Clean up according to shellcheck

This commit is contained in:
CactiChameleon9 2024-12-24 11:38:26 +00:00
parent 125995cba3
commit a6c872adae

View File

@ -15,20 +15,22 @@ update_cache() {
get_number_of_search_pages() {
local results=$(curl "${search_args}" -s | jq '.searchResults.totalItems')
local results
results=$(curl "${search_args}" -s | jq '.searchResults.totalItems')
if [[ $(($results % recipies_per_search)) == 0 ]]; then
echo $(($results / $recipies_per_search))
if [[ $((results % recipies_per_search)) == 0 ]]; then
echo $((results / recipies_per_search))
echo $(($results / $recipies_per_search + 1))
echo $((results / recipies_per_search + 1))
get_main_ingredients() {
local data
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
local data=$cache
local data=$(curl $1 -s)
data=$(curl "$1" -s)
echo "$data" | htmlq -p | grep '<a class="link link--styled" data-component="Link" href="/glossary/.*">.*</a>' | sed 's/^.*<a class="link link--styled" data-component="Link" href=".*">//' | sed 's/<\/a>.*//' | sed 's/,//'
@ -36,10 +38,11 @@ get_main_ingredients() {
get_page_json() { # Unused - but could be helpful for expanding this out layer
local data
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
local data=$cache
local data=$(curl $1 -s)
data=$(curl "$1" -s)
echo "$data" | htmlq -p | grep '<script data-testid="page-schema" type="application/ld+json">' -A1 | tail -n1 | sed 's/<\/script>//' | jq
@ -48,7 +51,8 @@ get_page_json() { # Unused - but could be helpful for expanding this out layer
get_simple_search_json() {
local page=$1
local data=$(curl "${recipies_per_search}&page=${page}&${search_args}" -s)
local data
data=$(curl "${recipies_per_search}&page=${page}&${search_args}" -s)
echo "$data" | jq '.searchResults.items[] | {
title: .title,
@ -61,7 +65,8 @@ get_simple_search_json() {
get_search_urls() {
local page=$1
local data=$(curl "${recipies_per_search}&page=${page}&${search_args}" -s)
local data
data=$(curl "${recipies_per_search}&page=${page}&${search_args}" -s)
echo "$data" | jq -r '.searchResults.items[] | "\(.url)"'
@ -78,7 +83,7 @@ echo "Scraping $total_search_pages search pages"
echo "Each has a max of $recipies_per_search recipes"
# For each of the search pages...
for page in $(seq $total_search_pages); do
for page in $(seq "$total_search_pages"); do
# for page in {1..2}; do # For testing only do a few pages
echo "Starting search page $page..."
@ -86,21 +91,21 @@ for page in $(seq $total_search_pages); do
declare -A main_ingredients
# Get the search urls and grab their main ingredients
urls=$(get_search_urls $page)
urls=$(get_search_urls "$page")
declare -i count=0
for url in $(get_search_urls $page); do
for url in $urls; do
echo "Recipe $count done"
ingredients=$(get_main_ingredients $url)
ingredients=$(get_main_ingredients "$url")
main_ingredients[$count]=$(echo "$ingredients" | awk '$1=$1' ORS=' - ' | sed 's/ - $//')
sleep $throttling
sleep "$throttling"
# Now process each simple_json from the search page adding in the ingredients
# and then adding it to the final json array
for result in $(get_simple_search_json $page); do
for result in $(get_simple_search_json "$page"); do
json=$(echo "$result" | jq ". + {\"ingredients\": \"$ingredients\"}")
json_results=$(echo "$json_results" | jq ". + [$json]")
@ -111,14 +116,14 @@ for page in $(seq $total_search_pages); do
# Print that final json array
echo $json_results | jq
echo "$json_results" | jq
# Save json file
echo $json_results | jq > goodFoodData.json
echo "$json_results" | jq > goodFoodData.json
# Save CSV
echo "Title,Url,Rating,Time,Skill,Ingredients" > goodFoodData.csv
echo $json_results | jq -r '.[] | [
echo "$json_results" | jq -r '.[] | [