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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
* Prism Launcher - Minecraft Launcher
* Copyright (C) 2022 Sefa Eyeoglu <contact@scrumplex.net>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
* permission notice:
* Copyright 2013-2021 MultiMC Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "AccountData.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QUuid>
namespace {
void tokenToJSONV3(QJsonObject& parent, Katabasis::Token t, const char* tokenName)
if (!t.persistent) {
QJsonObject out;
if (t.issueInstant.isValid()) {
out["iat"] = QJsonValue(t.issueInstant.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000);
if (t.notAfter.isValid()) {
out["exp"] = QJsonValue(t.notAfter.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000);
bool save = false;
if (!t.token.isEmpty()) {
out["token"] = QJsonValue(t.token);
save = true;
if (!t.refresh_token.isEmpty()) {
out["refresh_token"] = QJsonValue(t.refresh_token);
save = true;
if (t.extra.size()) {
out["extra"] = QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(t.extra);
save = true;
if (save) {
parent[tokenName] = out;
Katabasis::Token tokenFromJSONV3(const QJsonObject& parent, const char* tokenName)
Katabasis::Token out;
auto tokenObject = parent.value(tokenName).toObject();
if (tokenObject.isEmpty()) {
return out;
auto issueInstant = tokenObject.value("iat");
if (issueInstant.isDouble()) {
out.issueInstant = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(((int64_t)issueInstant.toDouble()) * 1000);
auto notAfter = tokenObject.value("exp");
if (notAfter.isDouble()) {
out.notAfter = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(((int64_t)notAfter.toDouble()) * 1000);
auto token = tokenObject.value("token");
if (token.isString()) {
out.token = token.toString();
out.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Assumed;
auto refresh_token = tokenObject.value("refresh_token");
if (refresh_token.isString()) {
out.refresh_token = refresh_token.toString();
auto extra = tokenObject.value("extra");
if (extra.isObject()) {
out.extra = extra.toObject().toVariantMap();
return out;
void profileToJSONV3(QJsonObject& parent, MinecraftProfile p, const char* tokenName)
if (p.id.isEmpty()) {
QJsonObject out;
out["id"] = QJsonValue(p.id);
out["name"] = QJsonValue(p.name);
if (!p.currentCape.isEmpty()) {
out["cape"] = p.currentCape;
QJsonObject skinObj;
skinObj["id"] = p.skin.id;
skinObj["url"] = p.skin.url;
skinObj["variant"] = p.skin.variant;
if (p.skin.data.size()) {
skinObj["data"] = QString::fromLatin1(p.skin.data.toBase64());
out["skin"] = skinObj;
QJsonArray capesArray;
for (auto& cape : p.capes) {
QJsonObject capeObj;
capeObj["id"] = cape.id;
capeObj["url"] = cape.url;
capeObj["alias"] = cape.alias;
if (cape.data.size()) {
capeObj["data"] = QString::fromLatin1(cape.data.toBase64());
out["capes"] = capesArray;
parent[tokenName] = out;
MinecraftProfile profileFromJSONV3(const QJsonObject& parent, const char* tokenName)
MinecraftProfile out;
auto tokenObject = parent.value(tokenName).toObject();
if (tokenObject.isEmpty()) {
return out;
auto idV = tokenObject.value("id");
auto nameV = tokenObject.value("name");
if (!idV.isString() || !nameV.isString()) {
qWarning() << "mandatory profile attributes are missing or of unexpected type";
return MinecraftProfile();
out.name = nameV.toString();
out.id = idV.toString();
auto skinV = tokenObject.value("skin");
if (!skinV.isObject()) {
qWarning() << "skin is missing";
return MinecraftProfile();
auto skinObj = skinV.toObject();
auto idV = skinObj.value("id");
auto urlV = skinObj.value("url");
auto variantV = skinObj.value("variant");
if (!idV.isString() || !urlV.isString() || !variantV.isString()) {
qWarning() << "mandatory skin attributes are missing or of unexpected type";
return MinecraftProfile();
out.skin.id = idV.toString();
out.skin.url = urlV.toString();
out.skin.variant = variantV.toString();
// data for skin is optional
auto dataV = skinObj.value("data");
if (dataV.isString()) {
// TODO: validate base64
out.skin.data = QByteArray::fromBase64(dataV.toString().toLatin1());
} else if (!dataV.isUndefined()) {
qWarning() << "skin data is something unexpected";
return MinecraftProfile();
auto capesV = tokenObject.value("capes");
if (!capesV.isArray()) {
qWarning() << "capes is not an array!";
return MinecraftProfile();
auto capesArray = capesV.toArray();
for (auto capeV : capesArray) {
if (!capeV.isObject()) {
qWarning() << "cape is not an object!";
return MinecraftProfile();
auto capeObj = capeV.toObject();
auto idV = capeObj.value("id");
auto urlV = capeObj.value("url");
auto aliasV = capeObj.value("alias");
if (!idV.isString() || !urlV.isString() || !aliasV.isString()) {
qWarning() << "mandatory skin attributes are missing or of unexpected type";
return MinecraftProfile();
Cape cape;
cape.id = idV.toString();
cape.url = urlV.toString();
cape.alias = aliasV.toString();
// data for cape is optional.
