#include "JavaDownloader.h" #include #include #include #include #include "Application.h" #include "FileSystem.h" #include "InstanceList.h" #include "Json.h" #include "MMCZip.h" #include "SysInfo.h" #include "net/ChecksumValidator.h" #include "net/NetJob.h" #include "ui/dialogs/ProgressDialog.h" // Quick & dirty struct to store files struct File { QString path; QString url; QByteArray hash; bool isExec; }; void JavaDownloader::executeTask() { auto OS = m_OS; auto isLegacy = m_isLegacy; downloadMojangJavaList(OS, isLegacy); } void JavaDownloader::downloadMojangJavaList(const QString& OS, bool isLegacy) { auto netJob = makeShared(QString("JRE::QueryVersions"), APPLICATION->network()); auto response = std::make_shared(); setStatus(tr("Querying mojang meta")); netJob->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeByteArray( QUrl("https://piston-meta.mojang.com/v1/products/java-runtime/2ec0cc96c44e5a76b9c8b7c39df7210883d12871/all.json"), response)); connect(this, &Task::aborted, [isLegacy] { QDir(FS::PathCombine(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), "java", (isLegacy ? "java-legacy" : "java-current"))) .removeRecursively(); }); connect(netJob.get(), &NetJob::finished, [netJob, response, this] { // delete so that it's not called on a deleted job // FIXME: is this needed? qt should handle this disconnect(this, &Task::aborted, netJob.get(), &NetJob::abort); }); connect(netJob.get(), &NetJob::progress, this, &JavaDownloader::progress); connect(netJob.get(), &NetJob::failed, this, &JavaDownloader::emitFailed); connect(this, &Task::aborted, netJob.get(), &NetJob::abort); connect(netJob.get(), &NetJob::succeeded, [response, OS, isLegacy, this, netJob] { QJsonParseError parse_error{}; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*response, &parse_error); if (parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { qWarning() << "Error while parsing JSON response at " << parse_error.offset << " reason: " << parse_error.errorString(); qWarning() << *response; return; } auto versionArray = Json::ensureArray(Json::ensureObject(doc.object(), OS), isLegacy ? "jre-legacy" : "java-runtime-gamma"); if (!versionArray.empty()) { parseMojangManifest(isLegacy, versionArray); } else { // mojang does not have a JRE for us, let's get azul zulu downloadAzulMeta(OS, isLegacy, netJob.get()); } }); netJob->start(); } void JavaDownloader::parseMojangManifest(bool isLegacy, const QJsonArray& versionArray) { setStatus(tr("Downloading Java from Mojang")); auto url = Json::ensureString(Json::ensureObject(Json::ensureObject(versionArray[0]), "manifest"), "url"); auto download = makeShared(QString("JRE::DownloadJava"), APPLICATION->network()); auto files = std::make_shared(); download->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeByteArray(QUrl(url), files)); connect(download.get(), &NetJob::finished, [download, files, this] { disconnect(this, &Task::aborted, download.get(), &NetJob::abort); }); connect(download.get(), &NetJob::progress, this, &JavaDownloader::progress); connect(download.get(), &NetJob::failed, this, &JavaDownloader::emitFailed); connect(this, &Task::aborted, download.get(), &NetJob::abort); connect(download.get(), &NetJob::succeeded, [files, isLegacy, this] { QJsonParseError parse_error{}; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*files, &parse_error); if (parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { qWarning() << "Error while parsing JSON response at " << parse_error.offset << " reason: " << parse_error.errorString(); qWarning() << *files; return; } downloadMojangJava(isLegacy, doc); }); download->start(); } void JavaDownloader::downloadMojangJava(bool isLegacy, const QJsonDocument& doc) { // valid json doc, begin making jre spot auto output = FS::PathCombine(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), QString("java"), (isLegacy ? "java-legacy" : "java-current")); FS::ensureFolderPathExists(output); std::vector toDownload; auto list = Json::ensureObject(Json::ensureObject(doc.object()), "files"); for (const auto& paths : list.keys()) { auto file = FS::PathCombine(output, paths); const QJsonObject& meta = Json::ensureObject(list, paths); auto type = Json::ensureString(meta, "type"); if (type == "directory") { FS::ensureFolderPathExists(file); } else if (type == "link") { // this is linux only ! auto path = Json::ensureString(meta, "target"); if (!path.isEmpty()) { auto target = FS::PathCombine(file, "../" + path); QFile(target).link(file); } } else if (type == "file") { // TODO download compressed version if it exists ? auto raw = Json::ensureObject(Json::ensureObject(meta, "downloads"), "raw"); auto isExec = Json::ensureBoolean(meta, "executable", false); auto url = Json::ensureString(raw, "url"); if (!url.isEmpty() && QUrl(url).isValid()) { auto f = File{ file, url, QByteArray::fromHex(Json::ensureString(raw, "sha1").toLatin1()), isExec }; toDownload.push_back(f); } } } auto elementDownload = new NetJob("JRE::FileDownload", APPLICATION->network()); for (const auto& file : toDownload) { auto dl = Net::Download::makeFile(file.url, file.path); if (!file.hash.isEmpty()) { dl->addValidator(new Net::ChecksumValidator(QCryptographicHash::Sha1, file.hash)); } if (file.isExec) { connect(dl.get(), &Net::Download::succeeded, [file] { QFile(file.path).setPermissions(QFile(file.path).permissions() | QFileDevice::Permissions(0x1111)); }); } elementDownload->addNetAction(dl); } connect(elementDownload, &NetJob::finished, [elementDownload, this] { disconnect(this, &Task::aborted, elementDownload, &NetJob::abort); elementDownload->deleteLater(); }); connect(elementDownload, &NetJob::progress, this, &JavaDownloader::progress); connect(elementDownload, &NetJob::failed, this, &JavaDownloader::emitFailed); connect(this, &Task::aborted, elementDownload, &NetJob::abort); connect(elementDownload, &NetJob::succeeded, [this] { emitSucceeded(); }); elementDownload->start(); } void JavaDownloader::downloadAzulMeta(const QString& OS, bool isLegacy, const NetJob* netJob) { setStatus(tr("Querying Azul meta")); QString javaVersion = isLegacy ? QString("8.0") : QString("17.0"); QString azulOS; QString arch; QString bitness; mojangOStoAzul(OS, azulOS, arch, bitness); auto metaResponse = std::make_shared(); auto downloadJob = makeShared(QString("JRE::QueryAzulMeta"), APPLICATION->network()); downloadJob->addNetAction( Net::Download::makeByteArray(QString("https://api.azul.com/zulu/download/community/v1.0/bundles/?" "java_version=%1" "&os=%2" "&arch=%3" "&hw_bitness=%4" "&ext=zip" // as a zip for all os, even linux NOTE !! Linux ARM is .deb or .tar.gz only !! "&bundle_type=jre" // jre only "&latest=true" // only get the one latest entry ) .arg(javaVersion, azulOS, arch, bitness), metaResponse)); connect(downloadJob.get(), &NetJob::finished, [downloadJob, metaResponse, this] { disconnect(this, &Task::aborted, downloadJob.get(), &NetJob::abort); }); connect(this, &Task::aborted, downloadJob.get(), &NetJob::abort); connect(netJob, &NetJob::failed, this, &JavaDownloader::emitFailed); connect(downloadJob.get(), &NetJob::progress, this, &JavaDownloader::progress); connect(downloadJob.get(), &NetJob::succeeded, [metaResponse, isLegacy, this] { QJsonParseError parse_error{}; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*metaResponse, &parse_error); if (parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { qWarning() << "Error while parsing JSON response at " << parse_error.offset << " reason: " << parse_error.errorString(); qWarning() << *metaResponse; return; } auto array = Json::ensureArray(doc.array()); if (!array.empty()) { downloadAzulJava(isLegacy, array); } else { emitFailed(tr("No suitable JRE found")); } }); downloadJob->start(); } void JavaDownloader::mojangOStoAzul(const QString& OS, QString& azulOS, QString& arch, QString& bitness) { if (OS == "mac-os-arm64") { // macos arm64 azulOS = "macos"; arch = "arm"; bitness = "64"; } else if (OS == "linux-arm64") { // linux arm64 azulOS = "linux"; arch = "arm"; bitness = "64"; } else if (OS == "linux-arm") { // linux arm (32) azulOS = "linux"; arch = "arm"; bitness = "32"; } else if (OS == "linux") { // linux x86 64 (used for debugging, should never reach here) azulOS = "linux"; arch = "x86"; bitness = "64"; } } void JavaDownloader::downloadAzulJava(bool