// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Rachel Powers <508861+Ryex@users.noreply.github.com> // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only /* * Prism Launcher - Minecraft Launcher * Copyright (C) 2023 Rachel Powers <508861+Ryex@users.noreply.github.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "PrismExternalUpdater.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "StringUtils.h" #include "BuildConfig.h" #include "ui/dialogs/UpdateAvailableDialog.h" class PrismExternalUpdater::Private { public: QDir appDir; QDir dataDir; QTimer updateTimer; bool allowBeta; bool autoCheck; double updateInterval; QDateTime lastCheck; std::unique_ptr settings; }; PrismExternalUpdater::PrismExternalUpdater(const QString& appDir, const QString& dataDir) { priv = new PrismExternalUpdater::Private(); priv->appDir = QDir(appDir); priv->dataDir = QDir(dataDir); auto settings_file = priv->dataDir.absoluteFilePath("prismlauncher_update.cfg"); priv->settings = std::make_unique(settings_file, QSettings::Format::IniFormat); priv->allowBeta = priv->settings->value("allow_beta", false).toBool(); priv->autoCheck = priv->settings->value("auto_check", false).toBool(); bool interval_ok; priv->updateInterval = priv->settings->value("update_interval", 86400).toInt(&interval_ok); if (!interval_ok) priv->updateInterval = 86400; auto last_check = priv->settings->value("last_check"); if (!last_check.isNull() && last_check.isValid()) { priv->lastCheck = QDateTime::fromString(last_check.toString(), Qt::ISODate); } connectTimer(); resetAutoCheckTimer(); } PrismExternalUpdater::~PrismExternalUpdater() { if (priv->updateTimer.isActive()) priv->updateTimer.stop(); disconnectTimer(); priv->settings->sync(); delete priv; } void PrismExternalUpdater::checkForUpdates() { QProgressDialog progress(tr("Checking for updates..."), "", 0, 0); progress.setCancelButton(nullptr); progress.show(); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); QProcess proc; auto exe_name = QStringLiteral("%1_updater").arg(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_APP_BINARY_NAME); #if defined Q_OS_WIN32 exe_name.append(".exe"); #endif QStringList args = { "--check-only", "--dir", priv->dataDir.absolutePath(), "--debug" }; if (priv->allowBeta) args.append("--pre-release"); proc.start(priv->appDir.absoluteFilePath(exe_name), args); auto result_start = proc.waitForStarted(5000); if (!result_start) { auto err = proc.error(); qDebug() << "Failed to start updater after 5 seconds." << "reason:" << err << proc.errorString(); } QCoreApplication::processEvents(); auto result_finished = proc.waitForFinished(60000); if (!result_finished) { auto err = proc.error(); qDebug() << "Updater failed to close after 60 seconds." << "reason:" << err << proc.errorString(); } auto exit_code = proc.exitCode(); auto std_output = proc.readAllStandardOutput(); auto std_error = proc.readAllStandardError(); progress.hide(); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); switch (exit_code) { case 0: // no update available { qDebug() << "No update available"; auto msgBox = QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Information, tr("No Update Available"), tr("You are running the latest version.")); msgBox.exec(); } break; case 1: // there was an error { qDebug() << "Updater subprocess error" << qPrintable(std_error); auto msgBox = QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("Update Check Error"), tr("There was an error running the update check.")); msgBox.setDetailedText(std_error); msgBox.exec(); } break; case 100: // update available { auto [first_line, remainder1] = StringUtils::splitFirst(std_output, '\n'); auto [second_line, remainder2] = StringUtils::splitFirst(remainder1, '\n'); auto [third_line, release_notes] = StringUtils::splitFirst(remainder2, '\n'); auto version_name = StringUtils::splitFirst(first_line, ": ").second; auto version_tag = StringUtils::splitFirst(second_line, ": ").second; auto release_timestamp = QDateTime::fromString(StringUtils::splitFirst(third_line, ": ").second, Qt::ISODate); qDebug() << "Update available:" << version_name << version_tag << release_timestamp; qDebug() << "Update release notes:" << release_notes; offerUpdate(version_name, version_tag, release_notes); } break; default: // unknown error code { qDebug() << "Updater exited with unknown code" << exit_code; } } priv->lastCheck = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); priv->settings->setValue("last_check", priv->lastCheck.toString(Qt::ISODate)); priv->settings->sync(); } bool PrismExternalUpdater::getAutomaticallyChecksForUpdates() { return priv->autoCheck; } double PrismExternalUpdater::getUpdateCheckInterval() { return priv->updateInterval; } bool PrismExternalUpdater::getBetaAllowed() { return priv->allowBeta; } void PrismExternalUpdater::setAutomaticallyChecksForUpdates(bool check) { priv->autoCheck = check; priv->settings->setValue("auto_check", check); priv->settings->sync(); resetAutoCheckTimer(); } void PrismExternalUpdater::setUpdateCheckInterval(double seconds) { priv->updateInterval = seconds; priv->settings->setValue("update_interval", seconds); priv->settings->sync(); resetAutoCheckTimer(); } void PrismExternalUpdater::setBetaAllowed(bool allowed) { priv->allowBeta = allowed; priv->settings->setValue("auto_beta", allowed); priv->settings->sync(); } void PrismExternalUpdater::resetAutoCheckTimer() { int timeoutDuration = 0; auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if (priv->autoCheck) { if (priv->lastCheck.isValid()) { auto diff = priv->lastCheck.secsTo(now); auto secs_left = priv->updateInterval - diff; if (secs_left < 0) secs_left = 0; timeoutDuration = secs_left * 1000; // to msec } qDebug() << "Auto update timer starting," << timeoutDuration / 1000 << "seconds left"; priv->updateTimer.start(timeoutDuration); } else { if (priv->updateTimer.isActive()) priv->updateTimer.stop(); } } void PrismExternalUpdater::connectTimer() { connect(&priv->updateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &PrismExternalUpdater::autoCheckTimerFired); } void PrismExternalUpdater::disconnectTimer() { disconnect(&priv->updateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &PrismExternalUpdater::autoCheckTimerFired); } void PrismExternalUpdater::autoCheckTimerFired() { checkForUpdates(); } void PrismExternalUpdater::offerUpdate(const QString& version_name, const QString& version_tag, const QString& release_notes) { priv->settings->beginGroup("skip"); auto should_skip = priv->settings->value(version_tag, false).toBool(); priv->settings->endGroup(); if (should_skip) return; UpdateAvailableDialog dlg(BuildConfig.printableVersionString(), version_name, release_notes); auto result = dlg.exec(); switch (result) { case UpdateAvailableDialog::Install: { performUpdate(version_tag); } case UpdateAvailableDialog::Skip: { priv->settings->beginGroup("skip"); priv->settings->setValue(version_tag, true); priv->settings->endGroup(); priv->settings->sync(); return; } case UpdateAvailableDialog::DontInstall: { return; } } } void PrismExternalUpdater::performUpdate(const QString& version_tag) { QProcess proc; auto exe_name = QStringLiteral("%1_updater").arg(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_APP_BINARY_NAME); #if defined Q_OS_WIN32 exe_name.append(".exe"); #endif QStringList args = { "--dir", priv->dataDir.absolutePath(), "--install-version", version_tag }; if (priv->allowBeta) args.append("--pre-release"); auto result = proc.startDetached(priv->appDir.absoluteFilePath(exe_name), args); if (!result) { qDebug() << "Failed to start updater:" << proc.error() << proc.errorString(); } QCoreApplication::exit(); }