwFlags) // Sets the Task Dialog's options. These are a combination of: // TDF_ENABLE_HYPERLINKS // TDF_USE_HICON_MAIN // TDF_USE_HICON_FOOTER // TDF_ALLOW_DIALOG_CANCELLATION // TDF_USE_COMMAND_LINKS // TDF_USE_COMMAND_LINKS_NO_ICON // TDF_EXPAND_FOOTER_AREA // TDF_EXPANDED_BY_DEFAULT // TDF_VERIFICATION_FLAG_CHECKED // TDF_SHOW_PROGRESS_BAR // TDF_SHOW_MARQUEE_PROGRESS_BAR // TDF_CALLBACK_TIMER // TDF_POSITION_RELATIVE_TO_WINDOW // TDF_RTL_LAYOUT // TDF_NO_DEFAULT_RADIO_BUTTON // TDF_CAN_BE_MINIMIZED { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); m_tc.dwFlags = dwFlags; } inline void CTaskDialog::SetProgressBarMarquee(BOOL bEnabled /* = TRUE*/, int nMarqueeSpeed /* = 0*/) // Starts and stops the marquee display of the progress bar, and sets the speed of the marquee. { assert(m_hWnd); SendMessage(TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_MARQUEE, (WPARAM)bEnabled, (LPARAM)nMarqueeSpeed); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetProgressBarPosition(int nProgressPos) // Sets the current position for a progress bar. { assert(m_hWnd); SendMessage(TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_POS, (WPARAM)nProgressPos, 0); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetProgressBarRange(int nMinRange, int nMaxRange) // Sets the minimum and maximum values for the hosted progress bar. { assert(m_hWnd); SendMessage(TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_RANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(nMinRange, nMaxRange)); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetProgressBarState(int nNewState /* = PBST_NORMAL*/) // Sets the current state of the progress bar. Possible states are: // PBST_NORMAL // PBST_PAUSE // PBST_ERROR { assert(m_hWnd); SendMessage(TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_STATE, (WPARAM)nNewState, 0); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetVerificationCheckbox(BOOL bChecked) // Simulates a click on the verification checkbox of the Task Dialog, if it exists. { assert(m_hWnd); SendMessage(TDM_CLICK_VERIFICATION, (WPARAM)bChecked, (LPARAM)bChecked); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetVerificationCheckboxText(LPCTSTR pszVerificationText) // Sets the text for the verification check box. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); StoreText(m_vVerificationText, pszVerificationText); m_tc.pszVerificationText = &m_vVerificationText.front(); } inline void CTaskDialog::SetWindowTitle(LPCTSTR pszWindowTitle) // Sets the Task Dialog's window title. { assert (m_hWnd == NULL); StoreText(m_vWindowTitle, pszWindowTitle); m_tc.pszWindowTitle = &m_vWindowTitle.front(); } inline HRESULT CALLBACK CTaskDialog::StaticTaskDialogProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uNotification, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LONG_PTR dwRefData) // TaskDialogs direct their messages here. { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwRefData); assert( GetApp() ); try { CTaskDialog* t = (CTaskDialog*)GetApp()->GetCWndFromMap(hWnd); if (0 == t) { // The CTaskDialog pointer wasn't found in the map, so add it now // Retrieve the pointer to the TLS Data TLSData* pTLSData = (TLSData*)TlsGetValue(GetApp()->GetTlsIndex()); if (NULL == pTLSData) throw CWinException(_T("Unable to get TLS")); // Retrieve pointer to CTaskDialog object from Thread Local Storage TLS t = (CTaskDialog*)(pTLSData->pCWnd); if (NULL == t) throw CWinException(_T("Failed to route message")); pTLSData->pCWnd = NULL; // Store the CTaskDialog pointer in the HWND map t->m_hWnd = hWnd; t->AddToMap(); } return t->TaskDialogProc(uNotification, wParam, lParam); } catch (const CWinException &e) { // Most CWinExceptions will end up here unless caught earlier. e.what(); } return 0L; } // LRESULT CALLBACK StaticTaskDialogProc(...) inline void CTaskDialog::StoreText(std::vector<WCHAR>& vWChar, LPCTSTR pFromTChar) { // Stores a TChar string in a WCHAR vector std::vector<TCHAR> vTChar; if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pFromTChar)) // support MAKEINTRESOURCE { tString ts = LoadString((UINT)pFromTChar); int len = pFromTChar? ts.length() + 1 : 1; vTChar.assign(len, _T('\0')); vWChar.assign(len, _T('\0')); if (pFromTChar) lstrcpy( &vTChar.front(), ts.c_str()); } else { int len = lstrlen(pFromTChar) +1; vTChar.assign(len, _T('\0')); vWChar.assign(len, _T('\0')); lstrcpy( &vTChar.front(), pFromTChar); } lstrcpyW(&vWChar.front(), T2W(&vTChar.front()) ); } inline LRESULT CTaskDialog::TaskDialogProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) // Handles the Task Dialog's notificaions. { switch(uMsg) { case TDN_BUTTON_CLICKED: return OnTDButtonClicked((int)wParam); case TDN_CREATED: OnTDCreated(); break; case TDN_DESTROYED: Cleanup(); // Prepare this CWnd to be reused. OnTDDestroyed(); break; case TDN_DIALOG_CONSTRUCTED: OnTDConstructed(); break; case TDN_EXPANDO_BUTTON_CLICKED: OnTDExpandButtonClicked((BOOL)wParam); break; case TDN_HELP: OnTDHelp(); break; case TDN_HYPERLINK_CLICKED: OnTDHyperlinkClicked(W2T((LPCWSTR)lParam)); break; case TDN_NAVIGATED: OnTDNavigatePage(); break; case TDN_RADIO_BUTTON_CLICKED: OnTDRadioButtonClicked((int)wParam); break; case TDN_TIMER: return OnTDTimer((DWORD)wParam); case TDN_VERIFICATION_CLICKED: OnTDVerificationCheckboxClicked((BOOL)wParam); break; } return S_OK; } inline LRESULT CTaskDialog::TaskDialogProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Override this function in your class derrived from CDialog if you wish to handle messages // A typical function might look like this: // switch (uMsg) // { // case MESSAGE1: // Some Windows API message // OnMessage1(); // A user defined function // break; // Also do default processing // case MESSAGE2: // OnMessage2(); // return x; // Don't do default processing, but instead return // // a value recommended by the Windows API documentation // } // Always pass unhandled messages on to TaskDialogProcDefault return TaskDialogProcDefault(uMsg, wParam, lParam); } inline void CTaskDialog::UpdateElementText(TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS eElement, LPCTSTR pszNewText) // Updates a text element on the Task Dialog. { assert(m_hWnd); SendMessage(TDM_UPDATE_ELEMENT_TEXT, (WPARAM)eElement, (LPARAM)(LPCWSTR)T2W(pszNewText)); } } #endif // _WIN32XX_TASKDIALOG_H_