auto dataV = capeObj.value("data");
if (dataV.isString()) {
// TODO: validate base64
cape.data = QByteArray::fromBase64(dataV.toString().toLatin1());
} else if (!dataV.isUndefined()) {
qWarning() << "cape data is something unexpected";
return MinecraftProfile();
out.capes[cape.id] = cape;
// current cape
auto capeV = tokenObject.value("cape");
if (capeV.isString()) {
auto currentCape = capeV.toString();
if (out.capes.contains(currentCape)) {
out.currentCape = currentCape;
out.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Assumed;
return out;
void entitlementToJSONV3(QJsonObject& parent, MinecraftEntitlement p)
if (p.validity == Katabasis::Validity::None) {
QJsonObject out;
out["ownsMinecraft"] = QJsonValue(p.ownsMinecraft);
out["canPlayMinecraft"] = QJsonValue(p.canPlayMinecraft);
parent["entitlement"] = out;
bool entitlementFromJSONV3(const QJsonObject& parent, MinecraftEntitlement& out)
auto entitlementObject = parent.value("entitlement").toObject();
if (entitlementObject.isEmpty()) {
return false;
auto ownsMinecraftV = entitlementObject.value("ownsMinecraft");
auto canPlayMinecraftV = entitlementObject.value("canPlayMinecraft");
if (!ownsMinecraftV.isBool() || !canPlayMinecraftV.isBool()) {
qWarning() << "mandatory attributes are missing or of unexpected type";
return false;
out.canPlayMinecraft = canPlayMinecraftV.toBool(false);
out.ownsMinecraft = ownsMinecraftV.toBool(false);
out.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Assumed;
return true;
} // namespace
bool AccountData::resumeStateFromV3(QJsonObject data)
auto typeV = data.value("type");
if (!typeV.isString()) {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse account data: type is missing.";
return false;
auto typeS = typeV.toString();
if (typeS == "MSA") {
type = AccountType::MSA;
2022-01-17 12:08:10 +01:00
} else if (typeS == "Offline") {
type = AccountType::Offline;
} else {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse account data: type is not recognized.";
return false;
if (type == AccountType::MSA) {
auto clientIDV = data.value("msa-client-id");
if (clientIDV.isString()) {
msaClientID = clientIDV.toString();
} // leave msaClientID empty if it doesn't exist or isn't a string
msaToken = tokenFromJSONV3(data, "msa");
userToken = tokenFromJSONV3(data, "utoken");
xboxApiToken = tokenFromJSONV3(data, "xrp-main");
mojangservicesToken = tokenFromJSONV3(data, "xrp-mc");
yggdrasilToken = tokenFromJSONV3(data, "ygg");
// versions before 7.2 used "offline" as the offline token
if (yggdrasilToken.token == "offline")
yggdrasilToken.token = "0";
minecraftProfile = profileFromJSONV3(data, "profile");
if (!entitlementFromJSONV3(data, minecraftEntitlement)) {
if (minecraftProfile.validity != Katabasis::Validity::None) {
minecraftEntitlement.canPlayMinecraft = true;
minecraftEntitlement.ownsMinecraft = true;
minecraftEntitlement.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Assumed;
validity_ = minecraftProfile.validity;
return true;
QJsonObject AccountData::saveState() const
QJsonObject output;
if (type == AccountType::MSA) {
output["type"] = "MSA";
output["msa-client-id"] = msaClientID;
tokenToJSONV3(output, msaToken, "msa");
tokenToJSONV3(output, userToken, "utoken");
tokenToJSONV3(output, xboxApiToken, "xrp-main");
tokenToJSONV3(output, mojangservicesToken, "xrp-mc");
} else if (type == AccountType::Offline) {
2022-01-17 12:08:10 +01:00
output["type"] = "Offline";
tokenToJSONV3(output, yggdrasilToken, "ygg");
profileToJSONV3(output, minecraftProfile, "profile");
entitlementToJSONV3(output, minecraftEntitlement);
return output;
QString AccountData::accessToken() const
return yggdrasilToken.token;
QString AccountData::profileId() const
return minecraftProfile.id;
QString AccountData::profileName() const
if (minecraftProfile.name.size() == 0) {
return QObject::tr("No profile (%1)").arg(accountDisplayString());
} else {
return minecraftProfile.name;
QString AccountData::accountDisplayString() const
switch (type) {
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case AccountType::Offline: {
return QObject::tr("<Offline>");
2022-01-17 12:08:10 +01:00
case AccountType::MSA: {
if (xboxApiToken.extra.contains("gtg")) {
return xboxApiToken.extra["gtg"].toString();
return "Xbox profile missing";
default: {
return "Invalid Account";
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QString AccountData::lastError() const
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return errorString;