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#include "Parsers.h"
2022-04-25 14:08:27 -04:00
#include "Json.h"
#include "Logging.h"
2021-11-10 03:12:01 +01:00
#include <QDebug>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
namespace Parsers {
bool getDateTime(QJsonValue value, QDateTime& out)
if (!value.isString()) {
return false;
out = QDateTime::fromString(value.toString(), Qt::ISODate);
return out.isValid();
bool getString(QJsonValue value, QString& out)
if (!value.isString()) {
return false;
out = value.toString();
return true;
bool getNumber(QJsonValue value, double& out)
if (!value.isDouble()) {
return false;
out = value.toDouble();
return true;
bool getNumber(QJsonValue value, int64_t& out)
if (!value.isDouble()) {
return false;
out = (int64_t)value.toDouble();
return true;
bool getBool(QJsonValue value, bool& out)
if (!value.isBool()) {
return false;
out = value.toBool();
return true;
// TODO: handle error responses ...
// 2148916233 = missing XBox account
// 2148916238 = child account not linked to a family
bool parseXTokenResponse(QByteArray& data, Katabasis::Token& output, QString name)
qDebug() << "Parsing" << name << ":";
qCDebug(authCredentials()) << data;
QJsonParseError jsonError;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error) {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse response from user.auth.xboxlive.com as JSON: " << jsonError.errorString();
return false;
auto obj = doc.object();
if (!getDateTime(obj.value("IssueInstant"), output.issueInstant)) {
qWarning() << "User IssueInstant is not a timestamp";
return false;
if (!getDateTime(obj.value("NotAfter"), output.notAfter)) {
qWarning() << "User NotAfter is not a timestamp";
return false;
if (!getString(obj.value("Token"), output.token)) {
qWarning() << "User Token is not a string";
return false;
auto arrayVal = obj.value("DisplayClaims").toObject().value("xui");
if (!arrayVal.isArray()) {
qWarning() << "Missing xui claims array";
return false;
bool foundUHS = false;
for (auto item : arrayVal.toArray()) {
if (!item.isObject()) {
auto obj_ = item.toObject();
if (obj_.contains("uhs")) {
foundUHS = true;
} else {
// consume all 'display claims' ... whatever that means
for (auto iter = obj_.begin(); iter != obj_.end(); iter++) {
QString claim;
if (!getString(obj_.value(iter.key()), claim)) {
qWarning() << "display claim " << iter.key() << " is not a string...";
return false;
output.extra[iter.key()] = claim;
if (!foundUHS) {
qWarning() << "Missing uhs";
return false;
output.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Certain;
qDebug() << name << "is valid.";
return true;
bool parseMinecraftProfile(QByteArray& data, MinecraftProfile& output)
qDebug() << "Parsing Minecraft profile...";
qCDebug(authCredentials()) << data;
QJsonParseError jsonError;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error) {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse response from user.auth.xboxlive.com as JSON: " << jsonError.errorString();
return false;
auto obj = doc.object();
if (!getString(obj.value("id"), output.id)) {
qWarning() << "Minecraft profile id is not a string";
return false;
if (!getString(obj.value("name"), output.name)) {
qWarning() << "Minecraft profile name is not a string";
return false;
auto skinsArray = obj.value("skins").toArray();
for (auto skin : skinsArray) {
auto skinObj = skin.toObject();
Skin skinOut;
if (!getString(skinObj.value("id"), skinOut.id)) {
QString state;
if (!getString(skinObj.value("state"), state)) {
if (state != "ACTIVE") {
if (!getString(skinObj.value("url"), skinOut.url)) {
if (!getString(skinObj.value("variant"), skinOut.variant)) {
// we deal with only the active skin
output.skin = skinOut;
auto capesArray = obj.value("capes").toArray();
QString currentCape;
for (auto cape : capesArray) {
auto capeObj = cape.toObject();
Cape capeOut;
if (!getString(capeObj.value("id"), capeOut.id)) {
QString state;
if (!getString(capeObj.value("state"), state)) {
if (state == "ACTIVE") {
currentCape = capeOut.id;
if (!getString(capeObj.value("url"), capeOut.url)) {
if (!getString(capeObj.value("alias"), capeOut.alias)) {
output.capes[capeOut.id] = capeOut;
output.currentCape = currentCape;
output.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Certain;
return true;
namespace {
// these skin URLs are for the MHF_Steve and MHF_Alex accounts (made by a Mojang employee)
// they are needed because the session server doesn't return skin urls for default skins
static const QString SKIN_URL_STEVE =
static const QString SKIN_URL_ALEX =
bool isDefaultModelSteve(QString uuid)
// need to calculate *Java* hashCode of UUID
// if number is even, skin/model is steve, otherwise it is alex
// just in case dashes are in the id
if (uuid.size() != 32) {
return true;
// qulonglong is guaranteed to be 64 bits
// we need to use unsigned numbers to guarantee truncation below
qulonglong most = uuid.left(16).toULongLong(nullptr, 16);
qulonglong least = uuid.right(16).toULongLong(nullptr, 16);
qulonglong xored = most ^ least;
return ((static_cast<quint32>(xored >> 32)) ^ static_cast<quint32>(xored)) % 2 == 0;
} // namespace
Uses session server for skin/cape lookup instead of profile,
because locked Mojang accounts cannot access profile endpoint
ref: https://wiki.vg/Mojang_API#UUID_to_Profile_and_Skin.2FCape
"id": "<profile identifier>",
"name": "<player name>",
"properties": [
"name": "textures",
"value": "<base64 string>"
decoded base64 "value":
"timestamp": <java time in ms>,
"profileId": "<profile uuid>",
"profileName": "<player name>",
"textures": {
"SKIN": {
"url": "<player skin URL>"
"CAPE": {
"url": "<player cape URL>"
bool parseMinecraftProfileMojang(QByteArray& data, MinecraftProfile& output)
qDebug() << "Parsing Minecraft profile...";
qCDebug(authCredentials()) << data;
