#include "LogPage.h" #include #include #include #include #include "ui_LogPage.h" #include "logic/net/PasteUpload.h" #include #include #include QString LogPage::displayName() { return tr("Minecraft Log"); } QIcon LogPage::icon() { return QIcon::fromTheme("refresh"); } QString LogPage::id() { return "console"; } LogPage::LogPage(MinecraftProcess *proc, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::LogPage), m_process(proc) { ui->setupUi(this); connect(m_process, SIGNAL(log(QString, MessageLevel::Enum)), this, SLOT(write(QString, MessageLevel::Enum))); } LogPage::~LogPage() { delete ui; } bool LogPage::apply() { return true; } bool LogPage::shouldDisplay() { return m_process->instance()->isRunning(); } void LogPage::on_btnPaste_clicked() { auto text = ui->text->toPlainText(); ProgressDialog dialog(this); PasteUpload *paste = new PasteUpload(this, text); dialog.exec(paste); if (!paste->successful()) { CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, "Upload failed", paste->failReason(), QMessageBox::Critical)->exec(); } else { QString link = paste->pasteLink(); QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(link); QDesktopServices::openUrl(link); CustomMessageBox::selectable( this, tr("Upload finished"), tr("The link to the uploaded log has been opened in the default browser and placed in your clipboard.") .arg(link), QMessageBox::Information)->exec(); } delete paste; } void LogPage::on_btnCopy_clicked() { auto text = ui->text->toPlainText(); QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(text); } void LogPage::on_btnClear_clicked() { ui->text->clear(); } void LogPage::writeColor(QString text, const char *color, const char * background) { // append a paragraph QString newtext; newtext += ""; newtext += text.toHtmlEscaped(); newtext += ""; ui->text->appendHtml(newtext); } void LogPage::write(QString data, MessageLevel::Enum mode) { QScrollBar *bar = ui->text->verticalScrollBar(); int max_bar = bar->maximum(); int val_bar = bar->value(); if(isVisible()) { if (m_scroll_active) { m_scroll_active = (max_bar - val_bar) <= 1; } else { m_scroll_active = val_bar == max_bar; } } if (data.endsWith('\n')) data = data.left(data.length() - 1); QStringList paragraphs = data.split('\n'); QStringList filtered; for (QString ¶graph : paragraphs) { // Quick hack for if(paragraph.contains("Detected an attempt by a mod null to perform game activity during mod construction")) continue; filtered.append(paragraph.trimmed()); } QListIterator iter(filtered); if (mode == MessageLevel::MultiMC) while (iter.hasNext()) writeColor(iter.next(), "blue", 0); else if (mode == MessageLevel::Error) while (iter.hasNext()) writeColor(iter.next(), "red", 0); else if (mode == MessageLevel::Warning) while (iter.hasNext()) writeColor(iter.next(), "orange", 0); else if (mode == MessageLevel::Fatal) while (iter.hasNext()) writeColor(iter.next(), "red", "black"); else if (mode == MessageLevel::Debug) while (iter.hasNext()) writeColor(iter.next(), "green", 0); else if (mode == MessageLevel::PrePost) while (iter.hasNext()) writeColor(iter.next(), "grey", 0); // TODO: implement other MessageLevels else while (iter.hasNext()) writeColor(iter.next(), 0, 0); if(isVisible()) { if (m_scroll_active) { bar->setValue(bar->maximum()); } m_last_scroll_value = bar->value(); } }