isLegacy, const QJsonArray& array) { // JRE found ! download the zip setStatus(tr("Downloading Java from Azul")); auto downloadURL = QUrl(array[0].toObject()["url"].toString()); auto download = new NetJob(QString("JRE::DownloadJava"), APPLICATION->network()); auto path = APPLICATION->instances()->getStagedInstancePath(); auto temp = FS::PathCombine(path, "azulJRE.zip"); download->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeFile(downloadURL, temp)); connect(download, &NetJob::finished, [download, this] { disconnect(this, &Task::aborted, download, &NetJob::abort); download->deleteLater(); }); connect(download, &NetJob::aborted, [path] { APPLICATION->instances()->destroyStagingPath(path); }); connect(download, &NetJob::progress, this, &JavaDownloader::progress); connect(download, &NetJob::failed, this, [this, path](QString reason) { APPLICATION->instances()->destroyStagingPath(path); emitFailed(std::move(reason)); }); connect(this, &Task::aborted, download, &NetJob::abort); connect(download, &NetJob::succeeded, [isLegacy, temp, downloadURL, path, this] { setStatus(tr("Extracting java")); auto output = FS::PathCombine(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), "java", isLegacy ? "java-legacy" : "java-current"); // This should do all of the extracting and creating folders MMCZip::extractDir(temp, downloadURL.fileName().chopped(4), output); APPLICATION->instances()->destroyStagingPath(path); emitSucceeded(); }); download->start(); } void JavaDownloader::showPrompts(QWidget* parent) { QString sys = SysInfo::currentSystem(); if (sys == "osx") { sys = "mac-os"; } QString arch = SysInfo::useQTForArch(); QString version; if (sys == "windows") { if (arch == "x86_64") { version = "windows-x64"; } else if (arch == "i386") { version = "windows-x86"; } else { // Unknown, maybe arm, appending arch for downloader version = "windows-" + arch; } } else if (sys == "mac-os") { if (arch == "arm64") { version = "mac-os-arm64"; } else { version = "mac-os"; } } else if (sys == "linux") { if (arch == "x86_64") { version = "linux"; } else { // will work for i386, and arm(64) version = "linux-" + arch; } } else { // ? ? ? ? ? unknown os, at least it won't have a java version on mojang or azul, display warning QMessageBox::warning(parent, tr("Unknown OS"), tr("The OS you are running is not supported by Mojang or Azul. Please install Java manually.")); return; } // Selection using QMessageBox for java 8 or 17 QMessageBox box( QMessageBox::Icon::Question, tr("Java version"), tr("Do you want to download Java version 8 or 17?\n Java 8 is recommended for older Minecraft versions, below 1.17\n Java 17 " "is recommended for newer Minecraft versions, starting from 1.17"), QMessageBox::NoButton, parent); auto yes = box.addButton("Java 17", QMessageBox::AcceptRole); auto no = box.addButton("Java 8", QMessageBox::AcceptRole); auto both = box.addButton(tr("Download both"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); auto cancel = box.addButton(QMessageBox::Cancel); if (QFileInfo::exists(FS::PathCombine(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), QString("java"), "java-legacy"))) { no->setEnabled(false); } if (QFileInfo::exists(FS::PathCombine(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), QString("java"), "java-current"))) { yes->setEnabled(false); } if (!yes->isEnabled() || !no->isEnabled()) { both->setEnabled(false); } if (!yes->isEnabled() && !no->isEnabled()) { QMessageBox::information(parent, tr("Already installed!"), tr("Both versions of Java are already installed!")); return; } box.exec(); if (box.clickedButton() == nullptr || box.clickedButton() == cancel) { return; } bool isLegacy = box.clickedButton() == no; auto down = new JavaDownloader(isLegacy, version); ProgressDialog dialog(parent); dialog.setSkipButton(true, tr("Abort")); bool finished_successfully = dialog.execWithTask(down); // Run another download task for the other option as well! if (finished_successfully && box.clickedButton() == both) { auto dwn = new JavaDownloader(false, version); ProgressDialog dg(parent); dg.setSkipButton(true, tr("Abort")); dg.execWithTask(dwn); } }