#!/usr/bin/python # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url import json import shlex import tarfile import os import os.path import shutil import tempfile import urllib.parse DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: aur short_description: Manage packages from the AUR description: - Manage packages from the Arch User Repository (AUR) author: - Kewl options: name: description: - Name or list of names of the package(s) to install or upgrade. state: description: - Desired state of the package. default: present choices: [ present, latest ] upgrade: description: - Whether or not to upgrade whole system. default: no type: bool update_cache: description: - Whether or not to update_cache the package cache. default: no type: bool use: description: - The tool to use, 'auto' uses the first known helper found and makepkg as a fallback. default: auto choices: [ auto, yay, paru, pacaur, trizen, pikaur, aurman, makepkg ] extra_args: description: - Arguments to pass to the tool. Requires that the 'use' option be set to something other than 'auto'. type: str skip_pgp_check: description: - Only valid with makepkg. Skip PGP signatures verification of source file. This is useful when installing packages without GnuPG (properly) configured. Cannot be used unless use is set to 'makepkg'. type: bool default: no ignore_arch: description: - Only valid with makepkg. Ignore a missing or incomplete arch field, useful when the PKGBUILD does not have the arch=('yourarch') field. Cannot be used unless use is set to 'makepkg'. type: bool default: no aur_only: description: - Limit helper operation to the AUR. type: bool default: no local_pkgbuild: description: - Only valid with makepkg or pikaur. Directory with PKGBUILD and build files. Cannot be used unless use is set to 'makepkg' or 'pikaur'. type: path default: no notes: - When used with a `loop:` each package will be processed individually, it is much more efficient to pass the list directly to the `name` option. ''' RETURN = ''' msg: description: action that has been taken helper: description: the helper that was actually used ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Install trizen using makepkg, skip if trizen is already installed aur: name=trizen use=makepkg state=present become: yes become_user: aur_builder ''' def_lang = ['env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANGUAGE=C'] use_cmd = { 'yay': ['yay', '-S', '--noconfirm', '--needed', '--cleanafter'], 'paru': ['paru', '-S', '--noconfirm', '--needed', '--cleanafter'], 'pacaur': ['pacaur', '-S', '--noconfirm', '--noedit', '--needed'], 'trizen': ['trizen', '-S', '--noconfirm', '--noedit', '--needed'], 'pikaur': ['pikaur', '-S', '--noconfirm', '--noedit', '--needed'], 'aurman': ['aurman', '-S', '--noconfirm', '--noedit', '--needed', '--skip_news', '--pgp_fetch', '--skip_new_locations'], 'makepkg': ['makepkg', '--syncdeps', '--install', '--noconfirm', '--needed'] } use_cmd_local_pkgbuild = { 'pikaur': ['pikaur', '-P', '--noconfirm', '--noedit', '--needed', '--install'], 'makepkg': ['makepkg', '--syncdeps', '--install', '--noconfirm', '--needed'] } has_aur_option = ['yay', 'paru', 'pacaur', 'trizen', 'pikaur', 'aurman'] def package_installed(module, package): """ Determine if the package is already installed """ rc, _, _ = module.run_command(['pacman', '-Q', package], check_rc=False) return rc == 0 def check_packages(module, packages): """ Inform the user what would change if the module were run """ would_be_changed = [] diff = { 'before': '', 'after': '', } for package in packages: installed = package_installed(module, package) if not installed: would_be_changed.append(package) if module._diff: diff['after'] += package + "\n" if would_be_changed: status = True if len(packages) > 1: message = '{} package(s) would be installed'.format(len(would_be_changed)) else: message = 'package would be installed' else: status = False if len(packages) > 1: message = 'all packages are already installed' else: message = 'package is already installed' module.exit_json(changed=status, msg=message, diff=diff) def build_command_prefix(use, extra_args, skip_pgp_check=False, ignore_arch=False, aur_only=False, local_pkgbuild=None, update_cache=False): """ Create the prefix of a command that can be used by the install and upgrade functions. """ if local_pkgbuild: command = def_lang + use_cmd_local_pkgbuild[use] else: command = def_lang + use_cmd[use] if skip_pgp_check: command.append('--skippgpcheck') if ignore_arch: command.append('--ignorearch') if aur_only and use in has_aur_option: command.append('--aur') if local_pkgbuild and use != 'makepkg': command.append(local_pkgbuild) if update_cache: command.append('-y') if extra_args: command += shlex.split(extra_args) return command def install_with_makepkg(module, package, extra_args, skip_pgp_check, ignore_arch, local_pkgbuild=None): """ Install the specified package or a local PKGBUILD with makepkg """ if not local_pkgbuild: module.get_bin_path('fakeroot', required=True) f = open_url('https://aur.archlinux.org/rpc/?v=5&type=info&arg={}'.format(urllib.parse.quote(package))) result = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf8')) if result['resultcount'] != 1: return (1, '', 'package {} not found'.format(package)) result = result['results'][0] f = open_url('https://aur.archlinux.org/{}'.format(result['URLPath'])) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: if local_pkgbuild: shutil.copytree(local_pkgbuild, tmpdir, dirs_exist_ok=True) command = build_command_prefix('makepkg', extra_args) rc, out, err = module.run_command(command, cwd=tmpdir, check_rc=True) else: tar = tarfile.open(mode='r|*', fileobj=f) tar.extractall(tmpdir) tar.close() command = build_command_prefix('makepkg', extra_args, skip_pgp_check=skip_pgp_check, ignore_arch=ignore_arch) rc, out, err = module.run_command(command, cwd=os.path.join(tmpdir, result['Name']), check_rc=True) return (rc, out, err) def install_local_package(module, package, use, extra_args, local_pkgbuild): """ Install the specified package with a local PKGBUILD """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: shutil.copytree(local_pkgbuild, tmpdir, dirs_exist_ok=True) command = build_command_prefix(use, extra_args, local_pkgbuild=tmpdir + '/PKGBUILD') rc, out, err = module.run_command(command, check_rc=True) return (rc, out, err) def check_upgrade(module, use): """ Inform user how many packages would be upgraded """ rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command([use, '-Qu'], check_rc=True) data = stdout.split('\n') data.remove('') module.exit_json( changed=len(data) > 0, msg="{} package(s) would be upgraded".format(len(data)), helper=use, ) def upgrade(module, use, extra_args, aur_only, update_cache): """ Upgrade the whole system """ assert use in use_cmd command = build_command_prefix(use, extra_args, aur_only=aur_only, update_cache=update_cache) command.append('-u') rc, out, err = module.run_command(command, check_rc=True) module.exit_json( changed=not (out == '' or 'nothing to do' in out.lower() or 'No AUR updates found' in out), msg='upgraded system', helper=use, ) def install_packages(module, packages, use, extra_args, state, skip_pgp_check, ignore_arch, aur_only, local_pkgbuild, update_cache): """ Install the specified packages """ if local_pkgbuild: assert use in use_cmd_local_pkgbuild else: assert use in use_cmd changed_iter = False for package in packages: if state == 'present': if package_installed(module, package): rc = 0 continue if use == 'makepkg': rc, out, err = install_with_makepkg(module, package, extra_args, skip_pgp_check, ignore_arch, local_pkgbuild) elif local_pkgbuild: rc, out, err = install_local_package(module, package, use, extra_args, local_pkgbuild) else: command = build_command_prefix(use, extra_args, aur_only=aur_only, update_cache=update_cache) command.append(package) rc, out, err = module.run_command(command, check_rc=True) changed_iter = changed_iter or not (out == '' or '-- skipping' in out or 'nothing to do' in out.lower()) message = 'installed package(s)' if changed_iter else 'package(s) already installed' module.exit_json( changed=changed_iter, msg=message if not rc else err, helper=use, rc=rc, ) def make_module(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec={ 'name': { 'type': 'list', }, 'state': { 'default': 'present', 'choices': ['present', 'latest'], }, 'upgrade': { 'type': 'bool', }, 'update_cache': { 'default': False, 'type': 'bool', }, 'use': { 'default': 'auto', 'choices': ['auto'] + list(use_cmd.keys()), }, 'extra_args': { 'default': None, 'type': 'str', }, 'skip_pgp_check': { 'default': False, 'type': 'bool', }, 'ignore_arch': { 'default': False, 'type': 'bool', }, 'aur_only': { 'default': False, 'type': 'bool', }, 'local_pkgbuild': { 'default': None, 'type': 'path', }, }, mutually_exclusive=[['name', 'upgrade']], required_one_of=[['name', 'upgrade']], supports_check_mode=True ) params = module.params use = params['use'] if params['name'] == []: module.fail_json(msg="'name' cannot be empty.") if use == 'auto': if params['extra_args'] is not None: module.fail_json(msg="'extra_args' cannot be used with 'auto', a tool must be specified.") use = 'makepkg' # auto: select the first helper for which the bin is found for k in use_cmd: if module.get_bin_path(k): use = k break if use != 'makepkg' and (params['skip_pgp_check'] or params['ignore_arch']): module.fail_json(msg="This option is only available with 'makepkg'.") if not (use in use_cmd_local_pkgbuild) and params['local_pkgbuild']: module.fail_json(msg="This option is not available with '%s'" % use) if params['local_pkgbuild'] and not os.path.isdir(params['local_pkgbuild']): module.fail_json(msg="Directory %s not found" % (params['local_pkgbuild'])) if params['local_pkgbuild'] and not os.access(params['local_pkgbuild'] + '/PKGBUILD', os.R_OK): module.fail_json(msg="PKGBUILD inside %s not readable" % (params['local_pkgbuild'])) if params.get('upgrade', False) and use == 'makepkg': module.fail_json(msg="The 'upgrade' action cannot be used with 'makepkg'.") return module, use def apply_module(module, use): params = module.params if params.get('upgrade', False): if module.check_mode: check_upgrade(module, use) else: upgrade(module, use, params['extra_args'], params['aur_only'], params['update_cache']) else: if module.check_mode: check_packages(module, params['name']) else: install_packages(module, params['name'], use, params['extra_args'], params['state'], params['skip_pgp_check'], params['ignore_arch'], params['aur_only'], params['local_pkgbuild'], params['update_cache']) def main(): module, use = make_module() apply_module(module, use) if __name__ == '__main__': main()