id: org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher runtime: org.kde.Platform runtime-version: "5.15-22.08" sdk: org.kde.Sdk sdk-extensions: - org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.openjdk17 - org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.openjdk8 command: prismlauncher finish-args: - --share=ipc - --socket=x11 - --socket=wayland - --device=all - --share=network - --socket=pulseaudio # for Discord RPC mods - --filesystem=xdg-run/app/com.discordapp.Discord:create # Mod drag&drop - --filesystem=xdg-download:ro cleanup: - /lib/libGLU* modules: # Might be needed by some Controller mods (see - shared-modules/libusb/libusb.json # Needed for proper Wayland support - libdecor.json - name: prismlauncher buildsystem: cmake-ninja builddir: true config-opts: - -DLauncher_BUILD_PLATFORM=flatpak - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo - -DLauncher_QT_VERSION_MAJOR=5 build-options: env: JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/sdk/openjdk17/jvm/openjdk-17 JAVA_COMPILER: /usr/lib/sdk/openjdk17/jvm/openjdk-17/bin/javac sources: - type: dir path: ../ - name: openjdk buildsystem: simple build-commands: - mkdir -p /app/jdk/ - /usr/lib/sdk/openjdk17/ - mv /app/jre /app/jdk/17 - /usr/lib/sdk/openjdk8/ - mv /app/jre /app/jdk/8 cleanup: - /jre - name: glfw buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo - -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON - -DGLFW_USE_WAYLAND=ON sources: - type: git url: commit: 3fa2360720eeba1964df3c0ecf4b5df8648a8e52 - type: patch path: patches/0003-Don-t-crash-on-calls-to-focus-or-icon.patch - type: patch path: patches/0005-Add-warning-about-being-an-unofficial-patch.patch - type: patch path: patches/0007-Platform-Prefer-Wayland-over-X11.patch cleanup: - /include - /lib/cmake - /lib/pkgconfig - name: xrandr buildsystem: autotools sources: - type: archive url: sha256: c8bee4790d9058bacc4b6246456c58021db58a87ddda1a9d0139bf5f18f1f240 x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 14957 stable-only: true url-template:$version.tar.xz cleanup: - /share/man - /bin/xkeystone - name: gamemode buildsystem: meson config-opts: - -Dwith-sd-bus-provider=no-daemon - -Dwith-examples=false post-install: # gamemoderun is installed for users who want to use wrapper commands # post-install is running inside the build dir, we need it from the source though - install -Dm755 ../data/gamemoderun -t /app/bin sources: - type: archive archive-type: tar-gzip url: sha256: 57ce73ba605d1cf12f8d13725006a895182308d93eba0f69f285648449641803 x-checker-data: type: json url: version-query: .tag_name url-query: .tarball_url timestamp-query: .published_at cleanup: - /include - /lib/pkgconfig - /lib/libgamemodeauto.a - name: glxinfo buildsystem: meson config-opts: - --bindir=/app/mesa-demos - -Degl=disabled - -Dglut=disabled - -Dosmesa=disabled - -Dvulkan=disabled - -Dwayland=disabled post-install: - mv -v /app/mesa-demos/glxinfo /app/bin sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 3046a3d26a7b051af7ebdd257a5f23bfeb160cad6ed952329cdff1e9f1ed496b x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 16781 stable-only: true url-template:$version.tar.xz cleanup: - /include - /mesa-demos - /share modules: - shared-modules/glu/glu-9.json - name: enhance buildsystem: simple build-commands: - install -Dm755 prime-run /app/bin/prime-run - mv /app/bin/prismlauncher /app/bin/prismrun - install -Dm755 prismlauncher /app/bin/prismlauncher sources: - type: file path: prime-run - type: file path: prismlauncher