QJsonParseError jsonError;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error) {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse response as JSON: " << jsonError.errorString();
return false;
2022-04-25 14:08:27 -04:00
auto obj = Json::requireObject(doc, "mojang minecraft profile");
if (!getString(obj.value("id"), output.id)) {
qWarning() << "Minecraft profile id is not a string";
return false;
if (!getString(obj.value("name"), output.name)) {
qWarning() << "Minecraft profile name is not a string";
return false;
auto propsArray = obj.value("properties").toArray();
QByteArray texturePayload;
for (auto p : propsArray) {
auto pObj = p.toObject();
auto name = pObj.value("name");
if (!name.isString() || name.toString() != "textures") {
auto value = pObj.value("value");
if (value.isString()) {
texturePayload = QByteArray::fromBase64(value.toString().toUtf8(), QByteArray::AbortOnBase64DecodingErrors);
texturePayload = QByteArray::fromBase64(value.toString().toUtf8());
if (!texturePayload.isEmpty()) {
if (texturePayload.isNull()) {
qWarning() << "No texture payload data";
return false;
doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(texturePayload, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error) {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse response as JSON: " << jsonError.errorString();
return false;
2022-04-25 14:08:27 -04:00
obj = Json::requireObject(doc, "session texture payload");
auto textures = obj.value("textures");
if (!textures.isObject()) {
qWarning() << "No textures array in response";
return false;
Skin skinOut;
// fill in default skin info ourselves, as this endpoint doesn't provide it
bool steve = isDefaultModelSteve(output.id);
skinOut.variant = steve ? "classic" : "slim";
skinOut.url = steve ? SKIN_URL_STEVE : SKIN_URL_ALEX;
// sadly we can't figure this out, but I don't think it really matters...
skinOut.id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
Cape capeOut;
auto tObj = textures.toObject();
for (auto idx = tObj.constBegin(); idx != tObj.constEnd(); ++idx) {
if (idx->isObject()) {
if (idx.key() == "SKIN") {
auto skin = idx->toObject();
if (!getString(skin.value("url"), skinOut.url)) {
qWarning() << "Skin url is not a string";
return false;
auto maybeMeta = skin.find("metadata");
if (maybeMeta != skin.end() && maybeMeta->isObject()) {
auto meta = maybeMeta->toObject();
// might not be present
getString(meta.value("model"), skinOut.variant);
} else if (idx.key() == "CAPE") {
auto cape = idx->toObject();
if (!getString(cape.value("url"), capeOut.url)) {
qWarning() << "Cape url is not a string";
return false;
// we don't know the cape ID as it is not returned from the session server
// so just fake it - changing capes is probably locked anyway :(
capeOut.alias = "cape";
output.skin = skinOut;
if (capeOut.alias == "cape") {
output.capes = QMap<QString, Cape>({ { capeOut.alias, capeOut } });
output.currentCape = capeOut.alias;
output.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Certain;
return true;
bool parseMinecraftEntitlements(QByteArray& data, MinecraftEntitlement& output)
qDebug() << "Parsing Minecraft entitlements...";
qCDebug(authCredentials()) << data;
QJsonParseError jsonError;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error) {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse response from user.auth.xboxlive.com as JSON: " << jsonError.errorString();
return false;
auto obj = doc.object();
output.canPlayMinecraft = false;
output.ownsMinecraft = false;
auto itemsArray = obj.value("items").toArray();
for (auto item : itemsArray) {
auto itemObj = item.toObject();
QString name;
if (!getString(itemObj.value("name"), name)) {
if (name == "game_minecraft") {
output.canPlayMinecraft = true;
if (name == "product_minecraft") {
output.ownsMinecraft = true;
output.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Certain;
return true;
bool parseRolloutResponse(QByteArray& data, bool& result)
qDebug() << "Parsing Rollout response...";
qCDebug(authCredentials()) << data;
QJsonParseError jsonError;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error) {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse response from https://api.minecraftservices.com/rollout/v1/msamigration as JSON: "
<< jsonError.errorString();
return false;
auto obj = doc.object();
QString feature;
if (!getString(obj.value("feature"), feature)) {
qWarning() << "Rollout feature is not a string";
return false;
if (feature != "msamigration") {
qWarning() << "Rollout feature is not what we expected (msamigration), but is instead \"" << feature << "\"";
return false;
if (!getBool(obj.value("rollout"), result)) {
qWarning() << "Rollout feature is not a string";
return false;
return true;
bool parseMojangResponse(QByteArray& data, Katabasis::Token& output)
QJsonParseError jsonError;
qDebug() << "Parsing Mojang response...";
qCDebug(authCredentials()) << data;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error) {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse response from api.minecraftservices.com/launcher/login as JSON: " << jsonError.errorString();
return false;
auto obj = doc.object();
double expires_in = 0;
if (!getNumber(obj.value("expires_in"), expires_in)) {
qWarning() << "expires_in is not a valid number";
return false;
auto currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
output.issueInstant = currentTime;
output.notAfter = currentTime.addSecs(expires_in);
QString username;
if (!getString(obj.value("username"), username)) {
qWarning() << "username is not valid";
return false;
// TODO: it's a JWT... validate it?
if (!getString(obj.value("access_token"), output.token)) {
qWarning() << "access_token is not valid";
return false;
output.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Certain;
qDebug() << "Mojang response is valid.";
return true;
} // namespace Parsers